Since many people have been asking, yes, Outreach 2020, the #LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference, is still on track. It will be held at Fordham University’s Rose Hill Campus from June 18-20. We should have registration information up within a few days. Stay tuned!

Founded in 1841, Fordham is the Jesuit University of New York, offering exceptional education distinguished by the Jesuit tradition across nine schools. Fordham awards baccalaureate, graduate, and professional degrees to approximately 16,000 students from Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, the Gabelli School of Business (undergraduate and graduate), the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, the Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences, Education, Religion and Religious Education, and Social Service, and the School of Law. The University has residential campuses in the Bronx and Manhattan, a campus in West Harrison, N.Y., the Louis Calder Center Biological Field Station in Armonk, N.Y., and the London Centre, Clerkenwell, in the United Kingdom.

Catholic Priest Confirms Pro-Gay 

Catholic Outreach Conference in June 2020 

at Prominent Catholic University

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The Roman Catholic Church is on the fast track to a new identity when it comes to homosexual inclusion. Under the current pope, the church has made significant strides toward apostasy — and I use that term loosely since the Roman Catholic Church is not a true Church — in the realm of social doctrine.
One outspoken pro-gay Jesuit priest, James Martin, recently announced and confirmed a major pro-gay Catholic conference which is to be held at Fordham University in June 2020.
According to the event’s website, the gathering of sodomites will be hosted by the school’s department of Theology along with St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church and will be a “Global Conversation” in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and World Pride 2019.”
“The Catholic Church is undergoing a period of revolutionary change in its relationship to the LGBTQ+ community,” the website reads, “Parishes and dioceses around the world are discerning and implementing new forms of pastoral ministry and advocacy on behalf of the LGBTQ+ Catholic community. What does this movement look like outside of the U.S.? How can members of the LGBTQ+ community in the U.S. support activists around the world?”
While the vast majority of the professing Church is abandoning the faith altogether to remain culturally relevant, rest assured that God has a remnant that will not cave. That remnant, however, is a very small minority. Tough times are ahead for true believers.

Catholic University to sponsor LGBT event

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
On November 13, 2019, Fr. James Martin, S.J., "was delighted to announce" a 2020 outreach conference for LGBT at the Jesuit Fordham University in New York City.

Speakers will include Bishop John Stowe, O.F.M. of Lexington, Kentucky; Sr. Jeannine Gramick, S.L. of New Ways Ministry; Father Bryan Massingale of Fordham; Siva Subburaman of Georgetown University; and Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., former master general of the Dominican Order.

For more, read Lianne Laurence's article here.

We see that in the wake of Pope Francis, the Conciliar Church in the United States and, principally, the Jesuits are going full-steam into the pro-homosexual agenda.

In France also, last row below, the ex-Catholic Hierarchy is not far behind. On November 18, the Diocese of Poitiers officially promoted a gathering for homosexuals and transsexuals. The poster reads:

After Eight

Friday, October 18, 2019, at 19:00hs
Saint Porchaire Room (behind the church)
47, Gambetta Street, dowtown Poitiers

You have a homosexual or transsexual orientation
You live alone or as a couple...

You believe in heaven or not. You search for a place of sharing, of hope.

Christians will join you for a Happy Hour to build together.
Invite your friends.
Each one brings an idea, a project, a question, a longing...

Drinks will be offered.

Contact Isabelle Parmentier 06 62 14 93 41
Sister Marion Schobbens 06 72 46 71 62

Diocese of Poitiers

Related Topics of Interest




A graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary told a church member to apologize to another family because they shared the same last name. The pastor assumed that because they shared a last name, the white family’s ancestors must have owned the black family’s ancestors.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Racism exists, nobody in their right mind denies this. But the narrative that is coming out of the Evangelical “racial reconciliation” movement is outright heresy — and it’s being promulgated from some of the most influential and prestigious Southern Baptist seminaries in the nation.
The movement we see in the Evangelical Church today is not rooted in reality — it’s rooted in a secular Marxist worldview called Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a heretical worldview that is incompatible with biblical Christianity. It emerged as an offshoot of Critical Theory, a neo-Marxist philosophy that has its roots in the Frankfurt School and its methods are drawn from Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.
CRT teaches that institutional racism exists within every structure of society and that these structures are intrinsically designed in such a manner as to protect and preserve “white supremacy” in our culture. Further, CRT does not rely on factual statistics or objective evidence to support the theory, rather it relies on anecdotal evidence and personal experience.
Reformation Charlotte has reported numerous times on the leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention who are fully on board with this movement, including Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Both of these seminaries have been instrumental in mainstreaming this secular thought into Evangelicalism.
Below is a clip from an upcoming documentary, Enemies Within the Church, where a church member details being told by a Southern Baptist pastor — who also worked at Southeastern Seminary — told him that he was in generational sin because his ancestors at some point in history owned the ancestors of another family in the congregation who shared the same last name. Below is just an excerpt and we expect more details to be revealed when the documentary is released.
Southern Baptist evangelist Thomas Littleton of Alabama joins The New American magazine's Alex Newman to discuss the "Evangelical Deep State." Among other topics, they talk about how false doctrines and dangerous heresies--especially on homosexuality and transgenderism (LGBT), as well as Social Justice, Critical Race Theory, and Cultural Marxism--are infiltrating even conservative evangelical churches in America. Part of it is funding from Deep State globalists hostile to the church and the Bible, and part of it is a lack of discernment among pastors and Christian leaders. Alex and Tom discuss the Southern Baptist Convention, the Presbyterian Church, and others. Tom names Albert Mohler as one of the key figures facilitating this.


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Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren tweeted on Sunday that she believes states should focus their funding on public, not private schools, and “especially not ones that maintain anti-LGBTQ+ policies.”
Warren was commenting on an article published by the Huffington Post with the headline “An Under-The-Radar SCOTUS Case Could Obliterate The Line Between Church And State.” It outlined the currently pending case of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, which centers on a government program that allowed taxpayers who donate to organizations that award scholarships for the attendance of private schools to deduct up to $150 from their annual taxes.
Realizing that some recipients were using the funds to send their children to faith-based institutions, the Montana Department of Revenue recently prohibited scholarship money from being used for such a purpose. It did so on the basis of the state Blaine Amendment, which prohibits public funds from being directed to religious schools.
Three parents whose children had attended private faith-based schools as a result of the scholarships sued, arguing that the prohibition is unconstitutional. The Montana Supreme Court upheld the decision, and the matter was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which agreed to take the case.
“[T]he issue isn’t just one of church and state or education funding, it is also about public dollars going to institutions with discriminatory practices,” Huffington Post wrote of the concerns of some. “A previous HuffPost investigation found that at least 14% of private religious schools around the country that receive public funding through programs like the one in Montana actively discriminate against LGBTQ staff and employees.”
It also took issue that three of the schools in the program use textbooks from Abeka or Bob Jones University, claiming that “their social studies textbooks consistently teach distorted, whitewashed versions of history, and their science textbooks sometimes flout widely accepted facts.”
“One Abeka history textbook previously analyzed by HuffPost, for example, says that Satan hatched ‘the ideas of evolution, socialism, Marxist-socialism (communism), progressive education, and modern psychology,'” the outlet wrote. “A Bob Jones University history textbook calls science a ‘false religion’ and portrays Islam as a violent religion, including a section titled ‘Islam and Murder.’
In response to the article and its content regarding public funds being used for the attendance of “discriminatory” religious schools, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren provided her view on the matter on Sunday.
“States should focus on funding public schools, not private ones — especially not ones that maintain anti-LGBTQ+ policies,” she tweeted. “We must ensure every kid — especially LGBTQ+ kids — can get a high-quality public education.”
Response to her remark was mixed.
“Abolish private schools. Much of this country’s hatred begins there,” one commenter wrote.
“States can help fund both! Evidently you didn’t think public schools were good enough because you put yours in PRIVATE SCHOOL!” another noted.
“My children didn’t use the public school system (home schooled and all went to college), yet you want more of my money to fund their propaganda,” a third remarked.
“If you’re a religious person, we’ll take your taxes to fund schools, but don’t think you have any right to choose to have your tax money used to offer an education that aligns with your beliefs,” another posted sarcastically to show Warren’s logic.
As previously reported, during a town hall event in October, when asked about her views on same-sex relationships and whether she always held to them, Warren sang the song “Jesus Loves the Little Children” in asserting that she was brought up to believe that God loves everyone.
Romans 5:6-10 explains that the love of God is demonstrated by Christ dying for His enemies so that they might be saved from the power of sin and the wrath of God.
“For when we were yet without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure, for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”
Jesus outlined in John 3:36, “He who believes in the Son has eternal life. But he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”


Christians kneel in the rubble of their church. Under Chinese President
Xi Jinping, church demolitions, such as this one, have become
increasingly commonplace.
(Photo: ChinaAid)
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
BEIJING (ChinaAid)  The Chinese government will roll out new regulations on religion Saturday.
These regulations, consisting of six chapters and 41 articles, will require religious leaders and organizations to display complete devotion to the Chinese Communist Party. Article 5 reads, “Religious organizations must spread the principles and policies of the Chinese Communist Party, as well as national laws, regulations, rules to religious personnel and religious citizens, educating religious personnel and religious citizens to support the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, supporting the socialist system, adhering to and following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics….”
Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced the idea of inserting so-called “Chinese characteristics” into religion. For decades, China’s government has controlled religious groups through its system of monitored, official religious organizations.
However, Xi’s approach became a significant turning point. Authorities launched a five-year plan for reworking religion so that the Communist Party sits at its dictatorial head. Under this, officials throughout China have asked churches to fly the national flag while destroying religious imagery, such as crosses, or church buildings. In churches run by the state, Christians are commanded to sing patriotic songs and listen to pro-Communist Party sermons.


