republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
Muslim countries routinely harass citizens who convert to Christianity on the one hand, while at the same time trying to hide them from the public discourse. For instance, any change in religion will never be reflected on one’s national ID card, as revealing the true number of conversions to Christianity in any official capacity would lead to unrest.
In 2006, the Algerian government issued a repressive law prohibiting all non-Islamic religious practices in the absence of direct approval from the authorities. The law goes so far as to prohibit Christians and other non-Muslims to speak publicly about their faith for fear of influencing Muslims. Any Muslim accused of approaching Christians for the purpose of learning more about their faith or beliefs could face five years in prison and a hefty fine.
In countries of asylum, usually in the West, Christian converts (sometimes called “Muslim Background Believers”) find assistance and protection from abuse. In Muslim societies, they can find neither work nor housing. Most also lose all connection to their families.
The Christian converts usually avoid speaking out against their former faith in order to protect themselves. According to Qatari news channel Al-Jazeera, in Africa alone there are six million who have converted to Christianity.
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the leading Muslim scholars in the world, announced that Sharia Law should be imposed on Christian converts, because they are an existential threat to Islam, which recognizes no freedom of personal belief. One example of this happened in 2011 in Minya, Egypt, where a government-run school tried to compel all students, including Christians, to wear the Islamic veil, even though there was no civil law requiring them to do so. All of the Christian students complied, except for 14-year-old Ferial Habib, who was expelled for eight days for defying the Islamic edict.
In Iran, Saudi Arabia, northern Nigeria, and many other parts of the Islamic world, instructions for Islamic dress in government schools and in public life apply to everyone, regardless of religious affiliation.
In the Gaza Strip, where 3,000 Christians live, Hamas has taken steps to Islamize daily life, especially in the field of education. Since 2009, it has imposed a law on all girls in government educational institutions by compelling them to wear Islamic clothing: a long robe and a headscarf. Christian students are also obligated to submit to these regulations.
In Algeria, two Christian construction workers were arrested in 2010 because they had lunch during the month of Ramadan in a room set up near the workshop. The public prosecutor requested that they be sentenced to three years in prison. In the end, they were acquitted.
In Indonesia, shops and factories are forced to close during Ramadan, thereby stripping Christians of their personal freedom. Every day, discrimination occurs in daily life against Christians, starting with the denial of jobs and the destruction of livelihoods, through the inadmissibility of Christians as they are.
Germany has four million Muslims. According to one recent study, 53.4 percent of those surveyed believe that Islam is the only true religion. Forty-five percent of them think that Islam alone is the religion that can solve the problems of the world.
Over 50 percent believe that Islam will dominate the world, while 47.2 percent believe that every good Muslim is obligated to proselytize non-Muslims. The Christian religion is unable to safeguard its own moral values, believe 55.9 percent of respondents, with 71 percent pointing to the lack of sexual morality in the “Christian” West.
I firmly believe that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is digging her own grave and the grave of the German people by opening the gates to immigration without restrictions for Muslims coming to Germany. In a report appearing recently on a German news channel, it was revealed that about 60,000 young Muslims had come to Germany to seek work and asylum in recent years. Local Salafist mosques quickly entice these young Muslims and brainwash them to join the jihad against non-Muslims.
European societies have not addressed the root of the problem, so the consequences for them will be disastrous, as we have already seen with, for example, the Paris bombings, which were just the tip of the iceberg.