Student has grade docked for using 

‘mankind’ in English paper


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Northern Arizona University professor Anne Scott (pictured) lowered
student Cailin Jeffers’s grade for using the word ‘mankind’ instead of
the gender-neutral ‘humanity’:

 Northern Arizona University professor Anne Scott (pictured) lowered student Cailin Jeffers's grade for using the word 'mankind' instead of the gender-neutral 'humanity' 

A Northern Arizona University student lost credit on an English paper
for using the word “mankind” instead of a gender-neutral alternative.
Cailin Jeffers, an English major at NAU, told Campus Reform
that she received an email from one of her professors, Dr. Anne Scott,
informing her that she had been docked one point out of a possible 50 on
a recent paper for “problems with diction (word choice)” related to her
use of the word “mankind” as a synonym for “humanity.”

“The words we use matter very much, or else teachers would not be making an issue of this at all.”

“I would be negligent, as a professor who is running a class about
the human condition and the assumptions we make about being ‘human,’ if I
did not also raise this issue of gendered language and ask my students
to respect the need for gender-neutral language,” Scott explained. “The
words we use matter very much, or else teachers would not be making an
issue of this at all, and the MLA would not be making recommendations
for gender-neutral language at the national level.”
Scott then offered to let Jeffers revise the paper to earn additional
points in five categories, including diction, but noted that she is
under no obligation to do so.
“I will respect your choice to leave your diction choices ‘as is’ and
to make whatever political and linguistic statement you want to make by
doing so,” the professor wrote. “By the same token, I will still need
to subtract a point because your choice will not be made in the letter
or spirit of this particular class, which is all about having you and
other students looking beneath your assumptions and understanding that
‘mankind’ does not mean ‘all people’ to all people. It positively does
“After our first essay we were given a list of ‘do’s and don’ts’
based off of errors my professor found in our essays. Most of them make
sense, just things like ‘make sure you’re numbering your pages’ and
‘cite in proper MLA format,’ but she said we had to be sure to use
‘gender-neutral language,’” Jeffers told Campus Reform.
“Included with this rule were several examples of what was and wasn’t
okay to use. In one of these examples she stated that we could not use
the word ‘mankind.’ Instead, we should use ‘humankind.’ I thought this
was absurd, and I wasn’t sure if she was serious.”
Jeffers decided to test the policy on her next paper by including two
instances of the word “mankind,” and when the paper came back with the
requisite points taken off, she requested a meeting with Scott.
“I stated that I agree with everything she said about my paper except
my use of ‘mankind.’ She proceeded to tell me that the NAU English
department, as well as the Modern Language Association, are pushing for
gender-neutral language, and all students must abide by this,” Jeffers
recalled. “She told me that ‘mankind’ does not refer to all people, only
males. I refuted, stating that it DOES refer to all people, [but] she
proceeded to tell me that I was wrong, ‘mankind’ is sexist, and I should
make an effort to look beyond my preset positions and ideologies, as is
the focus of the class.”
Jeffers noted that Scott informed her that she could appeal the grade
to the department chair, but otherwise “refused to correct her original
markdown,” elaborating on her reasoning in the aforementioned email to
Following the meeting, Scott also sent an email to the entire class
recounting “an important discussion that I had with one of our class
members today about gender-neutral language,” using the incident as an
opportunity to explain why she imposes the requirement.
“In a class such as this, wherein the course goals, discussions,
readings, and assignments are all focused on what makes us ‘human’ and
the assumptions we make about such a concept, it is crucial that we also
understand what our word choices mean a great deal and have
consequences in terms of what we reveal about our assumptions about
ourselves and others, and the world generally,” Scott asserted.
She then listed several examples of rhetorical prejudice found in
reading assignments, such as a father telling his son to find another
woman to procreate with, calling someone “kin of Cain” to imply that
they have an evil nature, and referring to a disfigured person as a
None of the examples directly touches on the issue of gender-neutral
language, but Scott went on to elaborate that, “in a similar fashion,
the words we choose to refer to humanity, to people in general, also
have a history, a context, and built-in assumptions.”
Scott concluded by vehemently denying that gender-neutral language is
merely a question of “political correctness,” pointing out that both
the Modern Language Association and the American Psychological
Association have put out guidelines promoting gender-neutral language.
“The issue goes beyond ‘political correctness,’ for my colleagues and
I recognize that words help to create our reality, power dynamics, and
relationships among people,” she told the class. “You are welcome to
make a statement about your politics, or conscience, or beliefs by using
gender-specific language in your papers, and in many cases
gender-specific language is called for, when you can discern with
certainty the gender of the characters and author you’re discussing.
However, I’ll still have to subtract a point or two for any kind of
language that refers to all people as ‘mankind’ or readers as ‘him/he’,
for the reasons I’ve outlined carefully above.”
Campus Reform has reached out to Dr. Scott, as well as the
Dean of the College that houses the English Department and the English
Department Chair, but none had responded by press time. This article
will be updated if a response is received.