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Pro-life advocates are infuriated after Fox repeatedly ignored requests for ad space during the 2020 Super Bowl from pro-life group Faces of Choice after giving the group the “runaround,” while approving a commercial that will feature drag queens and LGBTQ activists. Fox is now claiming it is out of ad space, but Faces of Choice contends the network deliberately delayed approving its application for airtime so that they would run out of air space before having to issue a response to the request.
The commercial in question features more than a dozen abortion survivors in varying stages of their lives from all around the world, who ask, “Can you look me in the eye and say I should have been aborted?” The advertisement’s youngest abortion survivor is seven-year-old Zechariah Hagan, one of the first abortion pill reversal (APR, a treatment to reverse the effects of an initial dose of an abortion drug) success stories.
Life News reports Faces of Choice, which was incorporated in September, premiered its powerful new ad at the March for Life last week and had hoped to air a shortened version of the advertisement during this year’s Super Bowl.
Lyric Gillett, the 28-year-old founder of Faces of Choice and producer of the ad, said she wrote the script for her commercial three years ago, and had been raising money through sponsors to come up with the $5 million needed for a 30-second Super Bowl slot.
“Every great human rights movement in history has been anchored in the stories and the faces of its victims. That’s what we aim to do; we simply want to tell their forgotten stories and there’s no larger mega-phone than the Super Bowl,” she said.
Faces of Choice contends the advertisement shines light on the myth of “choice.”
“Abortion advocates need to look these survivors in the eye and come to terms with the fact that they are human, that their lives matter, and that choice is more than a word: it’s a person,” Gillett said.
Unfortunately, despite repeated requests from Faces of Choice for Super Bowl ad space over the last six months, Fox is now claiming they ran out of ad space.
But Gillett calls foul. She states Faces of Choice provided all the necessary documentation to the network and answered all of its legal questions months ago, and was told they would have a response from the legal department by October, then, when no response was received, late November. Yet no response was provided.
Gillett told the Washington Times that her organization reached out to Fox again to check on the status of the request, and was told they would have an answer with a few days. In mid-December, following yet another request, Fox told Faces of Choice to expect an answer “very, very soon.” Again, no answer was provided.
Gillett believes Fox was simply running out the clock so it didn’t have to outright reject the ad content.
“We were one of the very first people to submit anything to them. We met every single stipulation that they asked for and every time we met the line they moved the line further to request something else,” Gillett told LifeSite.
“I think it’s very clever what they’re doing. If they directly said ‘no’ then we could say ‘this is asinine, look at the suitable ad that Fox rejected’, but they haven’t directly said ‘no,’ they’ve ignored us, wasted our time, refused to give an answer and refused to either give us clearance or simply say ‘no,’” Gillett said. 
Gillett adds Fox seemed to deliberately make her group jump through hoops. At one point, Fox’s legal department asked for the identities of everyone who donated towards or sponsored the ad. And despite such an “untenable request,” Faces of Choice provided the requested information. That still did not prompt a response from the network.
She contends Fox’s treatment of her application is exemplary of the concerted effort to ignore the reality of abortion.
Abortion survivors, she says, “have been ignored their whole lives” and are now “being ignored again.”
Meanwhile, the 2020 Super Bowl will air a commercial from Sabra hummus, which features drag queens Kim Chi and Miz Cracker from “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” a significant accomplishment for the LGBTQ community, marketing strategist Bob Witeck observes, as it could reach approximately 100 million viewers.
“For queer audiences, it is an art form and an ‘outsiders’ language,” Witek said of drag. “Reaching the Super Bowl means taking our language into every home in the nation and millions around the world.”
The Washington Times notes the Super Bowl is no stranger to controversy:
Last year, Gillette sent a #MeToo message with its “toxic masculinity” ad. In 2017, Budweiser and 84 Lumber included pro-immigration themes in their spots. Other companies have included shout-outs for gay and transgender rights.
This year’s contest is scheduled to include a Sabra hummus ad featuring a pair of drag queens, as well as two overtly political spots — one for Mr. Trump and the other for Mr. Bloomberg. Each presidential campaign purchased a 60-second spot at a cost of $10 million.
This will be the first Super Bowl since 1989 that candidates have purchased air time, the Times notes, and may be the first time in history in which dueling spots run nationally.
Yet, it seems there are some controversies Fox hopes to avoid. The last time the Super Bowl aired a pro-life message was in 2010 when Focus on the Family aired a commercial featuring quarterback Tim Tebow, whose mother rejected a doctor’s advice to obtain an abortion. According to the Times, that commercial received “pushback from pro-choice groups.”
Gillett was advised by a media buyer that additional Super Bowl slots always become available at a later date. She is hopeful that Fox can still authorize her request so her advertisement would be eligible to be aired if any of those slots become available.
Faces of Choice has launched a campaign urging its supporters to contact officials at Fox Corp.
The group has also circulated a petition for supporters to sign.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Sesame Street has announced that it will be featuring the cross-dressing LGBTQ activist, Billy Porter on an upcoming episode.
Porter, who is best known for wearing an extravagant gown at the Oscars last year, is a celebrity LGBTQ activist and an award-winning singer and has won both a Grammy and a Tony for his contributions to Kinky Boots, a Broadway musical about drag queens.
While Sesame Street has long gone off the rails of sanity, it should come as no surprise that the progressive child-indoctrination program would feature such a disgusting display of sexual immorality. After all, Sesame Street featured Michelle Obama once — which is just as bad, maybe worse.
Welcome to public television, folks. This is what you get with your tax dollars.
The LGBT activist's 'fierce vibes' are coming to the 
beloved children's show, according to Sesame Street's 
official Facebook page
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
PETITION: Parents demand 'Sesame Street' remove show with drag queen" Sign the petition here.
January 30, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Bert and Ernie may not be a same-sex couple, but the long-running children’s franchise Sesame Street is about to get an infusion of LGBT “vibes” with an upcoming guest appearance by actor and LGBT activist Billy Porter.
Porter, best known as Pray Tell in the FX’s LGBT ballroom drama Pose and for wearing extravagant dresses, will appear during the 51st season of the beloved children’s show, according to Sesame Street’s official Facebook page.
“Billy Porter bringing those fierce vibes to Sesame Street,” the post declares, accompanied by photos of Porter on the classic set, wearing a tuxedo gown.
Comments on the post were largely positive, though some readers expressed concern.
“That is pushing [too] much at little children, it makes no sense, kids have [too] much on their little plates as it is,” one said. “Why add more?”
“Sesame Street is for children. And diversity should be taught at a child appropriate level. A man in a dress is not child appropriate, in fact, it can be confusing,” another argued. “While striving to teach to ‘be yourself’ you're teaching boys who are masculine that it's not ok for them to be masculine.”
“As though our children are not confused enough. What is your agenda?” another asked. “Unbelievable. So disappointing.”
This isn’t the first time Sesame Street has promoted LGBT themes. In 2017, it tweeted a “rainbow” of multicolored Muppets for Pride Month with the declaration, “Sesame Street is proud to support families of all shapes, sizes, and colors.” Later that year, its song “Anyone Can Play” purported to smash gender norms for children’s toys and costumes, including the lyrics “some boys like to play dolls” while the male character Grover is seen in a purple dress.
Last year, Porter prefaced President Donald Trump’s annual State of the Union Address with his own “LGBT State of the Union,” during which he claimed “our rights are under threat and the sanctity of identities is in peril.”

PETITION: Parents demand 'Sesame Street' drop show with drag queen

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Parents around the country are outraged by 'Sesame Street's' decision to push drag queens on children.
The long-running children’s program is one of the latest mainstream institutions to try to sexualize children using drag queens.
And, parents are fed up.
The "children's program" just announced that LGBT drag queen activist, Billy Porter, 
is to feature on an episode this year, wearing a gender-bending tuxedo gown.
"We are demanding the producers of 'Sesame Street' stop this attack on children 
and their innocence," said Gualberto Garcia Jones, President of the Personhood Alliance.
"Let children be children, and stop trying to force this corrupting and dangerous influence on the youth of America."
This urgent petition - sponsored by LifeSite and the Personhood Alliance - calls on HBO and AT&T (the parent company of HBO) to pull this episode from the series' lineup.
The promotion of drag queens, seen at this year's Super Bowl and also at libraries around the country, is a coordinated effort by LGBT activists to "normalize" their morally and scientifically dangerous ideology with the young.
Transgenderism is not about "Love." It is a disorder - gender dysphoria - which has absolutely no place on a children's program.
By contributing to this social contagion, 'Sesame Street' is forcing children to deal 
with adult concepts and notions about sexuality which are beyond their level of maturity, and which can leave psychological scars.
Many jurisdictions define this kind of behavior as abuse.
And, rightly so. 41.8% of gender confused youth claim to have attempted suicide.
That is tragic. Why would 'Sesame Street' want to contribute to this epidemic?
Please SIGN and SHARE this urgent petition which demands that HBO drop Sesame Street's 'drag queen episode.'
And, if you wish to politely make your feelings known about this issue, please call Warner Media (who run HBO Max for AT&T) at: 212-484-8000.
Thank you!
Politely make your feelings known about this issue, by calling Warner Media 
(who run HBO Max for AT&T) at: 212-484-8000
'Cross-dressing LGBT activist to appear on ‘Sesame Street’' -
'Sesame Street's' Facebook announcement that they intend to feature a drag queen 

 Help us reach our next goal of 7,500
To: Senior Management at HBO and AT&T (parent company of HBO)
We, the undersigned, call you, as producers of 'Sesame Street,' to drop the 'drag queen episode' of the beloved children's program...and, let kids be kids.
Parents are fed up with the hyper-sexualization of their children, and they expect children's programming to be a neutral zone.
HBO, and its owner, AT&T, has no business promoting sexual ideas to children which are beyond their capacity to understand, and to which they cannot consent.
Transgenderism is part of a dangerous ideology. Indeed, 41.8% of gender confused youth claim to have attempted suicide.
That is tragic. Why would 'Sesame Street' want to contribute to this epidemic?
We are now demanding that you drop the 'drag queen episode' of 'Sesame Street.'
Let kids be kids!


Petition Launched!


