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Obama is building a 30,000 person army of
“lynch mob” agitators to start riots, civil war
across America
Published on Feb 22, 2017
is building a 30,000 person army of “lynch mob” agitators to start
riots, civil war across America Barak Hussein Obama is not sitting idly
by watching the dismantling of his disastrous and destructive legacy
after eight years in the White House. Quite the contrary. He and
Michelle are setting up a “shadow white house within two miles of
[President] Trump,” reports the New York Post. It is from this vantage
point that the former President and First Lady will be leading “a group
of leftist non-profits led by Organizing for Action” (OFA). Author Ed
Klein pointed this out on Fox News before President Trump’s

The OFA currently has over 250 offices in America
and more than 32,000 fired up participants, along with another 25,000
who are actively being trained for six weeks in the same “Alinsky
agitation tactics Obama received in Chicago when he was a community
organizer.” Saul Alinsky (1909 – 1972) was a highly motivated and fiery
Chicago socialist whose ideology has been a strategic model for both
Obamas. Alinsky’s well known book “Rules for Radicals” was dedicated to

The OFA has raised over $40 million in donations and
grants since 2013 when it morphed out of another Obama organization
called Organizing for America. Because the OFA is organized as a 501 (c)
(4), it doesn’t have to disclose who provides the funding, but you can
be sure that Obama’s pal, the notorious, evil billionaire pal George
Soros certainly has skin in the game. points out that
in 2014, according to IRS tax filings, the donors giving OFA the most
were members of the “Soros- founded Democracy Alliance,” a group formed
for “left-wing billionaires devoted to radical political change.”

extend it’s reach, the OFA has teamed up with another anti-Trump
progressive group called Indivisible, which boasts “4,500 local groups
signed up to resist Trump in nearly every Congressional district in the
country.” One of their first joint OFA/Indivisible projects was an
online training Recess Tool Kit, which instructs the newly trained
agitators how to “bully GOP lawmakers into backing off support for
repealing ObamaCare, curbing immigration from high-risk Islamic nations,
and building a border wall.” As Breitbart has exposed, “Indivisible
leaders are openly associated with groups financed by billionaire George

In addition to the OFA goal of keeping ObamaCare and
resisting President Trump’s conservative agenda on immigration issues,
there are other platforms Obama and his band of OFA minions are
desperate to salvage. These include a platform to fight against “climate
deniers,” promote gun control, and ensure that women still have the
right to kill their young inside the womb, among others. Reading through
the issues pushed by OFA, is a stark reminder of what the past eight
years have been – and what could have been had Hillary Clinton been
elected. As you may recall, Soros donated $25 million dollars to get her
in the White House. It’s clear he’s still trying to make good on his

That a former president is actively engaged, merely
weeks after stepping down, in preserving a lying and destructive agenda
is something new in America, but these days, how can we be surprised at
any attempts by those intent on a globalist agenda to thwart President
Trump? The disconnect between reality and lies is growing bigger for
those who have signed up for another ride on the Obama train. Time will
tell if these organized agitators will employ violence or mayhem. The
former White House occupier may possess the biggest disconnect of all,
with an ego that prevents him from knowing it.


Intelligence Advisor Discusses Coup Against
President Trump
Published on Feb 23, 2017
reporter Millie Weaver discusses developments regarding an ongoing coup
against President Donald Trump with renounced code breaker and former
intelligence advisor Louis Buff Parry. Weaver and Parry discuss a recent
Tucker Carlson interview with former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright who
reveals insider information which confirms that a rouge group within the
US intelligence community is withholding sensitive information from
President Trump in what appears to be part of a coup against Trump to
remove him from office. Parry goes over possible ways the Trump
administration could stop the coup within the powers allotted to him by
way of the Constitution and Executive Orders.
Trump 2017Fox News panel: “Obama is trying to IMPEACH Donald Trump in secret”
Published on Feb 23, 2017
Fox News panel discusses how Obama is secretly scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency and impeach him.

former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump
protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops?
Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who
will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic
presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two
miles from the White House.

In what’s shaping up to be a highly
unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington.
He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a
shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to
sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First”

He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led
by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up
to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that
candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up
for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across
the country.

