Rather Expose Them Christian News Blog


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Enlarged December 8, 2016 (first published September 4, 1998)
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
Lucado [pictured] is one of the most prominent and influential
evangelical leaders on the scene today. His positive-oriented books and
sermons are sold in most Christian bookstores, including the Southern
Baptist LifeWay stores. He is a popular speaker at a wide range of
conferences, including Promise Keepers, National Religious Broadcasters,
and National Association of Evangelicals.

is pastor of the Oak Hills Church of Christ in San Antonio, Texas. In
June 1997, I talked with Lucado on the phone as well as with Elder Doyle
Jennings of the Oak Hills Church. Both stated that they believe that
baptism is necessary for salvation, but they do not believe in
“baptismal regeneration.”

Thus we see that they have added
baptism to the grace of Christ for salvation. This is standard Church of
Christ error, and it is a very serious matter for it constitutes a
false gospel.

Lucado has never renounced Church of Christ heresy
and has maintained a close relationship with Pepperdine University and
Abeline Christian University, both staunch Church of Christ
institutions. A Pepperdine spokesman told Dennis Costella, editor of Foundation magazine, that Lucado has been featured seven times at Pepperdine lectureships (Foundation,
March-April 2000). Costella was in a unique position to judge these
things because he grew up in the Church of Christ and graduated from
Pepperdine before repenting of Church of Christ heresies.
Jennings said he does not accept the doctrine of eternal security,
while Lucado said this doctrine is not an issue in the church and elders
and people are free to accept it or reject it. This is very telling
since a proper understanding of salvation results in eternal security
for the believer. Those who believe a born again child of God can lose
his salvation simply do not understand the gospel.

Consider the following biblical truths about salvation. These could be greatly enlarged.

1. Salvation cannot be lost because it is a free gift of God’s grace that cannot be mixed with works (Eph. 2:8-10; Tit. 3:3-8; Rom. 3:19-24; 4:4-6; 11:6).
A gift means I receive something I do not earn; it refers to something
that it absolutely free and unmerited. How can a gift be taken away? If
it can be taken away, it ceases to be a gift!

2. Salvation cannot be lost because it is by imputation and substitution (2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 2:20; Heb. 9:10; Rom. 4:5).
Salvation is an exchange. Christ takes the believing sinner’s place in
condemnation, and the believer takes Christ’s place in righteousness.
Christ imparts to the sinner something he does not have and does not
deserve (righteousness). That is the meaning of the term
“justification.” It means that the believing sinner is declared
righteous on the basis of Christ’s atonement. How can such a thing be

3. Salvation cannot be lost because it is an eternally new
position in Christ. See Ephesians 1-3. The phrase “in Christ” is used
25 times. The theme of those chapters is the believer’s position in
Christ. In contrast, Ephesians 4-6 describe the believer’s walk in this
world. The term “walk” is used nine times in those chapters. This
teaches us the important truth that salvation is a matter of position
and practice, relationship and fellowship, union and communion, standing
and state. The believer’s position and relationship with Christ is
eternally secure the moment he is born again into God’s family, whereas
his practice and fellowship change according to how he lives. The
believer is a child of God forever though he might not be walking in
sweet fellowship every day of his earthly sojourn. See Eph. 4:1, 30; 5:1, 3, 8, where this teaching is described.

The blessings of salvation cannot be lost because of the teaching of
election. Election does not destroy human responsibility (2 Th. 2:10-13; also compare Acts 13:46 with Acts 13:48). But divine election does promise security for the believer (Rom. 8:28-39). Predestination is not God choosing only some to be saved; it is God choosing the destiny of those who are saved (Rom. 8:29). Election guarantees glorification (Rom. 8:30) and promises that there will be no condemnation (Rom. 8:31-34; 1 Pet. 1:2-5).

5. Salvation cannot be lost because of the value of Christ’s blood (Rom. 3:24-25).
The term “redeemed” refers to the price that was paid for our
salvation. It describes the purchase of a slave and the setting free of
that redeemed slave to serve the new loving Master. The term
“propitiation” also refers to the price of salvation. It refers to the
satisfaction of a debt or the price that is paid for the slave. 1 Corinthians 6:20 says we are bought with a price. 1 Peter 1:18-19 says the price was the blood of Christ, which is precious, meaning valuable. Romans 5:20
teaches that the price paid is much greater than the debt. If I can
lose my salvation, it means that the price paid for it was not
sufficient, that I must add something to it and if I do not add my part,
I will be lost. Such a teaching greatly devalues the blood of Christ.