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Flashback: In 2009, Russell Moore, the former Democrat staffer who currently runs the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention said he wished his wife was a Democrat and more like Hillary Clinton.
Moore, who invited Hillary Clinton to preach to Southern Baptists in 2015, is a regular critic of President Donald J. Trump, who called Moore a “very nasty guy with no heart.” Moore’s ERLC is the head of the Evangelical Immigration Table, which receives funding from George Soros, whose Open Societies Foundation created the amnesty-for-illegals organization.
In a 2009 column, Russell Moore says he almost pulled out of the driveway of his yet-to-be wife on their first date after seeing a Republican campaign sign in her yard. The thought of a Republican wife was revolting to the left-of-center Southern Baptist leaders, and he wanted a wife more like Hillary Clinton.
In the article still posted at the website in his name (curiously, it is paid for by the Southern Baptist Convention even though it’s his personal site), Moore made the claims.
Moore said---
Even after I agreed to let my cousin introduce us, I almost stopped it. On our first date, I almost turned around in her driveway when I saw the “Bush/Quayle ’92” sign in the yard. I was campaigning all over south Mississippi for a Democratic congressman, and I was going out with a Republican?
The leftist went on---
More than that, I worried she was “too quiet,” as I explained it to my cousin, too gentle, for the rough world of politics where I planned to live my life and career. I had illusions that I was going to be governor of Mississippi one day, and I needed a wife who had the “fire in the belly” to speak on the campaign stump, pressure donors into giving more, and attack back at political opponents. I needed a partner who was a Mississippi version of (at least the 1990s version of) Hillary Rodham Clinton, I guess I was thinking.
This is the man who runs the political lobbying arm of the Southern Baptist Convention who weaponizes his research fellows to attack Republican candidates, one of which just this week said it ‘wasn’t good’ that Donald Trump was pro-life.
Wake up, Southern Baptists.
480p low geselecteerd als afspeelkwaliteit


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Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.
In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie discusses 120 Members of Congress Support Hamas-Linked CAIRunveiling a nation’s suicide.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch our special 3-Part-Series on CAIR below:
Part 2: CAIR – Where Kafirs and Women Need to Know Their Place.
Part 3: CAIR Forces US Army War College Onto Its Knees.
Follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
(Friday Church News Notes, January 31, 2020,,, 866-295-4143) – One of the speakers scheduled for Keith and Kristyn Getty’s Sing! Worship Conference 2020 is Phil Vischer, creator of VeggieTales. The announcement promises “three days of deep theology, timeless artistry and rich congregational worship,” but there is no deep theology in VeggieTales. From its inception, it was a dangerous bridge to the world, creating in children a taste for every type of worldly music. The VeggieTale movie Jonah featured “Jump, Jive an’ Wail” by secular rocker Brian Setzer of the Stray Cats. Following are the lyrics: “Baby, baby it looks like it’s gonna hail … You better come inside Let me teach you how to jive and wail … Papa’s in the icebox lookin’ for a can of ale … Mama’s in the backyard learning how to jive and wail.” Vischer says that laughter is a key to teaching. So why didn’t Jesus, the Master Teacher, make people laugh while He taught them spiritual truths? We believe the ultra silly VeggieTales approach to teaching spiritual truths CHEAPENS the things of God. It brings eternal truth down to the level of worldly cartoons. The Bible says that “foolishness is bound in the heart of a child” (Proverbs 22:15). The last thing we need to do is encourage the innate silliness of children, as if they are not already silly enough without the help of sincere but misguided adults. Consider the VeggieTales version of Nebuchadnezzar forcing Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego to worship the idol in the book of Daniel. Nebby K. Nezzer, manufacturer of chocolate bunnies, tries to force Shack, Rack, and Benny to worship a giant bunny. The VeggieTales song “Dave and the Giant Pickle” is dedicated to the psycho-babble theme of “self-esteem.” “Oh Santa” from “Silly Songs with Larry” is about the mythical Santa Claus. The VeggieTales movie Jonah had the king of Nineveh claiming he didn’t know that the things they were doing were wrong and pretending that their chief sin was slapping each other with fish. What a fearful example of trivializing sin! The Gettys have no boundaries and are a bridge to anything and everything. (See “The Gettys: Pied Pipers of Contemporary Worship Music” at

‘Veggie Tales’ Creator: ‘Inevitable’ That Christian Filmmakers Will Be Forced To Address LGBT Issues

‘VeggieTales’ Creator Debuts New Bible For Kids

Phil Vischer, the creator behind the popular VeggieTales show and brand, created another new staple for kids: The Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids: The Gospel in 52 Five-Minute Bible Stories. 
With the release, Vischer’s goal is to help kids better understand God’s word and learn how to apply it to their lives. 
“When we teach kids the Bible, either we do one of two things: we hand them a whole full text Bible and they drown, they never make it past Leviticus, or we give them things that are so abbreviated, they’re just little snapshots of Bible stories, that don’t have the connective tissue that makes the Bible one cohesive story,” he said. “Kids want to be part of a big story. That’s why we love Star Wars, it’s why we love Lord of the Rings. It’s why they love Harry Potter. They want to be part of a big story.”
In addition to his new kid’s Bible, Vischer recently teamed up with the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) and Big Idea Content Group to relaunch VeggieTales this fall.
“These all new episodes will re-introduce VeggieTales to existing fans and remind new ones the importance of presenting biblical values through high-quality children’s entertainment.”


(Friday Church News Notes, January 31, 2020,,, 866-295-4143) – Southern Baptist Richard Land says that he is seeing “more and more Catholics” who have been born again (“Being ‘born again’ isn’t trendy–it’s meaningful,” OneNewsNow, Jan. 24, 2020). Land was head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission from 1988 to 2013. He made the recent comment in light of the 2018-2019 General Social Survey that found that the use of the term “born again” is spreading to Catholics and mainline Protestants. He said, “It’s not what your denominational affiliation is, it’s whether you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” But the Roman Catholic Church is not just a different “denomination.” It is a different religion from the New Testament faith once delivered to the saints. Rome has a false christ and a false gospel. Its christ is a consecrated wafer called the host that is worshipped as the very Jesus Christ. Its gospel is baptismal regeneration followed by participation in the other sacraments. I have met “evangelical Catholics” while attending ecumenical conferences with media credentials, but when questioned carefully about salvation, they demonstrate their confusion and their trust in the sacraments and “the church.” I have never met a Roman Catholic who testified, “I am trusting in the blood of Christ alone for salvation; baptism and sacraments have absolutely nothing to do with salvation; Mary and the saints cannot hear and answer prayer; I know that Rome’s gospel is unscriptural and I renounce it.” That would be the testimony of a truly “born again Catholic.” In 2005, Land was recognized by Time magazine as one of the “25 most influential evangelicals in America.” (For documentation of Rome’s gospel from sources such as the Vatican II Council and the New Catholic Catechism, see Is the Roman Catholic Church Changing?, a free eBook available from

(Friday Church News Notes, January 31, 2020,,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Trump Defends the Unborn,”, Jan. 24, 2020: “President Donald Trump became the first president in history to attend and speak at the March for Life in person. The president received deafening applause from the thousands in attendance as he championed the dignity of the unborn, condemned radical Democrat proposals on abortion, and touted his historic wins for the pro-life movement. ‘Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House,’ Trump declared. He mentioned his administration’s efforts on the Mexico City Policy, a pro-life rule on Title X funding, support for the Little Sisters of the Poor, new rules preserving faith-based adoption, and his 187 confirmed originalist federal judges. ‘Sadly, the far-left is actively working to erase our God-given rights, shut down faith-based charities, ban religious believers from the public square, and silence Americans who believe in the sanctity of life,’ the president declared. ‘They are coming after me because I am fighting for you and we are fighting for those who have no voice, and we will win. When it comes to abortion, Democrats have embraced the most radical and extreme positions for years and decades…,’ Trump added. ‘Nearly every top Democrat in Congress now supports taxpayer-funded abortion all the way up until the moment of birth.’ … He concluded the speech with a firm declaration of the sanctity of human life, born and unborn. ‘Every child brings joy to a family, every person is worth protecting, and above all we know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of almighty God,’ Trump said.” CONCLUSION: President Trump demonstrated his ignorance of Scripture in saying that every human soul is divine, but we are glad for his open and unqualified support of the pro-life movement in gross contrast to every Democrat party presidential contender.
(Friday Church News Notes, January 31, 2020,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Transgender Latin makes history,” NBC News, Dec. 13, 2019: “Before coming out as transgender, Nicole Garcia prayed daily that God would ‘fix’ her. When her prayers weren’t answered and the feeling in her gut didn’t go away, she gave up on religion. Now, nearly four decades later, Garcia stands behind the pulpit at Westview Lutheran Church in Boulder, Colorado, and delivers weekly sermons to a congregation of more than 100 faithful as their ordained pastor. ‘Nobody can question my faith, my devotion to Christ, my devotion to the church. That’s why I’m the pastor here,’ Garcia, who turned 60 Thursday, told NBC News. ‘Being trans is secondary.’ Garcia, who delivered her first sermon at Westview earlier this month, is the first known transgender Latina to serve as a pastor within the 4 million-strong Evangelical Lutheran Church in America–an unanticipated position for someone who grew up in the Roman Catholic Church and left religion entirely for nearly 20 years.” COMMENT BY BRO. CLOUD: Missing in Garcia’s testimony is biblical salvation. As a Roman Catholic, Garcia was baptized, sacramentalized, and prayed, but he didn’t come on God’s terms in repentance and saving faith. When he became a Lutheran, it was the same thing: sacramentalism. All his life, by his own testimony, Garcia has believed a gospel of works, and it is a false gospel with no life-changing power. Religion cannot “fix” man’s sin problem. The old Adamic nature is full of sin, every type of sin. The Lord Jesus said, “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness” (Mark 7:21-22). Only biblical salvation can “fix” man by regeneration and sanctification. Paul describes how that some of the citizens of wicked Corinth were “fixed.” “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such WERE some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).


Governor Andrew Cuomo & his downstate Democrats are continuing their war on gun owners.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
New York – -( The march for more gun laws in New York continues with on another assault on the rights of the citizens in what is truly becoming the Empire State. The latest is sponsored by state Senator James Sanders Jr. of the 10th Senate District which low and behold is over seventy-five percent Democrat and is in southeast Queens, some of the more crime-ridden parts of New York City.
The bill (S7065) (A01589) would make it mandatory that every gun owner in the state of New York get a mental health evaluation before they could purchase a firearm. This wouldn’t be a one-time thing, this would be for every gun and of course, these evaluations would have to be held at a location of the state of New York’s choosing and would be at the expense of the person looking to purchase the gun. This new assault on the rights of gun owners comes in the face of the ever progressive agenda of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s regime making it more than well known that gun owners in New York State are not only not wanted, they are on his list of targets and as he has said in the past if people don’t like his rules, then they are free to leave. The way things are going in New York, that’s getting to be the only thing they are free to do.

So, each time a gun owner wants to buy a gun, no matter what, they will have to seek out an approved mental health professional to have an evaluation performed.