Since Donald Trump’s election, this little-known but
well-funded protesting arm has beefed up staff and ramped up
recruitment of young liberal activists, declaring on its website, “We’re
not backing down.” Determined to salvage Obama’s legacy, it’s drawing
battle lines on immigration, ObamaCare, race relations and climate

Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even
tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA
foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory.

“It is fine for
everybody to feel stressed, sad, discouraged,” he said in a conference
call from the White House. “But get over it.” He demanded they “move
forward to protect what we’ve accomplished.”

“Now is the time for some organizing,” he said. “So don’t mope.”

from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across
US cities, some of which turned into riots. After Trump issued a
temporary ban on immigration from seven terror-prone Muslim nations, the
demonstrators jammed airports, chanting: “No ban, no wall, sanctuary
for all!”

Run by old Obama aides and campaign workers, federal
tax records show “nonpartisan” OFA marshals 32,525 volunteers
nationwide. Registered as a 501(c)(4), it doesn’t have to disclose its
donors, but they’ve been generous. OFA has raised more than $40 million
in contributions and grants since evolving from Obama’s campaign
organization Obama for America in 2013.

OFA, in IRS filings, says
it trains young activists to develop “organizing skills.” Armed with
Obama’s 2012 campaign database, OFA plans to get out the vote for
Democratic candidates it’s grooming to win back Congress and erect a
wall of resistance to Trump at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

will be aided in that effort by the Obama Foundation, run by Obama’s
former political director, and the National Democratic Redistricting
Committee, launched last month by Obama pal Eric Holder to end what he
and Obama call GOP “gerrymandering” of congressional districts.

will be overseeing it all from a shadow White House located within two
miles of Trump. It features a mansion, which he’s fortifying with
construction of a tall brick perimeter, and a nearby taxpayer-funded
office with his own chief of staff and press secretary. Michelle Obama
will also open an office there, along with the Obama Foundation.

to the fight is rebuilding the ravaged Democratic Party. Obama hopes to
install his former civil rights chief Tom Perez at the helm of the
Democratic National Committee.

Perez is running for the vacant
DNC chairmanship, vowing, “It’s time to organize and fight . . . We must
stand up to protect President Obama’s accomplishments,” while also
promising, “We’re going to build the strongest grassroots organizing
force this country has ever seen.”

The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents.

going to see me early next year,” he told his OFA troops after the
election, “and we’re going to be in a position where we can start
cooking up all kinds of great stuff.”

Added the ex-president: “Point is, I’m still fired up and ready to go.”

Obama Moves to Bunker & Prepares To ‘Fight Trump’—30,000 Man Activist Army READY At His COMMAND

Published on Feb 13, 2017

Here’s the link that goes with the video:…

For More Information See:………………


Check Out Obama’s Guide to Resist Trumps Agenda (OFA)

Published on Feb 20, 2017

Obama-linked activists have a ‘training manual’ for protesting Trump…

The First Lady on the Launch of Organizing for Action…
Organizing for America Facilitates Minnesota Voter Fraud…

Take a deep breath. Then take action…

Indivisible Guide…

Town Hall Project…

A practical guide For resisting the Trump agenda


Obama’s Backers Seek Big Donors to Press Agenda…

Obama Group Trains Activists to Sabotage Trump Presidency…

Michele Obama on the Launch of Organizing for Action

Obama’s OFA releases brainwashing tactics
Published on Feb 20, 2017

anti Trump protest group OFA has released a manifesto on how to
brainwash Americans into believing their propoganda through very
sophisticated tactics.

I know he is in jail still, but Pete
Santilli still has videos up on his channel warning America about this
very thing and I highly recommend them.


Sabotage: Obama Is Commanding An Army Of 30,000 Anti-Trump Activists From His Home 2 Miles From The White House



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 The American Dream

February 13, 2017 

Throughout American history, most ex-presidents have chosen
to move away from Washington D.C. once their terms have ended, and the
vast majority of them have tried very hard not to interfere with their

Unfortunately, Barack Obama has opted for the exact opposite
approach. His new home is less than two miles from the White House, and
from this “command center” he will be directing the activities of an
army of more than 30,000 anti-Trump activists. In fact, as you will see
below, this army has already been heavily involved in many of the
protests and riots that have been popping up around the nation in recent
days. “Sabotage” is a very strong word, but it is becoming apparent
that Obama intends to do all that he can to sabotage the Trump
administration, and that is very bad news for the American people.