The doctrine of eternal security is the natural result of a right understanding of the gospel of salvation.
my phone conversation with Max Lucado and with Elder Jennings, I got
the distinct impression that doctrine was not very important to them.
After I hung up the phone from talking with Lucado, I wrote the
following summary of my observations:

“Lucado said he represents
a ‘movement of grace’ in the Churches of Christ, ‘a move away from
legalism.’ I sense that we are seeing a movement away from the older
rigid doctrinal positions of the various denominations by the younger
men who have taken charge. I saw another example of this in a recent
article in Charisma
magazine about the United Pentecostal Church. It said some of the
younger men are not satisfied with the past legalism and are willing to
modify some of the finer points of their doctrinal position for the sake
of ecumenism. Even the cults are joining in this movement, represented
by the Worldwide Church of God. These new leaders are ecumenical and
make no great issue of doctrine. Finer points of doctrine are
meaningless. That is why something as important as eternal security is a
holds an unscriptural view of Christian unity that is helping to break
down the walls of separation between truth and error and that is
preparing the way for the building of a one-world apostate “church.”

helped organize an ecumenical alliance of pastors in his hometown,
which had grown to more than 100 some years back. The pastors were
learning to “put away differences” in order to deepen personal
relationships. The alliance includes women pastors, charismatics, and
others. Cindy Daniel, for example, is co-pastor with her husband of
Expect a Miracle Church. Newman Dollar, pastor of City View Christian
Fellowship, who, with Lucado, was one of the founders of this ecumenical
fellowship, told the San Antonio Express-News (Feb. 19, 2000) that he wants to see more pastors from Catholic churches participating.

was a signer of the deceptive “The Gift of Salvation” agreement between
evangelicals and Catholics in November 1997. This declaration was also
known as “Evangelicals and Catholics Together II.” We exposed the danger
and error of this statement in the article “Evangelicals and Catholics
Confusing the Gift of Salvation.” We observed that “The Gift of
Salvation” is a bland and, in the ecumenical context, insufficient
affirmation of the doctrine of biblical justification. In typical New
Evangelical fashion, the evangelical authors and signers omitted many
things that are necessary to properly delineate the true Bible Gospel
from the false Roman Catholic one. For the most part, what they stated
about justification is not inherently unscriptural; THE MOST SERIOUS
PROBLEM LIES IN WHAT THEY FAILED TO STATE. This, of course, is the root
error of New Evangelicalism.

Lucado’s unscriptural view of unity
was also evident when he spoke at the 1996 Promise Keepers Clergy
Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. According to Promise Keeper leader Dale
Schlafer, priests, bishops and pastors were present from every
denomination in America. In fact, Promise Keepers had a Roman Catholic
director for a couple of years, and Catholic priests have spoken at
Promise Keepers events.

Lucado’s message at the Clergy
Conference dealt with “Denominational Harmony: From Bondage to Freedom.”
Lucado said, “I submit myself to the Word and there are core beliefs.
However, for too long we have allowed our differences to divide us
instead of our agreements to unite us.” He urged the men to subscribe to
the premise, “In essentials unity–in non-essentials charity.”

principle “in essentials unity–in non-essentials charity” is a
smokescreen for disobedience to God’s Word. While not every teaching of
Scripture is of equal importance, the Bible does not divide doctrine
into essential and non-essential. Timothy’s job in Ephesus was to make
certain that NO OTHER DOCTRINE be allowed (1 Timothy 1:3).
There is no hint here that some portions of apostolic truth are
“non-essential.” Paul labored to preach THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD (Acts 20:27).
The man who strives to be faithful to every part of New Testament truth
will find it impossible to be comfortable in an ecumenical environment.
As one wise man observed, “You will have a limited fellowship, or you
will have a limited message.”

Lucado had the 40,000 men shout
the names of their denominations all together. The result was confusion,
of course. Lucado then asked the crowd to state who was the Messiah.
The ensuing response, “Jesus,” was heard plainly. The evident goal of
this clever little exercise was to demonstrate the beauty and simplicity
of ecumenical unity.

In Atlanta, Lucado claimed that “the sin of disunity causes people to go to hell!”

then stated: “The step to unity is acceptance and no longer to speak
PROTESTANT OR CATHOLIC? This is a God-sized dream and no one in our
generation has ever seen the Church united.”

This is not a
God-sized dream; it is the vision of the religious Harlot that John
recorded in Revelation 17. Promise Keepers is confused about the church.
The true church is not composed of all of the alleged Christian
denominations. The focus on the New Testament Scriptures is upon the
church as a local body of baptized believers organized according to the
apostolic pattern for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This is
the church that is the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15).
To define the “church” as the denominations of our day and to call for
this hodgepodge of doctrinal and moral error “to stand together” is
utter confusion. The denominations today are more akin to the Harlot of
Revelation 17 than to the church of Jesus Christ.