For rural gun owners, where most people who own guns in the state happen to live, it would involve a drive to probably your nearest hospital. In my locale, that’s at least forty-five miles in one direction. Then there’s the cost of the expense to the price of the gun, which no one knows since it will be at the discretion of the doctor, and if the gun owner has health insurance if it will even be covered, etc.
NY Democrat State Senator James Sanders Jr.
Once the potential gun owner has the proof, he or she passed their mental health evaluation then they have to take that to the gun store and still fill out the paperwork. So, you can imagine this would be the death knell for all gun shows in the state because there would be no one walking out of one with a firearm purchased at all since the NICS check won’t even be able to be performed until the mental health screening is done. In fact, since most doctors don’t have weekend office hours, gun shops might as well close up because they won’t be doing much in the way of selling.
As usual, this new law would do absolutely nothing to keep criminals but it would another hurdle in a long line of infringements to law-abiding gun owners in a state where the ruling party with its new no cash bail law has dumped criminals back out on the streets to re-offend while law-abiding citizens are pleading with police and what few lawmakers are listening to reign in the lawlessness that is now just beginning to be realized.
There is also a larger and much more sinister motive to think about here. New York passed its own version of a Red Flag law last year, and unlike other states, it allows schools and just about anyone else to petition the courts to get an ERPO and have someone’s firearms taken away. Now can you imagine every gun owner now having to be subjected to a mental health exam, over and over again, where one wrong question, one misconstrued answer or even the bias of the doctor could not only prevent someone from legally buying the gun they were looking to get, but also lead to the police coming to the house and taking the rest and with a doctor’s word versus the citizen’s in court, the gun owner, soon to become the former gun owner, wouldn’t stand a chance legally.
This is just the ongoing pattern of gun control laws not only sweeping New York, and now Virginia and other states, but are just the tip of the spear of what the left really wants, to take guns by any means necessary. What these lawmakers couldn’t do one way is now being done another. I urge any gun owner in the state of New York to oppose this legislation, we can’t play the “it won’t happen here” game anymore, because when that gets said enough times, it does happen here, and it will happen here. This is an election year for all of the lawmakers in New York, and the cash bail law is proving to be so unpopular that it could cost a few Democrats their Senate and Assembly seats, perhaps enough to gain back some power, enough to keep Andrew Cuomo in check. Call your elected officials, write them, email them, and make sure they know where you stand, we are on our own here, we cannot rely on the NRA in New York which has sadly all but vanished.

The Founding Fathers never had a lobby group, they were on their own too, and New York was once part of the bastions of freedom from tyranny, I believe it can be done once again.

The Battle of Long Island was one of the pivotal battles during the American Revolution and was fought in New York.Without the defeat of the British at the Battle of Saratoga it's likely the Revolutionary War would have had a different outcome. New York was founded with the blood of patriots.
About David LaPellDavid LaPell
David LaPell has been a Corrections Officer with the local Sheriff's Department for thirteen years. A collector of antique and vintage firearms for over twenty years and an avid hunter. David has been writing articles about firearms, hunting, and western history for ten years. In addition to having a passion for vintage guns, he is also a fan of old trucks and has written articles on those as well.
Feds investigating Sanders complaint 1

EXCERPTS: "This sort of posturing by Senator James Sanders is especially rich.  Mr. Law-and-Order wants to require mental health evaluations for gun owners but New York voters remember that in 2016, he was personally investigated by the FBI for corruption.  Apparently he was offering to approve funding to certain projects in exchange for huge financial kickbacks. The investigation ranged to wire fraud, and more–all the way back to his campaigning for City Council."
"Because while these same extreme leftist politicians are crying about gun violence, they’re voting to release hundreds of violent felons!"
"As of January 1st, a bill that Governor Cuomo and his radical left friends passed now allows violent felons to walk free until their trail–without even posting a bond.  Arsonists, burglars, those who assault a child, manslaughter suspects, drug dealers–even those who sell to children, sex perverts who make and distribute child porn, and hundreds more….all go free under Cuomo’s new bail reform law!"
"A Chronicle source has confirmed that the office of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharaha, left, is investigating how state Sen. James Sanders Jr. allocated money to community nonprofits when he was a city councilman. At the same time, Sanders is vehemently denying a complaint that he sought a kickback from a Rockaway organization seeking city funding in 2012."
"But its larger story was based on allegations by Malisa Rivera and Marion Moses that Sanders in 2012 offered to fund their group to the tune of $1.7 million, allegedly in return for a kickback of $250,000."


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 

When the freedom of speech is entirely a dead letter, those who were supposed to be its guardians will congratulate themselves for never having been “racist.”

“Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert the Second Amendment,” by Sam Jacobs,, January 26, 2020:
Big Tech’s War on Free Speech
There is a war against free speech and Big Tech is the one waging it. Congress has looked into this, with Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas leading the charge, not allowing Facebook and other Big Tech companies to weasel out of answering hard questions that the public has about censorship on the Internet.
It’s less true to say that Facebook, Google and other Big Tech platforms “lean left” than it is to say that they push a globalist, neoliberal, corporatist line that eschews any sort of values or ethics other than growth. Edward Abbey has said that the philosophy of growth for the sake of growth is also the philosophy of the cancer cell.
The Big Tech war against free speech is nothing new and there have been canaries in the coal mine for years. Everyone remembers MILO being shown the door on Twitter for a dubious accusation that he led a mob against actress Leslie Jones. But the real test case was not him, it was hacker and troll Andrew Auernheimer, commonly known by his handle “weev.”
weev (always lowercase) is difficult to defend because he has unpopular viewpoints. To wit, he has a large swastika tattooed on his chest. However, proponents of the First Amendment and free speech shouldn’t be concerned with what weev thinks or says, because what he thinks or says is irrelevant to whether or not he has the right to think it and say it. But Twitter and other Big Tech platforms were smart in choosing such an ideological pariah to test the waters.
There is a direct line to be drawn from the deplatforming of weev on Twitter to the unpersoning of Alex Jones to the shadow banning and outright deplatforming of conservative voices all across the web. Mainstream, establishment conservatives have done themselves a disservice by attempting to defend themselves against deplatforming on the basis that “I’m not a Nazi” for two reasons.
First, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Nazi or not. All legal speech should be allowed on social media, or else Big Tech is an editorial content curator, which makes it liable for anything that is posted on there. This means that your ex-spouse lying about how you missed Little Timmy’s baseball game on Facebook can be construed as defamation, for which Facebook is liable because they didn’t remove the status update. Facebook’s pretense that it is a content-neutral platform, a claim that is patently false, is what protects it from being sued every time someone lies about someone else on the platform or from being hauled into court every time that ISIS uses WhatsApp to coordinate an attack.
But the other reason is that for many on the left, there is not a tangible difference between weev, MILO, Alex Jones, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Wayne LaPierre, Ted Cruz, Ben Sharpiro or the President of the United States. Anyone to the right of John McCain is seen as either a literal fascist, a fascist apologist, or a gatekeeper who opens the door to fascist ideology.
Big Tech will not stop at deplatforming actual, self-avowed fascists, nor will it stop at conspiracy theorists, edgy conservatives, or even “respectable” centrist types like Dave Rubin. To throw the far right under the bus in the hopes of satisfying Big Tech’s blood lust is a strategic mistake – it legitimizes the entire process of deplatforming, which will eventually swallow up anyone who believes in the Constitution and the rule of law. Big Tech and the left either see no difference between you and a Nazi, or pretend not to because it’s politically expedient.
This is doubly important because of how many Big Tech companies are actively spying on their users. The EFF maintains an annual detailed list of who is telling the government about its users and their data, who informs users that the government is sniffing around about them, and who even bothers to disclose their data retention policies.
What this means is that if and when the federal government begins compiling a list of “potential right-wing terrorists” or “right-wing extremists” (to the extent that they do not already maintain such lists), they will have a ready-made mine of data from Big Tech, who have shown themselves to be more than willing to cooperate with the federal government, with minimal or no arm-twisting on the part of the feds. Take, for example, the Philadelphia synagogue shooter. Self-proclaimed “free speech” platform Gab was more than willing to hand over all the data they had about his account to the feds without even being asked.
Sure, no one wants to be in the position of defending a synagogue shooter. But the point is that these platforms, even the ones who allegedly have your back, have shown themselves willing to roll on their users provided enough of a fever is whipped up in the press.
Conservatives Censored on Social Media
It’s worth showing just how many mainstream, run-of-the-mill conservatives have been censored by Big Tech – it’s not just the MILOs and the weevs of the world who are being shown the door. Indeed, we believe that these types are censored not out of any actual desire to suppress so-called “hate speech,” but instead to act as a test case for setting the precedent for suppressing legal speech. Here are some examples that are worth considering:
  • Pastor Rich PenkoskiThis pastor runs a popular Facebook page, “Warriors for Christ.” He was suspended mid-sermon for criticizing the rainbow flag. He was previously banned for calling an atheist a liar and sharing verses from the Quran that called for the killing of non-Muslims.
  • Over Two Dozen Catholic PagesIn July 2017, Facebook banned several Catholic pages with millions of followers. Most were based in Brazil. Facebook removed the pages without explanation.
  • Rep. Marsha BlackburnNot even elected officials are immune from social media deplatforming. Facebook removed an ad for Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s campaign that attacked pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood.
  • Alveda KingFacebook removed paid ads from Martin Luther King’s niece Alveda King for her documentary on Roe v. Wade.
  • Ryan T. AndersonTwitter refused to run several ads from Christian radio stations for an upcoming interview with Ryan T. Anderson. Anderson is a critic of transgenderism and radical gender ideology.
  • Robert SpencerThe head of, a website covering radical Islam, was removed from social media and even had his credit cards canceled. He also claims that Google buries him in results for searches about “jihad.”
  • Brian FisherThe President of the Human Coalition notes that this anti-abortion group has had prayer apps removed from the Apple store and has had its content repeatedly removed from Twitter despite taking pains to ensure that all of it is within Twitter’s narrow, anti-First Amendment guidelines.
  • PragerUPragerU is very much the picture of mainstream, run-of-the-mill, completely non-edgy conservatism on the Internet. Despite this, they repeatedly have their content removed from YouTube. Dennis Prager, head of PragerU, is suing YouTube. He notes that Delta Air Lines couldn’t say “conservatives can’t fly with us,” but YouTube, ostensibly a neutral platform, is effectively allowed to say that conservatives can’t use their services.
  • David Kyle FosterDavid Kyle Foster is a leader in the “ex-gay” movement, a group of Christians who claim that their religion has “cured” their homosexuality. His Vimeo channel, featuring over 700 personal testimonials, was pulled from Vimeo for being “hateful.”
Even the Declaration of Independence has been removed from Facebook as “hate speech” due to their “filtering program.” Yes, really. Nor is it only conservative groups who have been targeted. Moderates and leftists who don’t toe the party line – like Andy Ngo, Tim Pool and Michael Tracey – have likewise been targeted by deplatforming and shadowbanning.
Deplatforming is not limited to social media. Chase Bank has been accused of depriving conservative voices of banking services. This returns us to the Mark of the Beast notion: What good is free speech if banks – banks – can keep you from receiving payments. And how far off are we from seeing conservative voices deprived of their ability to pay?
Imagine showing up at the grocery store and finding out that your money’s no good because you have a concealed carry permit. Sound far-fetched? So would have having your bank account closed for being a conservative activist….


