republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It isn’t surprising that this ugly little episode in the Left’s ongoing efforts to erase our history and make us ashamed of being Americans would happen at the University at Buffalo, where everything that is wrong with academic life in America today thrives and is praised. I spoke there a few years ago, or tried to. What actually happened was that I was screamed at by self-righteous Leftist fascists for an hour and a half while university security personnel stood by and watched, and made no attempt to do anything to create the basis for a civil discussion. But the University at Buffalo is no outlier. It is all too typical.

My latest at PJ Media:

Having successfully taken down monuments to those notable defenders of slavery Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and Frederick Douglass, the outraged mob of our Leftist moral superiors has now prevailed against a lesser light of the bad old, not yet “fundamentally transformed” America. The College Fix reported Tuesday that “the University at Buffalo will be removing former U.S. President Millard Fillmore’s name from campus, citing ‘systemic racism’ and his support of the Compromise of 1850.”
This will require the renaming of the Millard Fillmore Academic Center, “which contains several academic departments, student dormitories, a theater, and other services,” and which “will now be referred to as simply the Academic Center.”In this case, the mob behind this latest act of historical vandalism is made up of university administrators, who announced that “#UBuffalo will remove the names Millard Fillmore, James O. Putnam and Peter B. Porter from four locations at UB, a decision that aligns with the university’s commitment to fight systemic racism and create a welcoming environment for all.” UB President Satish Tripathi said: “Clearly, historical namings on our campus—whether academic buildings, residential halls, interior spaces or thoroughfares—carry important symbolic value. We want to ensure that these symbols align with our mission—namely, that we are a diverse, inclusive scholarly community.”Tripathi either doesn’t know or doesn’t care about the fact that Fillmore actually said: “God knows that I detest slavery, but it is an existing evil, for which we are not responsible, and we must endure it, till we can get rid of it without destroying the last hope of free government in the world.” Despite this, however, as President of the United States, he signed the Fugitive Slave Act, a law requiring antislavery Northerners to return escaped slaves to their owners in the South.Fillmore did this not because he thought slavery was wonderful, but because he was constrained, as all presidents are, by the political exigencies of the day….

There is an antidote to the Left’s assault on our history. Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster is an evaluation of the Presidents of the U.S. from an America-First standpoint, and a brisk reminder of what has made America great. When the authoritarians, totalitarians, and fascists are attacking our history, it’s all the more important that we know and cherish that history.

There is much more. Read the rest here.


Christian researcher