According to
Ralph Colas’s eyewitness report of the 1996 Promise Keepers Clergy
APOLOGIZE. Contemporary Christian singer Steve Green then belted out
repeatedly ‘Let the Walls Come Down.’ The 40,000 ministers shouted,
whistled, clapped, and cheered as they worked to a higher and higher
pitch of emotion” (An Eyewitness Report on the 1996 Clergy Conference for Men, Atlanta, Georgia, February 13-15, 1996).

are to apologize for warning people of false gospels and false baptisms
and false spirits and false Christs and false sacraments and false
mediators and false views of the church and false views of Scripture? We
are to apologize for warning of sin and worldliness and compromise? I
have spoken against many Christian groups and denominations, because God
commands me to preach the truth AND to expose error (2 Timothy 4:1-6).
I refuse to apologize for striving to obey God. By God’s grace I am
going to keep on exposing error until the Lord takes me to Glory. And by
God’s grace I am going to name names and be specific about the error
and the sin so that those who have an ear will be able to heed the

In his book In the Grip of Grace, Lucado thanks God for the Pentecostals, Anglicans, Southern Baptists, Presbyterians, and Roman Catholics.

is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He would have God’s people ignore false
teaching for the sake of unity, and that is nowhere taught in Scripture.
We are to mark and avoid false teachers (Rom. 16:17) and avoid those who “have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof” (2 Tim. 3:5).
We are to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints
(Jude 3), and it is impossible to earnestly contend for sound doctrine
and to strive for ecumenical unity at the same time. Paul didn’t seek
unity with heretics; he reproved them sharply (e.g., 1 Cor. 15:35-36; Gal. 5:7-10; Col 2:8).
Lucado gave his support to contemplative prayer with the publication of Cure for the Common Life. In this dangerous book he promotes the Buddhist-Catholic monk Thomas Merton who taught panentheism and universalism.
Merton was “a strong builder of bridges between East and West” (Twentieth-Century Mystics, p. 39). The Yoga Journal made the following observation:
had encountered Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism and Vedanta [Hinduism]
many years prior to his Asian journey. MERTON WAS ABLE TO UNCOVER THE
spiritual philosophies of the East and integrated this wisdom into [his]
own life through direct practice” (
Yoga Journal, Jan.-Feb. 1999, quoted from the Lighthouse Trails web site).
Merton was a student of Zen master D.T. Suzuki and Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. The titles of Merton’s books include
Zen and the Birds of the Appetite and Mystics and the Zen Masters.
Merton said: “I see no contradiction between Buddhism and Christianity.
The future of Zen is in the West. I intend to become as good a Buddhist
as I can” (David Steindl-Rast, “Recollection of Thomas Merton’s Last
Days in the West,”
Monastic Studies, 7:10, 1969, http://www.gratefulness.org/readings/dsr_merton_recol2.htm).
adopted the heresy that within every man is a pure spark of divine
illumination and that men can know God through a variety of paths:
the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by
sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth, a point or spark which
belongs entirely to God. It is like a pure diamond blazing with the
invisible light of heaven. It is in everybody. I have no program for
saying this. It is only given, but the gate of heaven is everywhere” (
Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton, 2007, DVD).
said that monks of all religions are “brothers” and are “already one.”
At an interfaith meeting in Calcutta, India, in 1968, sponsored by the
Temple of Understanding, Merton said:
came with the notion of perhaps saying something for monks and to monks
of all religions because I am supposed to be a monk. … My dear
we have to recover is our original unity. What we have to be is what we
are” (“Thomas Merton’s View of Monasticism,” a talk delivered at
Calcutta, October 1968,
The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton, 1975 edition, appendix III, p. 308).
Merton used the terms God, Krishna, and Tao interchangeably.

2009 I visited the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky, where Merton lived
and where he is buried. Many books were on display that promote
interfaith unity. These include
Zen Keys by Thich Nhat Hanh, Bhagavad Gita (Hindu scriptures), Buddhists Talk about Jesus and Christians Talk about Buddha, Meeting Islam: A Guide for Christians, and Jesus in the World’s Faiths.

Lucado to quote Merton and to refer to him in a positive way is
inexcusable and is evidence that he has made a total commitment to
contemplative mysticism, regardless of what lame excuses he might make.

Lucado also quotes New Age mystic Martin Buber’s The Way of Man.
Lucado promotes Buber’s New Age heresy that every man has a “divine
spark.” He further quotes Catholic “saint” Thomas Aquinas, Eugene
Peterson, and Richard Foster, the most prominent popularizer of Catholic
mysticism today.

Lucado tries to package Catholic contemplative
mysticism as an innocent and Scriptural evangelical practice. He even
says it is not “mystical,” but this is false as we have proven in our
free eBook Evangelicals and Contemplative Mysticism.
God help us have the courage in these evil hours to honor and obey Him
rather than man, to refuse to follow the crowd that refuses to follow
the Bible.