The False Gospel of Freemasonry: 
Pulpit & Pen Interviews a Former Mason
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Recently, Pulpit & Pen
interviewed theologian and former Freemason William Guilkey. William’s
story provides a sobering reminder of how deeply Freemasonry has
infiltrated the visible church. As a former Masonic insider, William
provides confirmation that Freemasonry’s many Christian detractors have
been wise to sound the alarm about the unbliblical nature of the Craft.
William is clear: Freemasonry is not compatible with Christianity.
Please find the interview below:

How long have you been a Christian?

My eyes were opened to the truths
of the Gospel in the Summer of 2004 (after many years of habitual sin).
While I cannot pinpoint the moment in time when the Gospel began to make
sense to me, I can say that it seemed to start that Summer. I began to
come under heavy conviction of my sin and in time found the hope of the
Gospel. Nearly 13 years later there is much evidence of repentance and
belief in my life, I hate the sins I once embraced, am at war with sin
on a daily basis, continually repent when I fail and I’m continuing in
Christ. There were some really rocky times in the first several years
due to deeply, ingrained patterns of sin but God has faithfully given me
ever increasing victory over them. There is much evidence of a change
in me thanks to the Lord and it all began in the Summer of 2004.

Are you currently an active member of a New Testament Church?

Yes, my wife and I are members of Christ Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Janesville, WI.

Do you have any level of formal theological education?

Yes. I grew up in the Assemblies
of God. I was a “false convert” who never truly understood the Gospel as
well as a legalist with an air of works righteousness. I have a B.A. in
Bible from Central Bible College (1989)

How long were you involved in Freemasonry?

Approximately 6 or so years (with varying degrees of activeness).

What was the name of your lodge?

Bee Hive Lodge #393 in Lawson, MO

In what degrees of Masonry were you proficient?

I received the 3 degrees of the
Blue Lodge as well as the degrees in the Scottish Rite (up to degree
#32). Giving one’s proficiency in the degrees (orally) was no longer
required but as a tribute to my grandfather for his 50th year in the Lodge, I orally repeated the 1st degree and was deemed proficient.

Did you hold any leadership positions in Freemasonry?

Yes, I was the Junior Warden one year and the Senior Warden the next year.

Were there any professed Christians in your lodge?

There were several (including at
least one Pastor). Most were from the older, liberal, mainline
denominations (United Methodist, Presbyterian USA and The Disciples of
Christ, which in our small town was merged with the PCUSA Church). There
were also a few Southern Baptists.

Were there any non-Christians in your lodge?

Yes, including some with the veneer of “Christian” and some outright secular men.

In what degrees of Masonry were you proficient?

In Missouri, they no longer require oral proficiency of the degrees but I did an oral proficiency of the 1st degree in honor of my grandfather’s 50th anniversary in the Lodge.

Why did you leave Freemasonry?

I began to be convicted by the
Holy Spirit that Freemasonry was incompatible with Christianity over
time. It promotes a universal “gospel” of “salvation by
works/Freemasonry” and it requires unbiblical oaths to enter.

Do you believe the blood oaths required to enter Blue Lodge Freemasonry are antithetical to Christian practice?

Yes, per Matthew 5:34-35 for example.

What would you say to someone who
said the oaths were merely symbolic and do not violate Christ’s commands
regarding oath-swearing?

While the oaths are almost
certainly symbolic in our day (since violating them comes with the
penalty of death), there is a sense in which they are serious and that
has to do more with the “brotherhood of the Lodge” and the secrets
contained within its walls. What one is giving oath to essentially is
their silence/secrecy and this is expected to be adhered to by the one
making the oaths.

What can you tell us about the story of Hiram Abiff and the ritual related to him?