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
China sometimes calls itself the Middle Kingdom, but it’s paving a way to the netherworld with a new effort: rewriting the Bible to make it compatible with socialism. Moreover, it’s doing the same with the Koran.
In fact, Beijing is instituting new religious rules, set to take effect February 1, that may essentially make the state the church. As reported, under the rules, “Every aspect of the life of religious communities — from formation, to gatherings, to annual and daily projects — is subject to approval by the government’s religious affairs department.”
“In addition to widespread control of all community activities, the new measures require religious personnel to support, promote, and implement total submission to the Chinese Communist Party among all members of their communities,” the site continued.
In accordance with this are the “reports that China is in the process of rewriting the holy books of major religions, including the Bible and Quran … [as President] Xi Jinping has declared that the ideologies of religions be interpreted according to the core values of socialism,” Vision Times adds. “Wang Yang, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, supervised a meeting of religious experts who attended the conference on modifying the texts.”
The irony is that the Beijing regime itself isn’t compatible with socialism. While for marketing purposes it deceitfully claims to be peddling the ideology (it can’t lose its raison d'être), it long ago instituted market reforms. Note here that under Marxist doctrine, “socialism” is what people generally think “communism” is: government ownership of the means of production. Thus was the USSR the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
But while Beijing is more like a “fascist” regime today, it’s not just that this label doesn’t have the same ring to it. It’s that neither China’s ideology nor its new “theology” has anything to do with Truth or reason — it’s about power.
As the Epoch Times writes after quoting Karl Marx’s religion “is the opium of the people” line, “This anti-religious philosophy on the part of the left is pervasive worldwide, and the distrust and hatred for religion are shared by all socialist regimes to one degree or another. This hatred from the left is acted out on many levels even in the United States and is ultimately based on eradicating any competition for absolute power” (video below)
Statists seek worship of the state, the little g, not the big G. If citizens honor and make primary God and His laws, then when they conflict with the government’s laws, the people will defy the latter. Thus do statists want government considered the highest power — especially when they’re pursuing an ungodly agenda.
That the Chinese government is competing with God explains its religious persecution. As an example, “A large body of photographs and detailed reporting has been smuggled out of China that shows a large complex of concentration camps, churches being burned to the ground, and many forms of pressure on individuals who don’t compromise their religious beliefs in favor of socialism,” the Times also informs.
Yet the Chinese are competing a tad more smartly than the Soviets did. Rather than try to eradicate religions, “socialists have concluded that it’s easier and more effective to create parallel religions that submit to socialism and only pretend to submit to God in order to entice the naïve,” the Times further relates.
This isn’t unprecedented. The National Socialists (Nazis) in Germany also realized the value of co-opting religion and created their own version: Positive Christianity. It taught that Jesus was a Nordic character persecuted by a Jewish establishment.
Sadly, America has its own types of designer religion, generally with a sexual devolutionary bent. Represented well by holier-than-thou presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, these rewriters of the Bible (figuratively speaking) generally claim that sex outside of authentic marriage and prenatal infanticide accord with God’s law.
But here it’s good to note advice rendered by both therapist Dr. Laura Schlessinger and nun Mother Teresa: If you’re going to claim a religion (or any other belief, I’ll add), live it. Be sincere. Don’t kid yourself.
If you don’t believe in Christianity, then come to terms with that. But don’t deceive yourself about what it actually demands.
This matters because the worst kind of deception is self-deception. Deceive others and you may lose friends or trust. Deceive yourself long and often enough — deny the Truth so intensely that you fall out of touch with it — and you may lose reality.
Speaking of lies, the Beijing regime “calls the Bible and the Quran religious classics, and they argue that the revision is justified to ensure the contents conform to the progress of the times,” the Epoch Times tells us.
This “times” argument is also heard in our nation. But anyone making it is merely worshipping fashions that too often are fallacies. The times don’t make the people; the people make the times. And knowledge of Truth and cultivation of virtue make good people — and good times.
As for our times, China should serve as a cautionary tale: When a government makes laws contrary to God’s, you know it’s on the wrong side — and must be defied.


Trump rally in Wildwood: Pictures, videos show what it ...



Rep. Jeff Van Drew Turns Republican; Repudiates Democrat Socialism, Globalism, Extremism


Trump PRAISES newly Republican Rep who defied his own left-wing party

Murphy Trump
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Gov. Phil Murphy criticized President Donald Trump on Thursday for his “misplaced priorities” and said the “last thing" the president should do is host a rally in New Jersey later this month in support of a congressman who recently switched parties and became a Republican.
Trump’s "Keep America Great” event in Wildwood on Jan. 28 will be in U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew’s district. Van Drew switched from to the Republican Party last month after being one of only two Democrats who voted against impeaching Trump.
Van Drew has pledged his “undying support” for Trump, a Republican.
Murphy, a Demcorat who called Van Drew’s party switch “ridiculous and pathetic,” issued a statement blasting Trump’s upcoming appearance in the Garden State.
“With the impeachment process continuing to unfold in Washington and unrest in the Middle East, the last thing President Trump should be focused on is coming to New Jersey to campaign for Jeff Van Drew," said Murphy, a frequent Trump critic. “Doing so speaks to President Trump’s misplaced priorities and refusal to put what’s best for the country ahead of his own politics.”
The governor accused Trump of “pinching the middle class” in the state by signing into law a bill that puts a $10,000 cap on how much people can deduct from state and local taxes.
“New Jersey is a state that supports the middle class and those striving to join it,” Murphy said. “Those are values that President Trump does not share, and his newly-minted fellow Republican Jeff Van Drew will never act to hold him accountable. That’s why it’s so important for Democrats to retake this district in November.”
Van Drew later shot back, saying people can add “Murphy to the list of reasons why I left the Democrat Party.”
“I didn’t vote for him in 2017 and certainly wasn’t going to in 2021,” he said in a statement. “Murphy is totally out of touch with the hard-working, middle-class families and retirees here in South Jersey who are benefiting from the Trump economy despite the Governor’s best efforts to make New Jersey even more unaffordable.”
The Wildwood event will be the first time the Trump hosts a rally in the state since he was elected president.
Tickets are free and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Matt Arco may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MatthewArco or Facebook.


There’s a massive backlash going on against Don Lemon and CNN; just the other night, Lemon, had two panelists featured on his show, and together, they said some of the most disparaging things imaginable against Trump supporters, which has provoked a massive backlash against the leftwing host and the ultra-liberal channel; which is surprising, since nobody’s watching Don Lemon OR CNN! But we’re going to take a look at what happened and we’re going to see why it’s only making Trump’s support even bigger and stronger than ever!


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
For nearly 18 years, Lighthouse Trails has been reporting on the slide that evangelical colleges, universities, and seminaries have been taking into the contemplative/emergent/ecumenical river. It would be great if we could say there’s been a real turn around and things at these colleges are getting better. It would be great if we could say that your college-age child is safe in most Christian colleges today. And it would be great if we could say that these schools have realized the error of their ways and have made dramatic efforts to get back on the biblical course. Unfortunately, we cannot say any of these things because they simply are not true.
We were once again reminded of how far off the track evangelical schools have gone when earlier this month we received an e-blast from Christianity Today announcing a 50%-off tuition special for qualifying students to Seattle Pacific University. That will sound very enticing to parents who are looking for Christian education for their college-age children at affordable rates. But let’s take a glance at what these children will be introduced to if they attend Seattle Pacific University:
At SPU’s Center for Biblical and Theological Education, students will be introduced to various forms of contemplative spirituality, and faculty members are being trained to pass them on. For instance, in a 2019 faculty retreat syllabus, the list of activities at the retreat include lectio divina, praying with icons, sabbath keeping, Ignatian Spirituality, and Prayer of Examen. At the upcoming 2020 Winter Discernment Weekend, prospective students will be introduced to “Guided Prayer” and Lectio Divina. “Spiritual Formation” and contemplative spirituality are integrated throughout the spiritual infrastructure of SPU. Faculty Staff Bulletins are peppered with recommendation and accolades for Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, and numerous other hard-core mystics and panentheists.
In addition to the heavily contemplative element at SPU, you will find promotion for all things emergent such as “critical race theory” (a Marxist-leaning ideology) and the so-called “social-justice gospel” (with recommendations for social justice leaders such as Shane Claiborne and SoJourners).
For anyone who understands contemplative spirituality, these things we are sharing won’t come as a surprise because contemplative prayer is the gateway ‘drug,” so to speak, to all things emergent, socialist, Marxist, New Age, and anti-morality. And if there is one thing we hope to get across in this article, it is this: A very large number of Christian higher education institutions are now exhibiting signs that they are being influenced and directed by emergent ideologies; and many of these same schools are the ones we warned about years ago as they started down the contemplative path; the inevitable “fruit” of contemplative prayer is a drastic change in spiritual outlook (i.e., no longer resembling biblical Christianity; i.e., now emergent).
Lancaster Bible College in PA, one of the schools that has been on the Lighthouse Trails Contemplative College List for several years, continues down the contemplative path going deeper and deeper into the emergent world. For a convincing example, their Formational Leadership Master of Arts Degree program is taught by contemplative/emergent/Replacement Theology/New Missiology leader Wayne Cordiero. (More information on this program).
Northwest Nazarene University in Idaho continues incorporating emergent believes into the lives of its students. Some of our readers may remember our 2010 story titled “Buddhist/Universalist Sympathizer Woos Nazarene Students at NNU.” Most Nazarene universities had already been seduced by Catholic contemplative mystic Brennan Manning by then, and so bringing in a Buddhist/universalist sympathizer to NNU was just following contemplative protocol, which they have continued to do.
A few examples of NNU’s current status are the following: In the THEO4900 Religion Capstone course, The Living Reminder by Catholic mystic Henri Nouwen is one of two required textbooks. A graduate course titled COUN6594A Mindfulness Approaches uses Mindfulness and Psychotherapy for its textbook. Another graduate course (YCFM6730 Missional Ministry) uses these four textbooks— Celtic Way of Evangelism, Future Faith, Kingdom Come, and Creating a Missional Culture. In Creating a Missional Culture, the author introduces the reader to Jurgen Moltmann, Karl Barth, Marcus Borg, and several others of the same caliber (these three men are heroes of the emergent movement). In these NNU textbooks, you find the path to emergent, “progressive,” socialist, New Age “Christianity”—something that has become the hallmark for Nazarene universities today. If you attend a Nazarene church, and that church is looking for a new pastor, it would be a good idea to find out how much of his seminary/university training rubbed off on him because you can be sure, he’ll be bringing it to your church.
In 2013, we released our special report titled An Epidemic of Apostasy – How Christian Seminaries Must Incorporate “Spiritual Formation” to Become Accredited, documenting how contemplative spirituality was entering the Christian colleges at an alarming rate. Fast forward to today, and many of these schools are hardly recognizable from where they were at just seven years ago.
In this relatively short article, we have provided examples of just three schools. But we could give countless more of other schools that began opening their doors to the contemplative element, and now are becoming full-fledged emergent schools.
When we started warning about the contemplative movement entering the church through the evangelical colleges, seminaries, and universities back in the early part of this present millennium, our warnings were brushed off and dismissed by many Christian leaders. Today, some of these same leaders are being vocal about the left-leaning, anti-God, socialistic condition of this country. But they either don’t realize or don’t care that the early contemplative pioneers that they embraced twenty plus years ago brought in that very same mindset into the church through contemplative prayer. And now, as older pastors are retiring or passing away, the new younger pastors, trained in the colleges and seminaries, have become evangelists for this anti-Gospel, anti-biblical worldview.