“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you
of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and
exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once
delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).



EU / UN Announce Censorship of US Websites


Happening Now! EU Announces Censorship 
of US Sites
Published on Dec 7, 2016
Alex Jones breaks down how the European Union is demanding that Twitter, YouTube and Facebook censor “illegal hate speech” within 24 hours, content that includes so-called “fake news,” a term so broad that it includes perfectly legitimate news content.
Red Alert: EU Censor “Fake News” In 24 Hours
Published on Dec 7, 2016
The European Union is demanding that Twitter, YouTube and Facebook censor “illegal hate speech” within 24 hours, content that includes so-called “fake news,” a term so broad that it includes perfectly legitimate news content.

Plus, German TV won’t run migrant murder story and California wants to block Trump from deporting gang members. 

Roger Stone: UN / EU Now Censoring Web 
SHOCKING! Authoritarian Liberals Call For Banning Free Press


Published on Dec 6, 2016
Alex Jones breaks down how Masayoshi Son, the brash billionaire who controls Sprint Corp., said Tuesday he would invest $50 billion in the U.S. and create 50,000 new jobs, following a 45-minute private meeting with President-elect Donald Trump.
Donald Trump Appeares With SoftBank CEO 
Masayoshi Son In The Lobby Of Trump Tower
SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/12/trump-japanese-firm-invest-50-billion-united-states.html/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Of course, the enemedia is running dog down, deriding him. With every victory they become more vicious (if that’s possible) and vindictive.


by Jill Disis and David Goldman, CNN, December 6, 2016:
President-elect Donald Trump is claiming credit for a $50 billion investment in the United States by a Japanese tech conglomerate — a deal he says wouldn’t have happened without him.
The company, Softbank, hasn’t given details. But in October, weeks before the election, Softbank and the government of Saudi Arabia agreed to form a $100 billion fund to invest in technology companies around the world.
Trump tweeted the news Tuesday afternoon: “Masa (SoftBank) of Japan has agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 new jobs,” he wrote. “Masa said he would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election!”
At about the same time, the president-elect made a brief appearance with Softbank (SFTBF) CEO Masayoshi Son at Trump Tower.screen-shot-2016-12-06-at-3-44-43-pm
Softbank has huge stakes in wireless, broadband, internet, e-commerce, chip making and gadget businesses. It’s one of the largest telecommunications companies in Japan, and it was the first Japanese cell phone carrier to sell the iPhone.
Softbank bought 70% of Sprint for $20 billion in 2012. It also has enormous stakes in the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, Yahoo Japan and smartphone chip designer ARM. And it has partnered with Foxconn on its robotics business, most notably making Pepper, the robot pal that learns to love people.

 Son, the company’s idiosyncratic CEO, put together a 300-year plan for Softbank that calls for it to help permanently break down language barriers and allow people to communicate telepathically.

Read the rest.


Published on Dec 7, 2016
Activist Mitchell Nicholas Gerber has dedicated his life to expose and help stop the Most brutal persecution and Human rights atrocity in Modern history: The State Mandated and State Endorsed Forced LiVE Organ Harvesting of the Falun Gong spiritual movement; where up to 1.5 MILLION practitioners of this spiritual mind and body practice have been murdered, since 1999 in China, sent to 36 death camps and over 700 hospitals; where their bodies are cut open while ALIVE; organs removed and sold; and the Falun Gong practitioners’ bodies are burned in ovens to conceal this horrific atrocity. He leaves no name, and seeks no reward; all he wants is for people to know about this human rights violation and become aware and lend their support and consciousness to stopping this barbaric and inhumane atrocity that will soon leave the worlds’ people numb, soul stirred and shocked that this has been going on for the last 16+ years! To fail to support the Good and To fail to expose the Evil in this world is Unacceptable.


Published on Dec 6, 2016
Infowars reporter Millie Weaver interviews Timothy Ball, PhD. at the “Global-Warming; an Inconvenient Lie” conference in Phoenix, AZ. Next week he will be meeting with Myron Ebell, who is heading Trump’s EPA Transition. Timothy Ball gives a preview to key issues he will be discussing with and Myron Ebell. He conveys that the meeting will center around defunding green energy subsidies and redirecting the EPA’s focus away from so-called “man-made” climate change to more immediate and verifiable environmental concerns such as water contamination.





German chancellor jumping on anti-Islamic bandwagon before election?

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Angela Merkel has called for a burka ban after saying the ‘full veil is not appropriate’ in Germany, it has emerged.
In an astonishing U-turn, the German chancellor told her conservative CDU party conference that wearing the burka should be outlawed ‘wherever that is legally possible’.
It comes after the 62-year-old stressed her determination to ensure there is no repeat of last year’s huge migrant influx as she seeks a fourth term as chancellor.
Merkel said she would back a nationwide ban just months after revealing that she believed the burka was a barrier to Muslim women becoming integrated into German society.