Hiram Abiff is loosely based on a character in the verse 2 Chronicles 2:13
(which is not really clear). In Freemasonry, he is known as the “Grand
Master Mason” of King Solomon’s Temple, who outlines the work duties for
the other Masons. The candidate for the 3rd
Degree plays the character of Hiram Abiff and is escorted around the
Lodge and put through various scenarios as the character Hiram Abiff.
Hiram Abiff supposedly has the “Master’s word” and the deeper secrets of
Freemasonry. Hiram is confronted by some ruffians (Fellowcrafts) who
are impatient to receive the word and the secrets of the Master Mason
and after refusing to comply with their demands, Hiram is killed with a
mallet to the head (which happens to the candidate who is left in the
temple under some rubble then later carried to Mount Moriah and laid on
the ground as though buried). Later when it is discovered that Hiram
Abiff is missing, a panic ensues. Eventually some other Fellowcrafts
come to King Solomon and admit that they knew of a plot to kill Hiram
(but did not participate). King Solomon orders them to find the ruffians
(three were missing when he had a roll call of the Fellowcrafts) under
penalty of death if they fail to do so. They found the ruffians when
they stopped to rest and one of the searchers grabbed an acacia branch
which easily gave way to him (it marked the shallow grave of Hiram
Abiff). At that point, they heard the three ruffians mourning about
their role in the death and indicting themselves under the penalty of
their obligations. They were seized, taken to Solomon and executed
according to those penalties (outside the city gate). King Solomon and
all of his followers then go to the shallow grave (where Hiram has laid
for 15 days according to the story). He asks both an Entered Apprentice
(1st degree) and a Fellowcraft (2nd
degree) to raise him by their grips but the rotting flesh slips from
their hands. King Solomon then proceeds to raise the body by the strong
grip of the Master Mason (complete with a certain posture and a word).
This works and the candidate is raised to the “sublime degree of Master
Mason” (their description). In my case, my Grandfather was inserted for
King Solomon and performed my “raising” (of which I am now very ashamed
of as I type). There is no question that the Hiram Abiff character is a
blasphemous characterization of the resurrection (at the very least in

Are non-Christian Freemasons led to believe that they can reach Heaven outside of professing faith in Jesus Christ?

Without question. In the long
speech in the second degree, a Fellowcraft is explicitly told that they
will be happy at death if “the setting splendors of a virtuous life gild
his departing moments with the gentle tints of hope.” Often Freemasonry
is described as an organization that exists to “make good men better.”
It presupposes the basic goodness of man (at least of those who pass the
initial screening of their candidacy).

If the Great Architect of the Universe the same God as the God of the Holy Bible?

It cannot be by definition since
Freemasonry only requires a belief in a Supreme Being/God/god and leaves
that up to the candidate to determine who/Who/what that is for them. In
rural Missouri, people were basically “Christian” in their mindset (not
born again mind you but simply meaning that they took their oaths on
the Bible but one could have taken it on any “holy book”). The only
requirement is that you cannot be a professing atheist. That kind of
pluralistic approach cannot be the God of the Holy Bible.

Is there any truth to the notion that Freemasonry teaches belief in Osiris, Hours, or other Egyptian deities?

I do not recall these names in
either the Blue Lodge or the Scottish Rite (however, the Scottish Rite
was a weekend “marathon” in which degrees 4-32 were given and it was
done “theater style” with us watching the proceedings so I have very
little recollection of it)

Is the “All Seeing Eye” a representation of God?

Yes, because we are reminded that
even if our actions evade the eyes of men, that all of them are seen by
the “All-Seeing Eye” who will reward us according to “our merits” (yet
another false doctrine, unless by “reward” they mean “judgment”).

In your degrees of Freemasonry did you ever receive teaching about Jabulon, Lucifer, or any other such spirit being?

I do not recall these names in
either the Blue Lodge or the Scottish Rite (however, the Scottish Rite
was a weekend “marathon” in which degrees 4-32 were given and it was
done “theater style” with us watching the proceedings so I have very
little recollection of it). Having grown up in the church (even if I was
not genuinely converted at the time), I am pretty sure I would have
been disturbed if I heard the name of “Lucifer” in any positive context.

Does Scottish Rite (or any other form of Freemasonry) confer a Melchizedek priesthood on adherents?

I was hardly active in the
Scottish Rite and the weekend “marathon” of degrees only allows them to
confer so many through the ritual. I do not know if this one was acted
out for us or not but I have read that it is in the 19th degree. I did not know this before researching for this question so I am not a good source on this answer.

Does Freemasonry contradict the doctrine of Original Sin?

Yes, by stating that Freemasonry
serves to “make good men better.” One of the things all Masons say in
repeating the ritual is “to improve myself in Freemasonry” and in
another place, they ask for “Further light” (implying that they may have
some light).