The Calvinist Factor

For the editors at Lighthouse Trails, and for many of our readers, we are not surprised that this paradigm shift has occurred. We have witnessed the terrible apathy and indifference by Christian leaders and many pastors for nearly 18 years. Not only has there been apathy and indifference, but there has been hostility and anger. Just last week, a pastor in Oregon who had been placed on our Christian leaders and pastors booklet mailing list (at the request of one of our readers) called and told us to remove him from the list. He then proceeded to list off about a dozen adjectives to describe us including pugnacious, slanderous, and hateful.
We were curious about this pastor’s church and checked it out on the Internet. It was a Calvinist-promoting church. One reason we have experienced a new level of anger by some pastors and leaders is because of the book we published in 2018 warning about Calvinism (Calvinism: None Dare Call it Heresy). And this brings us to something that needs to be said in this article with regard to the direction evangelical colleges, universities, and seminaries have headed: Many Christian colleges and universities are now embracing or are in the process of embracing Calvinism and Reformed Theology.
This presents a different set of serious problems, in one respect. But as we have stated in other articles, and wholeheartedly believe based on what we have observed, many young people trained in or drawn into Calvinism end up emergent or leaving the faith altogether (such as in the case of the recent departure from the faith by I Kissed Dating Goodbye author Josh Harris).
Aside from the colleges that have historically been Calvinist and Reformed (e.g., The Master’s Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Calvin College), new ones are continually getting on board with Calvinism. A perfect example of this is Bob Jones University (historically the antithesis of a Calvinist school), which now has a Calvinist president. And then there is Southern Baptist Convention. We estimate that as many as half of the Southern Baptist colleges and universities are now Calvinist leaning. One caller, who is a longstanding SBC member that has been in leadership positions, told us that almost all the SBC universities are now Calvinist or Calvinist influenced. A 2007 Christian Post article titled “Calvinism on the Rise” stated: “Nearly 30 percent of recent SBC seminary graduates now serving as church pastors indicate they are Calvinists.” This statistic was based on data presented at the 2006 SBC “Building Bridges: Southern Baptists and Calvinism” conference. We believe that percentage is much higher today because of the increase in Calvinism in the schools. And if our theory is right that many young Calvinists will eventually become emergent or defect the faith (sometimes because they cannot handle the dismal beliefs of John Calvin and Calvinism and sometimes because they haven’t found a personal relationship with Christ through Calvinism), then the outcome is going to be disastrous.


Either way you look at it, Christian/evangelical colleges, universities, and seminaries are in trouble. And if they are in trouble, then so are our churches because the schools are producing today’s and tomorrow’s pastors and leaders.
Our exhortation to parents and grandparents is to carefully and prayerfully choose the schools your children and grandchildren will attend. The pickings are getting slimmer every day, but your choices can potentially have eternal consequences or eternal blessings. Please don’t take it lightly.
Editor’s Note: If you know of a young person who attends or who plans to attend a Christian college, university, or seminary, please consider asking him or her to read Castles in the Sand or A Time of Departing. If you cannot afford to get one of these books, write to us at, and we will send a free copy for you to give to that college-age person. If you are wondering why we have so much concern about this, read an article we wrote in 2013 titled “Want Your Child to Become an Atheist? – Send Him to LeTourneau University in Texas (or Any Other Contemplative/Emergent School For That Matter).” It’s a true story, and tragically, it is happening too often.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
New Jersey – -( 
Overturning both a County Superior Court and an Appellate Division decision, 
the law firm of Evan F. Nappen, Attorney at Law successfully petitioned the 
NJ Supreme Court for a unanimous Opinion released today mandating that 
people must be provided with hearings whenever a court contemplates 
denying a handgun carry permit and that such hearings must be held within 
30 days.

New Jersey’s highest court today held that: “if a court has any questions regarding the applicant or his or her permit to carry application, it must hold a hearing to address those questions. The court should not simply deny the application.” “[A] hearing must be held whenever the court contemplates denying a handgun carry-permit[.]”
NOTE: The above bold text for emphasis appears in the Supreme Court Opinion In Re Application for Permit to Carry a Handgun of Calvin Carlstrom and Syllabus.

This is believed to be the first pro-gun rights decision ever issued unanimously by the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Carlstrom was hired by a security company to be an armed guard protecting movie theatres. In 2016, he applied for a New Jersey permit to carry a handgun which, after an investigation, was approved by the Roselle Park Police Chief.
In New Jersey, however, county judges actually issue these permits, and Carlstrom’s application supporting documents was accordingly forwarded to the Union County Superior Court.
On February 2, 2017, Judge William A. Daniel denied Carlstrom’s application without ever providing Carlstrom with a hearing on the merits of his application.
Under New Jersey’s governing statute, carry permit applicants are specifically afforded a hearing if a police chief denies an application. The statute, however, is silent whether a judge must provide a hearing if the Court intends to deny an application that has been approved by a police chief.
Carlstrom hired the Nappen Firm to appeal the “trial” court’s decision. Nevertheless, on December 21, 2018, Appellate Division Judges Michael J. Haas and Stephanie Ann Mitterhoff affirmed Judge Daniel’s opinion, deciding that Carlstrom had “no authority to support his argument that a hearing is required in matters involving perfunctory licensing applications or that the court must hear testimony from the chief of police who reviewed an application.”
The Nappen Firm believed differently and appealed higher, Petitioning for Certification to the New Jersey Supreme Court on behalf of Carlstrom.
After this filing, on May 20, 2019, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) promulgated Administrative Directive #06-19: Criminal – Procedures for Processing Gun Permits, which provided that trial courts must hold a hearing if it has any questions regarding the applicant or his or her permit to carry application. Today’s NJSC Opinion affirmatively incorporates the AOC Directive into precedential case law that county judges must now follow.
The NJSC Opinion also mandates that carry permit hearings “must be held no later than 30 days after receipt of the permit to carry application, and the court shall make a determination within 14 days thereafter, absent extraordinary circumstances.”
Carlstrom’s Appellate and Supreme Court matters were briefed and argued by Louis P. Nappen, Esq., of the Law firm of Evan F. Nappen, Attorney at Law, PC, Eatontown NJ.
In response to the NJSC Opinion, Louis Nappen said, “This is an outstanding Due Process victory for gun owners. This will be particularly important when the United States Supreme Court – we anticipate – provides a heightened scrutiny level to the right to carry and scraps New Jersey’s ‘justifiable need’ requirement for the issuance of carry permits. People will now be assured their days in court if a judge intends to deny this Constitutional right.”
The New Jersey Supreme Court further remanded Carlstrom’s matter back to the Law Division to conduct a hearing on his application with guidance as to the scope of that hearing. The NJSC noted that, at that hearing, at the judge’s discretion, amendments to the application as well as other evidence not included in the application may be admitted, as well as evidence regarding discussions with the police chief and any written conclusions by the reviewing chief and testimony from the applicant or his or her employer.
re Application for Permit to Carry a Handgun of Calvin Carlstrom
Evan NappenEvan Nappen
About Evan Nappen:
Evan Nappen ( is a criminal defense attorney who has focused on New Jersey firearms and weapons law for several decades. He is the author of the New Jersey Gun Law Guide. Visit his website at