On Saturday, the New York Post ran an excellent article by author Paul Sperry that was entitled “How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency”. In that piece, Sperry actually accuses Obama of setting up “a shadow government” to oppose Trump…

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes,
Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will
fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency.
And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s
working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow
government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage
the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

The “army of agitators” that Sperry is talking about is actually a
nationwide network of “community organizers” known as “Organizing for

If you go to the official website
of Organizing for Action, you will see that there is a big picture of
Obama right in the background of the homepage. Organizing for Action “grew out of Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign”, and it claims to have 250 local chapters around the nation.

If Hillary Clinton had won the election, Organizing for Action would
almost certainly have faded from the spotlight, but now that Trump is in
the White House they are rapidly raising money and gearing up for war.

And one of the first things the organization is trying to do is to save Obamacare. The following comes from NBC News

To defend Obamacare, the group says it has planned 400
health care-focused events in 42 states this year with partners that
include mainline liberal groups, like the Center for American Progress
and Planned Parenthood, as well those from the progressive wing, like

OFA says 20,000 people have used their tool to call senators’ offices
to urge them not to repeal Obamacare and says one million supporters
have already taken action with OFA.

The goal is to further hinder the already stalling momentum around repeal the Affordable Care Act.

But Organizing for Action is not just about peaceful political action. In fact, according to Sperry some of the anti-Trump marches that Organizing for Action helped put together actually “turned into riots”…

Far from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots. After Trump issued a temporary ban on immigration from seven terror-prone Muslim nations, the demonstrators jammed airports, chanting: “No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!”

Run by old Obama aides and campaign workers, federal tax records show
“nonpartisan” OFA marshals 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Registered as a
501(c)(4), it doesn’t have to disclose its donors, but they’ve been
generous. OFA has raised more than $40 million in contributions
and grants since evolving from Obama’s campaign organization Obama for
America in 2013

So many people have been pointing the finger at George Soros for
funding and organizing anti-Trump activists, but the truth is that
Organizing for Action is perhaps even more involved than Soros is.

And Barack Obama is guiding and directing Organizing for Action from
his brand new compound less than two miles from the White House.

The ironic thing about all of this is that Obama is currently
building a very tall brick wall around his compound while at the same
time his army of activists is highly criticizing Trump for wanting to
build a border wall to protect the United States from unwanted

If Obama doesn’t like walls, he should tear down his own wall first.

Another form of sabotage against the Trump administration is coming
from Obama loyalists that are still embedded within various government

According to Trump, those loyalists are responsible for the very disturbing leaks that have been happening

President Donald Trump pointed the finger at Obama
administration holdovers at the White House and National Security
Council for leaking information about private phone conversations he had
with leaders of Australia and Mexico.

“It’s a disgrace that they leaked because it’s very much against our country,” Trump told Fox News
Sunday, accusing “Obama people” in civil service positions for the
leaks. “It’s a very dangerous thing for this country,” he added noting
that these individuals were still being sought out and replaced.

Needless to say, after eight years under Obama many government
agencies are absolutely crawling with people that are still very loyal
to him. Trump needs to do a major housecleaning, and that is going to
take some time.

What is going on between Obama and Trump is a microcosm of what is happening to society as a whole.

Obama and his loyalists have totally bought into the radical
progressive agenda of the global elite, and Donald Trump and his
followers are very much against it.

I don’t know that it is possible for there to be much compromise
between the two sides, and so that means that more conflict is ahead.

The election of Donald Trump has fired up the radical left like never
before, and I believe that the protests and riots that we have seen so
far are only just the beginning.

And if things go really bad under Trump, it is very easy to imagine widespread civil unrest erupting all over the nation.

Unfortunately, throughout all of this we are going to be having an
ex-president sitting less than two miles from the White House guiding
and directing the anti-Trump forces every step of the way.


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