Criticizing Migrant Murderer Deemed Hate Speech in Germany


Afghan “refugee” murdered 19-year-old student


SEE: http://www.infowars.com/hate-speech-facebook-bans-german-woman-for-posting-picture-of-migrant-rapist/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
After an Afghan migrant raped and killed a 19-year-old woman in Germany, Facebook responded by banning a German woman for “hate speech” because she posted a picture of the murderer.
Hussein K., a 17-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, was arrested on Friday on suspicion of rape and murder after a sample of his hair was found at the crime scene in Freiburg.
His victim, 19-year-old medical student Maria Ladenburger, was cycling home after a party when she was ambushed, raped and then drowned in a nearby river.
The incident has prompted uproar in Germany, with the country currently suffering an explosion of rapes and violent crimes since its borders were opened to migrants last year.
A reader contacted us to report that she had found the Facebook profile of the alleged killer (here it is, but don’t expect it to stay up long).
“He looks lifeless. His stare is blank. All I can see is hatred. But when I scrolled down, I saw a shocking post. He posted a picture of a vicious wolf that is holding a fragile white woman. It looks like he is about to rape the women and then rip her apart. Just like he did it to his victim,” Lena Kirschbaum told us in an email.
As you can see below, the Facebook profile picture is identical to the image of “Hussein K.” that was released by police to the media.
After Kirschbaum began posting a link to the Facebook profile in comment sections with the words, “Maria’s murderer,” her account was banned by Facebook. The reason? She had violated “hate speech rules” by posting the picture of the killer.
Kirschbaum was banned despite the fact that the picture had already been circulated in news reports about the incident, albeit blurred or blacked out over the perpetrator’s eyes.
The ban is chilling yet unsurprising given how Facebook is openly working with the German government to censor criticism of the migrant crisis under the guise of preventing “hate speech”.
Last year, it emerged that the German government and Facebook were working with an organization led by an ex-Stasi agent to oversee a new program to identify “xenophobic” posts made on the social networking website and punish people who make them with fines and jail sentences.
In the aftermath of the rape and murder of the 19-year-old student, the German government responded by cautioning angry Germans not to incite violence against Muslims.
“Such horrible murders already happened before the first Afghan or Syrian refugee arrived here,” Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told the Bild newspaper. “We will not allow incitement after such violent crimes, no matter who commits them.”
In a related story, the European Union is now demanding that Facebook, Twitter and YouTube censor “illegal hate speech” and “fake news” within 24 hours of it being reported.
Apparently, accurately reporting the identity of a rapist murderer after his image has already been publicly revealed now constitutes “hate speech,” according to Facebook.



The left-wing elites and their running dogs in the enemedia are in one of their fictional publicity campaigns that they masquerade as urgent news. Their latest terror is “fake news sites.”

The New York Times reported shortly after the election that Google and Facebook “have faced mounting criticism over how fake news on their sites may have influenced the presidential election’s outcome.”
That was fake news in itself: “fake news” didn’t influence the presidential election’s outcome, all too real news about the wrong direction in which our nation was headed under Barack Obama did. Nevertheless, the Times said that “those companies responded by making it clear that they would not tolerate such misinformation by taking pointed aim at fake news sites’ revenue sources.”
How would they do that? “Google kicked off the action on Monday afternoon when the Silicon Valley search giant said it would ban websites that peddle fake news from using its online advertising service. Hours later, Facebook, the social network, updated the language in its Facebook Audience Network policy, which already says it will not display ads in sites that show misleading or illegal content, to include fake news sites.”
A Facebook spokesman explained: “We have updated the policy to explicitly clarify that this applies to fake news. Our team will continue to closely vet all prospective publishers and monitor existing ones to ensure compliance.”
The “fake news” controversy has become a huge international story, with the Los Angeles Times among those leading the charge with headlines such as “Want to keep fake news out of your news feed? College professor creates list of sites to avoid”; “Fake news writers: ‘Hillary Clinton, here are your deplorables’”; and “Fake news writers abuse the 1st Amendment and endanger democracy for personal profit.
There is conspiracy theory and there is conspiracy fact, and what we have on our hands is one mother of a left-wing conspiracy parading as a right wing conspiracy. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s diabolical. In the run-up to the election, I reported on a number of fake conservative new sites created by left-wing operatives in order to discredit the conservatives’ news sites. If you have a bogus conservative site, it makes a conservative site look questionable. “News sites” like the Baltimore Gazette and the National Report were dropping hoaxes for months to discredit conservatives who might pick up the story.
I always understood that the objective was to taint the conservative news sphere. Sites were created to spread disinformation and shame the right-wingers who jumped on it. This is classic disinformation. It’s always games, games, games… from the people who brought you Soros’ rent-a-mob — rioting, looting and destruction in cities, etc. even going so far as to risk a few deaths all for the cause. But what I didn’t see coming is their ultimate goal: the shut-down of free speech. The left wants to crush free speech, which has been in their cross-hairs for some time now.
The left is always preaching about true democracy, but they seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as they can. And they’re always harping about “controversial” matters that either don’t exist or are fabricated, or are of little import.
If a blogger or news writer gets a story wrong, does that designate him or her, or his or her site, as “fake news”? If that’s the case, they’ll have to shut down the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, CNN, etc. They get things wrong all the time. Every article written about my colleagues, my work, or myself is fake. Most of what they wrote and didn’t write about the Orlando mass slaughter at the gay nightclub was disinformation and deception.