There are Democrat foxes in the Southern Baptist henhouse; and he’s one:
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Wouldn’t you think that the first president of the United States appearing at the anti-abortion “March for Life” would make someone at the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) happy? It’s not so for Thomas Kidd, an appointee and prominent research fellow appointed to the ERLC. Lead Russell Moore, a former Democratic staffer, there is a strong anti-conservative bias at the convention’s lobbying arm.
Last week, Kidd claimed that evangelicals who support Donald Trump are anti-immigrant and racist. Last Fall, Kidd went out of his way to tell people it was okay to vote for pro-abortion proponents. And now, Kidd says he wishes Trump did not oppose abortion.
Hopefully it will be good for Trump personally to attend the March for Life. It isn't good symbolically for the pro-life movement to be associated with him. // Trump to Be First President to Attend March for Life
— Thomas S. Kidd (@ThomasSKidd) January 23, 2020
Kidd says it’s not good for the President of the United States to be associated with the pro-life movement. His argument seems to be that the pro-life movement will be hurt if the most powerful man in the world supports it. Whose side is the ERLC really on? There are Democrat foxes in the Southern Baptist henhouse.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Thomas Kidd, a research fellow for the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has written a new book timed for the 2020 election that demonizes evangelicals as “white Republicans” who largely support President Trump because they hate immigrants and Muslims.
As we have previously reported, the ERLC’s research fellows are regularly weaponized by ERLC president and former Democrat staffer, Russell Moore, to attack Republicans and drive evangelicals to the political left. Thomas Kidd, who teaches history at Baylor University and contributes to The “Gospel” Coalition is regularly at the front of the pack, lending his leftist voice to public discourse, albeit he does it deceptively in the name of conservatism.
Pulpit & Pen has also reported to you how Thomas Kidd recently claimed it’s okay for Christians to vote for Democrats and pro-abortion advocates. Additionally, Kidd attacked conservative pastors for endorsing a book by one of President Trump’s presidential advisors, which rings hollow considering his silence regarding President Obama’s spiritual advisor, Jeremiah Wright. Kidd took part in Russell Moore’s attempts to scuttle Trump’s primary candidacy in 2016, serving on the faith advisory council for a pro-amnesty Republican candidate.
In Kidd’s latest book, Who is An Evangelical, Kidd asserts that evangelicals come from a wide swath of political perspectives and – more important to substantiate his point – it’s okay for evangelicals to vote Democrat.
In an interview with Religion and Politics, Kidd claims that many evangelicals support President Trump because they dislike immigrants and Muslims.
Religion and Politics asked Kidd, “Trump has been criticized as a racist demagogue, and you spend a lot of time in the book detailing white evangelicals’ fraught history on race. Does that history help explain their attraction to Trump in the present?
Kidd leans in toward the unsubstantiated accusation toward Trump and confirms that evangelicals voting for Trump definitely have racist and xenophobic sentiments.
Kidd responded…
There is definitely a pattern there and though many of us like to think of ourselves as being post-racial today, I think Trump’s presidency has exposed a lot of problems. So I’m sure that there are a lot of white people in America, including white evangelicals, who are attracted to Trump because of his hostility toward immigrants and toward Muslims and his equivocation about the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, and so forth. The fact that certain white evangelical leaders have expressed sympathy for Trump along these lines shows that it is part of his appeal.
Kidd referred to Donald Trump’s repudiation of all forms of racism, from both whites and blacks, as he criticized the protests in Charlottesville. Leftists claimed at the time that Trump’s repudiation of leftist hate along with “alt-right” hate was an indication of some kind of racism in his heart.
Kidd seems to have believed the notion.
He went on to state that it was impossible to know exactly the percentage of white evangelicals motivated by racism, saying, “Having said that, though, I don’t think we know how many white evangelicals have supported Trump in spite of these views, who find him dismaying and distasteful on race…”
He went on to say that he has a hard time, “accepting the idea of white evangelicals who are zealously supportive of Trump, because I see him as patently contradictory to the best of evangelical values.”
Kidd was not similarly dismissive of Democratic presidential candidates who believe in abortion up to the point of birth, gay marriage, and are hostile to religious liberty, nor did he assert that any leading Democratic figure holds beliefs “contradictory to the best of evangelical values.”


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman digs into the 
"Deep State" operating within the federal bureaucracy. These operatives, 
especially in the Senior Executive Service, are working to undermine the 
U.S. Constitution, persecute enemies, wage war on Trump, and continue 
America's decline into statism and globalism. They love Hillary Clinton and 
total federal power. And they have powerful tools at their disposal to destroy 
those who stand in their way.


Bombshell Video: TWO MORE Bernie Staffers Promote 'Extreme Action' & Property Destruction


‘It’s gonna take militancy…like a militant labor movement that’s willing to…just destroy property and things like that’

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
New undercover video from Project Veritas shows two more Bernie Sanders field organizers out of South Carolina discussing how their far-left movement is embedded with radicals, and the violent measures they would take to implement their socialist vision for America.
In part 4 of Veritas’ #Expose2020 campaign, field organizers Mason Baird and Daniel Taylor discuss waging violence against their political enemies and promoting “extreme action” in the name of furthering socialism in America.
Baird discussed how the Bernie campaign attracts “truly radical” elements of the left.
“We do attract – I mean we attract, um, you know radical, like – truly radical people to the campaign,” Baird told the PV journalist. “That’s obviously not outward facing sort of.”
He added that a lot of people canvassing for the Sanders campaign “fall well outside of the American sort of norm.”
“So they’re Marxists-Leninists, they’re Anarchists, they’re these types of folks, and um, and they have more of a mind for direct action, for engaging in politics outside the electoral system.”
Baird even spouted alarming Communist rhetoric, speaking of “abolishing landlords” rather than killing them if Bernie wins the presidency.
“After we abolish landlords, we don’t have to kill them, you know what I’m saying?” he said. “But um….there were plenty of excesses in 1917 that I would hope to avoid. But like, I admire it.”
“It would, it’s gonna take, you know, it’s gonna take militancy…like a militant labor movement that’s willing to…strike, and if necessary, you know, just destroy property and things like that,” Baird added.
Taylor bragged about how socialism has become more mainstream in recent years, and how violent action may be necessary to implement it, using Antifa and Yellow Vest-type riots, but that’s being kept “on the back burner for now.”
“The whole socialist thing 4 years ago was a lot more toxic than it is today,” Taylor said. “I think people are starting to realize that maybe it’s not such a bad thing.”
“We don’t want to scare people off. So you kinda gotta feel it out first before you get into the crazy stuff.”
“We were talking about, you know, more extreme organizations and stuff like Antifa, you know you were talking about Yellow Vests and all that, but, you know we’re kinda keeping that on the back burner for right now.”
“It is unfortunate that we have to make plans for extreme action, but like I said, they’re not going to give it to us,” Taylor added.
James O’Keefe of Project Veritas joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the recent video release from inside the Bernie Sanders campaign exposing their gulag plan for political opponents.
Two More Sanders Campaign Staffers Promise Communist Revolution if He Wins

Two More Sanders Campaign Staffers Promise Communist Revolution if He Wins

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Two weeks ago, we learned that American cities will go up in flames and cops and moderate liberals will be murdered if Bernie Sanders loses either the Democratic nomination or the general election.
That warning from a staffer in the elderly socialist’s Iowa campaign, and another from a worker in South Carolina, included a hint of what would come with a Sanders victory in November. Republicans will go to an American gulag. The rich will be guillotined.
Guerilla journalists for Project Veritas video-recorded those threats, and today published a fourth installment (video below) in which Sanders’ staff members elaborate on their plans for a Stalinist America should Sanders prevail.
Two New Confessions This week’s video features two more staffers in the Palmetto State, Mason Baird and Daniel Taylor, who divulged plans for a communist uprising and “extreme action” if Sanders lands in the White House.
Admitting that “we attract radical, truly radical people,” Baird confessed that campaign staffers are “Marxist/Leninist” and “Anarchists” with “more of a mind for ‘direct action’ for engaging in politics outside of the electoral system.”
Sanders expects to assemble a “mass movement going after the election” that will completely alter American life as we know it, Baird explained, not least by nationalizing Google, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media to use “as education stuff goes.”
As well, Baird envisioned erecting a Maoist state of trial and error — or trial and terror:
We would need a federal government and labor union movement that is working together to strip power away from capitalists and preferably directing violence toward property. At the end of the day, this kind of stuff will come out through practice, through the work and it’s hard for me to talk about it in the moment we live in ’cause I think China today is not what Mao envisioned, right it was through the practice of Chinese people doing the work to create the China today.... A lot of these answers are going to come through practice — we’re going to try things — things aren’t going to work — we’re going to move on to the next thing, and we’re going to try to be as conscious and intentional about those things, but when you get into a certain level of detail, and depth, it’s like, that’s kind of my ‘cop out’, it comes through the work, you know. The answers come through the work.
Whether guillotines and burning cities are the “things” Baird and his cohort will try is anyone’s guess, but he did promise “militancy” and a violent labor movement that will crack skulls — “a militant labor movement that’s willing to ... strike, and if necessary, you know, just destroy property and things like that.”
And if the “militant labor movement” doesn’t succeed, “other means” will be tried.
Landlords will be glad to know Baird doesn’t want to kill them if they refuse to surrender their property, but alas, he’ll do what he must:
After we abolish landlords, we don’t have to kill them, that’s my feeling I think it’s damaging to the soul, but um, there were plenty of excesses in 1917 I would hope to avoid. Labor, I think that’s a big source of power for us, and just try to gain as much leverage and power in the short time that we have. You know, Lenin didn’t have the internet, they were a peasant society, and I mean it was like, so you know I would hope that like, that we would — we’d have — we’d be doing a bunch of prep work before the capitalists got hip to what we were doing, I guess. That’s my best uh, I’m not excited about the prospect of armed struggle.
Americans can rest easy though, because “the Gulags and the persecution of the Kulaks and things like that are exaggerated.”
“Back-burner” Plans Another staffer in South Carolina, Daniel Taylor, explained that “extreme action” is planned whether Sanders wins or loses:
We don’t want to scare people off, you first have to feel it out before you get into the crazy stuff.... You know we were talking about more extreme organizations like Antifa, you were talking about, Yellow Vests, all that but we’re kinda keeping that on the back-burner for now..
In other words, Antifa goon squads will be ready to enforce Sanders’ edicts. “It’s unfortunate that we have to make plans for extreme action,” Taylor warned, “but like I said, they’re not going to give it to us even if Bernie is elected.”
For the record, three Sanders campaign staff members have promised the following after the election:
• murdering the rich;
• murdering moderate liberals;
• burning cities and murdered police;
• gulags for Republicans;
• nationalization of social media;
• abolition of landlords, and
• mass destruction of property.


3D Printed Gun Hysteria
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Arizona -( Individuals have been making their own firearms for the entire history of the United States and before. Homemade guns are not as popular as factory-made guns, because factory-made guns are easily and cheaply available in the United States. The Second Amendment has guaranteed that right.
It is a part of the right to keep and bear arms to be able to procure arms. A basic and fundamental way to procure arms is to make your own. Most home manufacture of firearms is for hobby or experimental purposes, although considerable homemade guns are produced in localities with extreme restrictions on the ownership of guns.
Delaware is in the process of passing a statute to make it illegal to make your own firearms or to even possess a piece of metal that is intended to be used to make a receiver. From the proposed statute, HB 277:
( ) “Unfinished firearm frame or receiver” means a firearm frame or receiver that requires further machining or molding in order to be used as part of a functional firearm, and which is designed and intended to be used in the assembly of a functional firearm.
( ) “Untraceable firearm” means an unlawfully manufactured firearm for which the sale or distribution chain from a licensed retailer to the point of its first retail sale cannot be traced by law enforcement officials.
The law makes it illegal to make your own firearms:
§ 1463 Untraceable firearms; Class E or D felony.
(a) A person is guilty of possessing an untraceable firearm when then person knowingly possesses an untraceable firearm.
(b) A person is guilty of manufacturing an untraceable firearm when the person knowingly manufactures, assembles, causes to be manufactured or assembled, sells, or transfers an untraceable firearm.
(c) A person is guilty of manufacturing or distributing a firearm using a three-dimensional printer when the person does any one of the following:
(1) Uses a three-dimensional printer or similar device to manufacture or produce a firearm, firearm frame or receiver, magazine, or major firearm component when not licensed as a manufacturer.
(2) Distributes by any means, including the internet, to a person who is not licensed as a manufacturer, instructions in the form of computer-aided design files or other code or instructions stored and displayed in electronic format as a digital model that may be used to program a three-dimensional printer to manufacture or produce a firearm, firearm frame or receiver, magazine, or major component of a firearm.
(d) Possession of a untraceable firearm is a Class E felony.
(e) Manufacturing an untraceable firearm or manufacturing or distributing a firearm using a three-dimensional printer is a Class D felony.