Does Freemasonry teach that salvation can be obtained by performing good works?

Yes, in the lecture portion of the 2nd and 3rd degrees (as outlined in previous questions)

Do Freemasons believe that they
possess wisdom or light that cannot be obtained from the Bible or a
relationship with Jesus Christ?

In my small town, they would
always say “it’s all based on the Bible” but when one hears of the
various study clubs and meetings for the more advanced degrees, you hear
implications of “deeper” or “esoteric” knowledge. To me, it all sounded
like pretentious “gobbled-y gook” to be honest. I never really “got”
that part of it all.

How were you treated by other Freemasons after leaving the lodge?

I live in a different state and do
not encounter any of the men for the most part but no one has sought me
out to discuss it etc. When I resigned, I resigned in writing, with a
letter containing the Gospel. They clearly know where I stood and where I
stand on the matter. I am however, always open to talk with any of them
about the Gospel should a door be opened to me.

Is there anything you would like to say to the “Christian” Masons who are reading this interview?

I would say first of all that I
think many, many people go into Freemasonry innocently enough. By that I
mean that there are some appealing features to some of the “perks” (for
example, where I am from, there were certain jobs that were more
attainable for someone who was a member of the Lodge). I know also that
many men put almost no effort into learning or practicing anything
related to Freemasonry and see it as an opportunity to get together with
some guys a few times a month to eat, smoke, drink coffee and tell tall
tales. As far as some of the deeper conspiracies that people allege are
concerned, I never saw any of that in my small town. If we were somehow
trying to overtake the world, we were definitely way behind in our
efforts! Our Lodge did some nice public service things (i.e.
scholarships, Child Identification Programs to help police in the event
of an abduction and chili/ham & bean suppers). That is how most of
the “brothers” approached Freemasonry. That being said, it really is a
“False Gospel,” with a “False, Pluralistic god” and it gives false
assurance to many people. It is the antithesis of the Bible’s teaching
about the true nature of man and his need before the Thrice Holy God.
Because of that, whether done in “innocence” or “ignorance,” it is a
system of idolatry and must be avoided. It violates the First, Second
and Third commandments and that alone is enough to flee from this false,
religious system. I would encourage you to read the Bible for yourself
and to ask the LORD to open your eyes to His holiness and His
requirements. If/when He does this, you will likely begin feeling the
heavy weight of conviction of sin (because you will then see how much
you have offended God). When that happens, cry out to Him for mercy,
turn from your sin (including the sin of aligning with the Masonic
Lodge) and believe that if you come to Him, He will “in no wise cast you
out” (John 6:37) for “Whosoever calleth on the Name of the Lord, shall be saved!” (Romans 10:13)

Please share this with friends and family, especially those with
Masonic connections.  Freemasonry is a very serious gospel issue and a
very present sin in many churches.  The Pulpit & Pen encourages all
Christian former Masons and any pastors who have dealt with the issue of
Freemasonry to contact us with your stories.

*Please note that the preceding is my personal opinion. It
is not necessarily the opinion of any entity by which I am employed, any
church at which I am a member, any church which I attend, or the
educational institution at which I am enrolled. Any copyrighted material
displayed or referenced is done under the doctrine of fair use.


False Teacher of the Day #1: Tamara Lowe


 “Tamara Lowe is known
as The Success Strategist to Superstars having built the public images,
brands and businesses of countless celebrities. #1 Amazon and New York
Times bestselling author, she has a global following. As a motivational
speaker Tamara has trained more than 4,000,000 people in 75 nations. She
built a billion dollar company from the ground up and has led over
500,000 businesspeople to faith in Christ.”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Many of you may have never heard of Tamara Lowe or know who she is. 
She is a motivational speaker and the founder of a money-making how-to 
course called Kingdom Builders.
 She regularly twists the Scriptures to make egregious claims such that 
God desires for all of us to be wealthy and rich and claims that she 
will teach you from the Scriptures how to do so if you will sign up for 
her academy. Lowe has a podcast on Charisma News

According to CBN, Lowe had a rough childhood which she was ultimately brought out of.

Tamara Lowe grew up on the streets of New Orleans. At age
10, she was taking drugs.  She became a drug dealer at 12 and dropped
out of school in the eighth grade. For the next decade, she went from
one drug-induced high to the next. Then, Tamara had a life-changing
transition – she got motivated.