If you issue a correction, does that somehow remove the fake news scarlet letter? This is all a big fat lie — it is an end-run around the First Amendment, and it’s disastrous. It is indeed true that Facebook has too much power, but banning “fake news” sites is hardly the solution. That’s Zuckerberg’s fix-it? It would be funny if it weren’t so Hitlerian. Facebook has too much power. Its news curators, mini-Goebbelians — are more frightening than Kafka’s antagonists. Facebook should be broken up like Ma Bell was. Facebook doesn’t decide what’s good and what’s forbidden. Left-wing fascists do not and must not decide what news people can and cannot see. But that’s exactly what we are seeing on Facebook.
Google Black Lists InfoWars as Fake News
Infowars Reporters Destroy “Fake Media” Lies


SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/12/rouhani-demands-obama-block-iran-sanctions-law-extension.html/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The Senate voted 99-0 to extend sanctions. Now Rouhani is demanding that his servant Obama jump to do his bidding and block the new sanctions. But Rouhani’s time as master of the U.S. administration is running out: Trump is coming.
“Rouhani Urges Obama to Block Iran Sanctions Law Extension,” by Ladane Nasseri and Golnar Motevalli, Bloomberg, December 4, 2016 (thanks to Van):
Iran urged Barack Obama to block a law that would extend the U.S. president’s authority to impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic, calling it a violation of the Iranian nuclear deal.
On Thursday, the Senate voted 99-0 to extend the Iran Sanctions Act, which authorizes a president to prevent investment in Iran’s energy sector and other sensitive industries. While Obama has waived most sanctions under the nuclear accord, congressional leaders said keeping them in reserve provides valuable leverage against Iran. White House spokesman Eric Schultz said the bill won’t interfere with the U.S.-led nuclear agreement and he expected the president to sign it.
“If this law is implemented it will be a blatant violation of the Iran deal and it will lead to our resolute answer,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told parliament on Sunday.
In response to the Senate vote, more than 260 members of Iran’s 290-seat parliament have called on Rouhani’s government to take unspecified reciprocal action against the U.S., Ahmad Amir-Abadi Farahani, a member of parliament’s presiding board, said in a statement cited by the official Islamic Republic News Agency.
Lawmakers interrupted Rouhani’s appearance in parliament, which was broadcast live on state television. Some briefly chanted “Death to America” when the president spoke about the Iran Sanctions Act and mentioned Obama, defying calls for calm from parliament speaker Ali Larijani….


SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/12/end-dark-age-trump-restart-space-exploration-rather-fund-climate-hoax.html/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
What wonderful news — investing in actual science and divesting from left wing lunacy. Some of man’s greatest achievements and scientific discoveries came from space exploration.
Obama changed NASA’s mission from space exploration to Muslim outreach. NASA’s Administrator explained that Obama had asked him to “find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries.” (More here: Obama ‘s stone age)


The president elect could put men on the moon once again – and use money from the climate change budget to do it
By Jeff Parsons, The Mirror, November 23, 2016 (thanks to Van):
Sending Americans back to the moon could also hinge on the appointment of Newt Gingrich, a high-profile Republican, to a top job at NASA.
Gingrich has been a vocal supporter of returning to the moon and has even spoken in the past about creating a permanent base there. He says that such a settlement could sustain around 13,000 people and possibly even become a new American state .
However, investing in a moon mission is likely to divert funds from NASA’s Earth Sciences division which researches climate change.
Moon Base

Moon Base (Photo: European Space Agency)

The division has received a 50% funding increase since president Obama took over. This year it received $1.92 billion at the same time as Obama proposed cutting funding for deep space exploration.
The Donald’s views on climate change are no secret. He has referred to it in the past as a Chinese hoax and claimed it was invented to limit American manufacturing and growth.
Therefore, it’s not much of a stretch to see NASA’s budgets and priorities overhauled during the Trump administration with a focus to putting astronauts back on the moon.