The law, if passed, will be challenged in court, on both First and Second Amendment grounds. The law applies to people without any criminal record. People with felonies are already forbidden from owning firearms. This law is to prevent people who are not criminals from making their own firearms.

It is a very new law to forbid law-abiding individuals from making firearms for their own use. Such a law has only been passed in the last two years, to my knowledge.
It is a direct violation of the First Amendment to forbid the transmission of knowledge on how to make firearms with digital code.
This sort of law is common in countries without a Bill of Rights to limit the power of the government. It is an easily followed path of logic. The government forbids most people from buying guns. The people start to make their own. Then the government forbids the buying of gun parts. Then it forbids the buying or transfer of information on how to make guns. It may forbid the ownership of machinery that can be used to make guns. Some raids in India, for example, show confiscated drills, welders, and files.
Nothing in the Second Amendment allows the government to create a registry of guns or to require them to be traced to the first retail sale. Such a thing is of virtually no use in solving crimes. Its sole purpose, it appears, is to pave the way for a registration system.
If Delaware passes this law, it will be following the steps of California (requires state serial number and following state manufacturing requirements), New Jersey (flat out ban), New York (firearm parts may only be sold to authorized buyers),  Washington (bans “undetectable” guns), Connecticut (requires a state-issued serial number). These five states, and Delaware, if it passes the law, are all treading new ground with laws passed in the last two years.
The Washington state law may not be precisely in this group, as the law bans “undetectable guns”. Almost all homemade guns are easily detectable.
I have yet to see any court challenge to these laws. There was a court challenge on the legal ability to make your own machine guns, in Arizona, in the 1990s. The Ninth Circuit upheld that right, and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. However, the case was complicated by other factors, and the Supreme Court had not yet decided Heller.
It is not surprising the five states above, sans Washington, all heavily infringe on the exercise of Second Amendment rights, by refusing to allow the legal carry of firearms by most of the population. They all have “may issue” laws, aggressively preventing most people from carrying firearms for self-defense.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30-year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Representative Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.) has devised another way to attack the rights of law-abiding gun owners: tracking their purchases of firearms using credit cards.
The core of her bill (H.R. 5132, the Gun Violence Prevention Through Financial Intelligence Act) seems, on the surface, innocuous enough:
To request information for financial institutions for the purpose of developing an advisory about the identification and reporting of suspicious activity … relating to how homegrown violent extremists and perpetrators of domestic terrorism procure firearms … for the purpose of carrying out “lone actor” or “lone wolf” acts of terror within the United States.
Said Wexton when introducing her bill:
Banks, credit card companies, and retailers have unique insight into the behavior and purchasing patterns that can help identify and prevent mass shootings. We know that financial intelligence can be an effective tool to combat gun violence in the same way it is for money laundering, human smuggling, and fentanyl trafficking.
Financial institutions have a legal obligation under the Bank Secrecy Act to have programs in place to detect and report suspicious financial activity, but they have to know what they are looking for, and FinCEN [the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network] can be a valuable partner. The red flags are there — someone just needs to be paying attention.
Red flags are, indeed, raised when looking at Wexton’s background. She is one of several liberal House Democrats who replaced conservative pro-gun Republicans in Virginia in the 2018 mid-term elections. Her campaign against a pro-Second Amendment incumbent was largely financed by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety. Her voting record in the House has earned her a rating of just 12 out of 100 in the Freedom Index — a measure of how closely her voting record hews to the limits of the U.S. Constitution, published by The John Birch Society.
The first question must be: Why would she want the government to have this sort of information? Terrorists generally don’t buy weaponry from retail gun stores using credit cards. And any “home-grown lone-wolf” planning an attack, once he learns that credit card issuers are likely to alert federal authorities, will use cash instead.
That leaves law-abiding gun owners as the primary target. And financial institutions such as banks and credit card companies would more than likely spread a wide net around anyone using credit to purchase firearms, just to be sure they don’t fall afoul of the feds’ new requirements if Wexton’s bill becomes law. Translation: Any gun owner making a purchase sufficiently large to arouse the suspicions of anonymous bureaucrats lurking in the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) will be targeted.
An additional consequence — perhaps intended by anti-gun Wexton — could be that banks and credit card companies will refuse to allow gun owners to use credit cards to purchase firearms or their accessories altogether.
As pernicious as Wexton’s bill is, it pales when compared to the infringements of personal privacy already taking place at FinCEN. Established in 1990 by order of the Secretary of the Treasury, it was made an agency of that department with passage of the PATRIOT Act after 911. The agency states that “the primary motive of criminals is financial gain, and they leave financial trails as they try to launder the proceeds of crimes or attempt to spend their ill-gotten profits.”
Since September 2012, FinCEN regularly generates four reports that offend the Fourth Amendment, including its “Suspicious Activity Report.” FinCEN shares that information with dozens of intelligence agencies including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the IRS. FinCEN does not disclose how many of those “Suspicious Activity Reports” result in investigations, indictments, or convictions, and no studies exist on how many innocents are ensnared in that report for merely exercising their freedoms. But the information is available to federal investigations without regard to niceties such as the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches.
What Wexton is doing is what politicians typically do when they don’t feel constrained by either their oaths of office or the Constitution they swore to uphold and defend. In the present case, her bill is a perfidious back door attack on Second Amendment rights guaranteed in the very document she promised to defend.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Virginia’s hard-left Democrats are so terrified of the commonwealth’s conservatives, moderates, and sane liberals they want to criminalize criticism of anti-gun, pro-infanticide Governor Ralph Northam and other top officials.
The proposal to stamp out free speech is buried in a package of amendments to the state code that at first glance seems innocent enough, and would severely punish threats of death and physical harm to the governor, and, again, other state officials.
But the Democrats think more is required to protect themselves from the barrage of criticism they will surely get as they administer the state with a majority in the General Assembly and a governor for the first time in two decades.
Thus will they punish critics who they deem to be “harassing” them with “obscene” speech.
Shut Up and Do What You’re Told
The proposed “harassment by computer” law would punish those who exercise their constitutional right to protest the government.
If any person, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass any person, shall use a computer or computer network to communicate obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or make any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threaten any illegal or immoral act, he is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. A violation of this section may be prosecuted in the jurisdiction in which the communication was made or received or in the City of Richmond if the person subjected to the act is one of the following officials or employees of the Commonwealth: the Governor, Governor-elect, Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Governor-elect, Attorney General, or Attorney General-elect, a member or employee of the General Assembly, a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia.
The question is who decides what constitutes using a computer to “coerce, intimidate, or harass any person,” or what constitutes “vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language.” And, again, one has to wonder what the Democrats would consider beyond the pale given their affinity for such language.
Anyway, the law will likely get a First Amendment challenge from either the leftist American Civil Liberties Union or a conservative legal outfit.
And a court will likely strike it down the first time someone lands in hot water for tweeting remarks about the rape allegations against Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, or cracks wise on Facebook about Northam’s youthful shenanigans in blackface, or calls him an accomplice in mass murder because he zealously supports abortion-on-demand through birth, and after that, infanticide.
Why the Law?
The RedState website succinctly explained why the Democrats want to ban free speech.
“Virginia’s current leadership wants to be able to pass wildly unpopular, unconstitutional laws without getting any push back,” RedState writer Bonchie explained. “They don’t want people to organize online campaigns against them or express their displeasure in a way that may animate others to follow suit. This law would be used to harass anyone who steps out of line and it’s ironic that it’s spun as an anti-harassment law protecting high ranking state officials.”
Among those laws are the gun-control measures that inspired thousands of the state’s heavily armed gun owners to descend upon the capitol in Richmond, and before that, a vast majority of the state’s counties to declare themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries where the new unconstitutional gun laws will not be enforced.
The most dangerous and frightening of those laws is the totalitarian “red-flag” proposal that would allow the capricious seizure of guns from those deemed to be dangerous.
That law “creates a procedure by which any attorney for the Commonwealth or any law-enforcement officer may apply to a general district court, circuit court, or juvenile and domestic relations district court judge or magistrate for an emergency substantial risk order to prohibit a person who poses a substantial risk of injury to himself or others from purchasing, possessing, or transporting a firearm.”
Within 14 days, a court must convene a hearing to determine whether a substantial risk order should be issued that could disarm the individual for six months. Giving a gun to a disarmed person is a felony, and “the bill creates a computerized substantial risk order registry for the entry of orders issued pursuant to provisions in the bill.”
The red-flag confiscation bill and the other anti-gun laws will likely face court challenges.


Pete Buttigieg assures that pro-life views have no place in Democrat Party
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Solidifying Reformation Charlotte’s official position that the Democratic Party is the party of Satan himself, Gay presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg answers the question of a Democrat claiming to be pro-life and affirms the official Democrat position that abortion should be available up to nine months and that the government should pay for it.
While the Democrat Party insists that people who are pro-life have no place in their party, Reformation Charlotte argues that the Christian faith has no place for Democrats.
Let’s be clear: your political positions, activism, or support have no bearing on your salvation–zero. However, if you claim to be a Christian, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and bought by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures say that you will be given a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26) and you are being sanctified unto good works (Ephesians 2:10).
So let me spell this out for you. This means you cannot be a Christian while supporting the slaughter of innocent children, gay rights, gay propaganda, “gay Christianity,” theft (redistribution of wealth), lawlessness (i.e. open borders), a complete and total lack of individual responsibility (i.e. nanny state welfare system, single-payer insurance, etc.), or the endless sweeping away of our right to worship God freely. If you support this godless ideology or support candidates that do, don’t expect me to treat you as a fellow Christian.
In a nutshell, the Democrat party is the party of death, self-entitlement, self-aggrandizement, and self-idolatry. Democrats must be excommunicated from the Church.

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