SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2020/06/pope-calls-for-establishment-of-pathways-for-hundreds-of-thousands-of-muslim-migrants-to-settle-in-europe;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Muslim migrants should be seeking ways to settle in Islamic countries, not Europe. “Since the 2011 revolution, the Salafist current has been expanding across Libya, taking over mosques, opening schools and establishing media outlets.” These issues have no place in the EU. In the words of the Dalai Lama:

With too many Muslim migrants, “the continent could become ‘Muslim’ or ‘African’…..Only a ‘limited number’ of migrants should be permitted to reside in Europe…“Receive them, help them, educate them, but ultimately they should develop their own country….I think Europe belongs to the Europeans.”

The Islamic surge into the EU, enabled by EU leaders, is a quiet takeover. Normative Islam is not consistent with democracy. It is rooted in the Sharia. While the Pope has been safely hidden away in the Vatican, he has been a foremost voice in promoting indiscriminate mass migration, to the detriment of the EU.

Meanwhile,  a network of Muslim converts, who face the death penalty for apostasy from Islam, are denouncing the Pope’s Muslim-Catholic dialogue initiatives as a deceptive exercise in proselytizing for Islam. Despite Islamic persecution of Christians and Islam’s supremacist teachings against infidels, the Pope continues to promote Islam. Marcello Pera, a prominent Italian intellectual, has accused the Pope of “hating the West, aspiring to destroy it and its Christian tradition.”

“Pope Francis Urges Creation of ‘Pathways’ for Migrants in Libya,” by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, June 14, 2020:

ROME — Pope Francis has called for an end to violence in Libya as well as the establishment of “pathways” for the hundreds of thousands of migrants wishing to travel to Europe.

“I am following the dramatic situation in Libya with great apprehension and sorrow,” the pope said at the end of his Angelus prayer in Saint Peter’s Square Sunday.

“It has been present in my prayer in recent days. Please, I urge international bodies and those who have political and military responsibilities to recommence with conviction and resolve the search for a path towards an end to the violence, leading to peace, stability and unity in the country,” he said.

“I also pray for the thousands of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons in Libya,” the pontiff continued. “The health situation has aggravated the already precarious conditions in which they find themselves, making them more vulnerable to forms of exploitation and violence. There is cruelty.”

“I call on the international community to please take their plight to heart, identifying pathways and providing means to provide them with the protection they need, a dignified condition and a hopeful future,” he said. “Brothers and sisters, we are all responsible for this. No one can consider him or herself dispensed from this.”

The United Nations released a report in late May declaring that hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees are currently residing in Libya while awaiting an opportunity to travel across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

“The global crisis caused by the pandemic is unprecedented and it is difficult to predict its impact on human trafficking and migrant smuggling,” the report stated, adding that the severe economic consequences of prolonged lockdowns could provoke a surge of migration from various countries.