Ted Malloch: America’s Nigel Farage Takes on EU
 Published on Feb 7, 2017

pick for US Ambassador to the EU, Ted Malloch, has been met with calls
to block his appointment. But Malloch fired back in European interviews
over the weekend, pointing out that choosing an ambassador is the
prerogative of President Trump who just won the election and saying that
Trump would not be cowed down. He went on the offensive against
the President of the European Commission, the EU bureaucracy and
political correctness in a series of frank statements that showed he
would not be cowed down either.

 “‘DAVOS MAN’ Is Dead” Says Trump EU Ambassador
 Published on Feb 6, 2017

man tipped to be Donald Trump’s Ambassador to the EU made the rounds
this weekend with the European press. Candid, frank and defiant to the
unelected EU bureaucrats who are trying to block his appointment to the
EU, Ted Malloch has seen the global elites from the inside, organizing
their summits. He now pulls back the curtain and proclaims — “the Davos
Man is dead”.

Trump’s EU Ambassador: Trump Will Only Make Trade Deals With Nations, Not the EU



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Ted Malloch (shown), President Donald Trump’s proposed ambassador to the 
European Union, made it clear on Sunday
 that the administration’s goal is to destroy the European Union. During
 an interview on BBC on Sunday, Malloch warned that the EU is in for a 
rude awakening: Whether the EU powers-that-be like it or not, Trump will
 only deal with countries on a nation-by-nation basis. That would 
effectively end the supposed underlying reason for the EU.

Malloch said, “Trump won’t cow down to the powers that be. He’ll
speak his mind even if it gets him in trouble or held in disregard for
others. It used to be called honesty but in the age of baby talk and
political correctness, and mostly bullshit, it’s now regarded as

EU leaders and media supporters have seen this coming since November.
Patrick Wintour, the diplomatic editor for the liberal British paper The Guardian, spelled it out last Friday:

In European eyes, figures like Malloch
and Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, do not really want to end
the US leadership role in Europe.
They want, in the view of the European Council president, Donald Tusk, to destroy the EU, and are … intent in doing so….
This is not a policy of non-interference.
The policy is to help oversee the break-up of the EU, using the bully
pulpit of the presidency and the Breitbart website to do all they can to
cheer on the populist forces across Europe. Victories for nationalist
parties in the Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy this year would
ensure the EU’s implosion, and as such are to be encouraged.

Previous pronouncements from Malloch have confirmed that intent. In January Malloch told BBC News,
“I had a previous career in a diplomatic post where I helped bring down
the Soviet Union. So maybe there’s another union that needs a little
taming.” Malloch was a vocal supporter of Brexit, and has predicted that
the euro would collapse. He expressed his hope that all members of the
European Union would hold similar referendums.

In January Malloch, in an interview on BBC One’s This Week,
said that Donald Trump doesn’t like the idea of EU’s “integration”:
“[He] doesn’t like an organization that is supranational, that is
unelected, where the bureaucrats run amok, and is not frankly a proper

Malloch can be best described as the insiders’ “maverick,” supporting
various efforts but not buying into the ideology. He has served — he
calls himself a Sherpa — on the executive board of the World Economic
Forum, which hosts the Davos meeting of elites in Switzerland every
year. He has held an ambassadorial position in the UN. He headed up the
consulting division of Wharton-Chase Econometrics. He worked at the
international banking firm Salomon Brothers. He served in senior policy
positions with the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, as well
as in the U.S. State Department. He is a research professor at Yale.

He’s even expressed support for the EU in the past, but usually with a
qualifying disclaimer: The EU is a “very important arrangement that was
largely brought about by American contributions.… For some long decades
it’s been absolutely critical to the trans-Atlantic alliance and to
US-Europe relations.” But he added, “I do believe it has more and more
become a supranational organization with political ambitions that
probably don’t fit with all of its member states’ ambitions.”

He has spoken critically of some of the EU’s top people, including
European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker.
Juncker, said
Malloch, “was a very adequate mayor, I think, of some city in
Luxembourg, and maybe he should go back and do that again.”

This has not surprisingly generated genuine concern among those top
people. The liberal leader of the European Parliament, Guy Verofstadt,
and the head of the European People’s Party, Manfred Weber, sent a
letter to Juncker last week demanding that the EU not grant
“credentials” to Malloch if Trump does in fact name him as his
ambassador to the organization. The letter cited Malloch’s “outrageous
malevolence against the values that define this European Union. We are
strongly convinced that people seeing as their mission to disrupt or
dissolve the European Union should not be accredited as official
representatives to the EU.”

Nervousness bordering on panic has forced the New York Times to weigh in against Trump as Malloch’s potential employer. Steven Erlanger of the Times
launched a broadside against the president: “Mr. Trump has expressed
disdain for other multilateral institutions such as the European Union,
His praise has been reserved for populists and strongmen, like Nigel
Farage, the former leader of the U.K. Independence Party, President
Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines and, of course, President Vladimir V.
Putin of Russia.” Erlanger added:

Some European leaders are urging their
counterparts to recognize that Mr. Trump may represent a truly dire
challenge, one that threatens to upend not only the 70-year European
project of integration and security, but just about everything they
stand for, including liberal democracy itself.

Mark Leonard, the director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, added:

Trump is the first American president
since the E.U. was created not to be in favor of deeper European
integration. Not only that, he’s against it and sees the destruction of
the European Union as in America’s interest.
European [leaders] see Trump as the
biggest threat to global order and the European ideal of how the world
should be organized. The U.S. has been a crucial part of the ballast
meant to be upholding the global order … in face of challenges….
But rather than acting as a check on these [challenges], Trump seems to be amplifying them, and that’s pretty terrifying.

By negotiating with the EU’s member states individually —
nation-by-nation — Trump and his ambassador-to-be, Ted Malloch, hope to
cut the legs out from under the primary foundational assumption that has
falsely and fraudulently supported the EU’s raison d’être:
that the union could obtain for them better economic performance than
individually. It would end the real reason for the EU: an economic union
leading inevitably to a political one as a step toward a One World