She claims she has worked face to face with many well-known celebrities and world leaders, including Ronald Reagan, Gerald
Ford, Jimmy Carter, George HW Bush, and Bill Clinton, British Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher, Canadian Prime Minister Joe Clark, Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Soviet President Mikhail
Gorbachev, Billy Graham, Colin Powell, Joe Montana, George Foreman,
Goldie Hawn, Charlton Heston, Bill Cosby, Christopher Reeve, Rudy
Giuliani, Mary Lou Retton, and Mother Teresa.
Tamara Lowe is a false teacher. She teaches a false gospel–the Word
of Faith and Prosperity Gospels as well as a heresy called Positive
Confession. Positive Confession is the practice of speaking things into
existence or using the power of your words to create and manifest your
desires. Lowe is on the Elijah List, a forum for New Apostolic
Reformation false prophets to proclaim what “God has told them.” Lowe prophesied the following:

WEALTH! I say that unapologetically. “Wealth” is not a four-letter
word. In fact, at the risk of offending you, I’ll go so far as to say if you’re struggling financially something is very, very wrong!

Her teachings and false prophecy are diametrically opposed to the
Word of God, which states that it is easier for a camel to go through
the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24).
Scripture repeatedly asserts that often times the believer’s temporal
life will be replete with suffering and calamity for the cause of Christ
(Phillippians 1:29, 1 Peter 4:1, Acts 14:22,
etc.). Further, the Scriptures teach us to lay up for ourselves
treasures in Heaven rather than useless treasures in this life–they
won’t last (Matthew 6:19-21).
Lowe has proclaimed several Health and Wealth “prophecies” which are archived on the Elijah List website.
Tamara Lowe is not someone a true believer should have anything to do
with. She is a false teacher who seeks only to promote herself. She
proudly claims that she preaches a “non-religious” gospel, which is
evident by her associations with many other false teachers and her
ecumenical alliances. You can regularly find her on heretical outlets
such as TBN, CBN and Charisma Mag while associating with others of her ilk such as Joyce Meyer, Reinhard Bonnke, and Darlene Zschech.
Regardless of where you find her, she will be surely accompanied by
multiple ads and promotions asking you to sign up for her services while
using the name of God, Scripture, and religious and secular celebrities
to promote her false teachings.



 “Poncho Lowder is passionate about a 
Presence-empowered church.”
(Likely a Demonic Presence, 
Since Jesus is Purposely Avoided)
False Teacher of the Day #2: Poncho Lowder
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Poncho Lowder is the lead pastor of a church in Austin called 
Planetshakers. Planetshakers, much like Hillsong, is an international 
organization based out of Australia whose focus is on music and 
experience. Planetshakers is a church that  
promotes extrabiblical experiential encounters with the Holy Spirit while minimizing 
the actual content of the gospel.

Poncho Lowder has authored a book called Purse God, a seeker-friendly
book that teaches his readers to “passionately pursue” a relationship
with God daily in order to reap the benefits of that relationship. One
review on Amazon stated, “Pursue God will equip you to give yourself to
Jesus and His cause for your entire life.”
Lowder claims his conversion was based on an encounter with the Holy
Spirit, devoid of any mention of Jesus, his death, burial, or
resurrection. His website states,

Poncho believes that lives are changed through an
authentic encounter with the presence of God. His life was radically
transformed through one moment with Holy Spirit at age 19 while sitting
in the back row of a church. Since that moment Poncho has given his life
to whole-heartedly seeking God and challenging others to live the dream
that God has for them. He carries a calling to contend for the
miraculous and to walk in complete faith in God’s goodness.

teachings are no different than those of his mother church. He teaches
his followers to contend for miracles while actively seeking the Holy
Spirit. A thorough perusal of his website, the name, Jesus, could
nowhere be found. However, “Holy Spirit,” “God,” and “experience” were
named repeatedly.

  • Worship: Enter into an atmosphere of Presence-driven worship, where the Holy Spirit will move in your life. (source)
  • Kids: Your kids are the future! They’ll have so much fun and
    grow closer to God in our amazing Kids Church experience for all
    children 12 and under! (source)
  • …a place where people just like you can have a life-changing encounter with God that will empower you to reach your world. (source)

His sermons are full of motivational new-age hype designed to
encourage people to go out into the world and enact social justice
change in the name of Christianity. This is the false gospel of Poncho
Lowder and Planet Shakers. If Christ crucified is ever preached in his
church, it has been extremely difficult to find and is most certainly
minimized, at best, while sensual experiences and social change is the
primary focus of this movement.
Poncho Lowder and Planetshakers Church, Austin are to be avoided.