Donald Trump (Photo: Getty)

Speaking to The Telegraph , a former congressman who has advised Trump on space policy called NASA a “logistics agency concentrating on space station resupply and politically correct environmental monitoring.”
Bob Walker said that the incoming administration would “start by having a stretch goal of exploring the entire solar system by the end of the century.”
“You stretch your technology experts and create technologies that wouldn’t otherwise be needed. I think aspirational goals are a good thing. Fifty years ago it was the ability to go to the moon.”


SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/24768-illinois-governor-vetoes-chicago-bailout-billrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner (shown) vetoed a bill on December 1 that would have provided a $215 million bailout of the Chicago public schools. So certain were school officials that he would sign it — allowing them to make a past-due payment to the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund — that they made it a part of their budget for next year.
The original bill passed by Democrat super majorities in both houses was for $700 million, but during negotiations Rauner, a Republican, agreed to $215 million instead, in exchange for a promise that the Democrats would institute real pension reform. Once the bill hit Rauner’s desk, however, all deals were off: Give us the money, said the Democrats, and forget pension reform.
Rauner’s veto message is instructive in several regards. It shows how difficult it is for recalcitrant Illinois Democrats to grasp hard reality, and how willing they are to make agreements in order to get what they want — agreements they had no intention of keeping. The governor stated:
Today I return Senate Bill 2822, which would give $215,000,000 to Chicago Public Schools [CPS] without having reached an agreement on comprehensive pension reforms for the State and local governments. In June we agreed on a six-month funding bridge [conditioned upon] an agreement to end the budget impasse. As a pre-condition to funding schools statewide … we … agreed to provide CPS with $215,000,000 … but only if we came together to pass comprehensive reform. Without [those reforms] taxpayer money would continue to be wasted on bailout after bailout…. Today [Senate leaders] denied … that this bill would depend upon first enacting comprehensive pension reform.
Chicago Public Schools CEO Forest Claypool scoffed at the idea that there was any agreement, insisting that Rauner had an agenda that involved hurting the innocent school children in order to get his way. Involving hints of racism, Claypool’s rant is textbook blame-shifting:
Governor Rauner has today acted impulsively and recklessly, reneging on his promise to our school children, their teachers and their parents…. By going back on his word, Governor Rauner is treating Chicago children like they deserve less than every other child in our state. With a stroke of a pen, the governor has relegated poor, minority children to second-class status….
Within hours of the veto, the Democrat super majority in the Illinois State Senate overrode it and passed it on to the House. The House decided to wait until after the first of the year and adjourned for the year without an override vote.
This is how the game of “kick the can” is played in Illinois. Huffington Post explained the rules of the game candidly in October:
Funding pensions in Illinois has been anathema for decades to the operating theory of most politicians, who greatly prefer to spend money today on things voters can see and love immediately [rather] than to sock it away in pension systems. Elected officials get a lot more bang from state budget bucks that lead to ribbon cuttings than from those that bring only nods of approval from pension actuaries.
Perhaps the greatest denial of reality was expressed by Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who declared:
Make no mistake: it’s our children who will pay the price. The governor is lashing out … and proving just the latest example of his willingness to put the burden of his failures on the backs of the state’s most vulnerable citizens, whether it’s schoolchildren, college students, seniors, or those living with disabilities.
Estimates vary, but experts say that Chicago has unfunded pension liabilities approaching a hundred billion dollars. The $215 million would have enabled the city to make an overdue pension payment to the teachers’ union of $730 million.
The real issue isn’t funding Chicago’s shortfall, making good on teachers’ pensions, exercising some type of race- or class-based punishment on schoolchildren, or instituting a vendetta on one’s political enemies. It’s much deeper than that.
Chicago is bankrupt. It has been bankrupt for at least the last 10 years. It has been losing jobs, and tax revenues, for years, in an “unstoppable downward economic spiral,” said Michael Bargo at American Thinker. Chicago’s population has fallen below where it was in 1920, while the number of white people living in the city has declined to below where it was in 1890. In 2015, the Chicago area lost more than 6,200 residents, the “greatest population loss of any metropolitan area in the U.S.,” according to Bargo. And half of them are millionaires who got tired of bearing the increasing burden imposed by Democrats.
Since Mayor Harold Washington issued his Executive Sanctuary City Order in 1985, illegal immigration has put increasing burdens on those still working. Refusing to face reality, Democrats have continued raising property taxes, increasing the city’s bonded indebtedness and taxes on everything a resident buys: gasoline, cable TV, phone service, alcohol, and parking stickers, among other things.
The state lost 105,000 residents last year and now sports the lowest credit rating of all 50 states along with the highest unemployment rate in the lower 48.
And so far nothing has been said here about Chicago’s provable position as the murder capital of the country.
Why Governor Bruce Rauner, himself a millionaire, not only remains a resident but also the only apparent voice of reason as the state’s governor, is unknown. He sees the problem: pension promises that cannot be kept that were made by politicians who don’t care. To them it’s a hot potato to be passed on to the next legislature to solve.
But it isn’t solvable. Teachers who were planning to retire and move to Arizona or Florida (each retiree is actuarially expected to receive $2 million from Illinois taxpayers over their retirement lifetimes) will be forced to make other plans. The students will see facilities continue to close. Taxpayers, most of whom are already on some form of federal welfare assistance, will continue to be crushed.
The only ones likely to escape Chicago’s descent into another Detroit are the politicians who voted promises that they knew couldn’t be kept. They’ll be long gone, leaving the mess they have created behind.


SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/24767-congress-gives-fbi-power-to-hack-computers-of-millions-of-americansrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Congress just failed to block a change to a federal rule of criminal procedure granting the FBI power to hack into the personal computers of millions of Americans without obtaining a constitutionally sound warrant as required by the Fourth Amendment.
On November 30, a last-ditch effort by a bipartisan quartet of senators to stall the rule change that cleared the FBI’s access to personal computers failed in committee, thus the new language is in effect as of December 1.
Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Christopher Coons (D-Del.), and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) co-sponsored S. 3485, the Stalling Damaging Hacking Act of 2016 in a now abortive attempt to prevent the federal law enforcement agency from gaining immense and intrusive access to the personal computers of citizens of the United States.
“This rule change would give the government unprecedented authority to hack into Americans’ personal devices. This was an alarming proposition before the election,” Wyden said in a statement e-mailed to BuzzFeed News. “Today, Congress needs to think long and hard about whether to hand this power to [FBI Director] James Comey and the administration of someone who openly said he wants the power to hack his political opponents the same way Russia does.”
The outcome was predictable, sadly, but here are the details of the procedural death of the bill as reported byThe Hill:
“Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.) took to the floor and unsuccessfully asked for unanimous consent to either pass or formally vote on three bills to delay or prevent updates to the process used by law enforcement to get a warrant to hack suspects’ computers,” the report continued.
“’We simply can’t give unlimited power for unlimited hacking,’ Daines argued.”
Apparently we can, seeing as how a similar gambit undertaken a few days earlier by Wyden and Paul was equally futile.
As of December 1, then, the Obama administration took a tyrannical step forward in its quest toward the de facto repeal of the Fourth Amendment.
Here’s how the latest legislative failure to block the betrayal began.
In November of 2104, the Obama Justice Department asked that a committee be empaneled to amend Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (FRCP).
Section (b) of that provision begins:
Authority to Issue a Warrant. At the request of a federal law enforcement officer or an attorney for the government:
a magistrate judge with authority in the district — or if none is reasonably available, a judge of a state court of record in the district — has authority to issue a warrant to search for and seize a person or property located within the district;
a magistrate judge with authority in the district has authority to issue a warrant for a person or property outside the district if the person or property is located within the district when the warrant is issued but might move or be moved outside the district before the warrant is executed….
In plain terms, judges may issue search warrants only within the districts where they have jurisdiction. The FBI wants this restriction removed.
Specifically, with the congressional failure to protect the Fourth Amendment, the FBI can now require a judge to issue an electronic surveillance warrant authorizing the feds to search the contents of a computer, regardless of where that computer is physically located.
The National Journal sees it another way, however.
In an article praising the rule change, the author of the National Journal piece insists that the updated Rule 41 will allow FBI and law enforcement “to better track and investigate criminals who use technology to conceal their identity and location, a practice that has become more common and sophisticated in recent years.”
Something interesting about the National Journal’s summary of the FBI’s request is its use of the word “criminal” to describe the owner of the computer that the government wants to track and tap.
Until recently in the United States, a person was not a “criminal” until he had been subject to the due process of law, specifically: a charge of committing a crime, a hearing by an impartial tribunal on the merit of those charges, an opportunity for the accused to answer those charges, and finally, conviction of having the committing the crime.
Due process is a check on monarchical power that goes back 800 years to the enactment of the Magna Carta in 1215!
Over the years, the Magna Carta was occasionally revised and amended. In 1354, the phrase “due process of law” appeared for the first time. The Magna Carta as amended in 1354 says: “No man of what state or condition he be, shall be put out of his lands or tenements nor taken, nor disinherited, nor put to death, without he be brought to answer by due process of law.”
This fundamental restraint on the royal presumption of the power to lop off heads on command was incorporated by our Founders in the Bill of Rights, where they declared that “No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”
On November 30, Rare published an analysis by Bonnie Kristian, and her take on the damage done to fundamental liberty by this rule change is spot on. Kristian writes:
The DOJ insists this change is totally no big deal, but nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, the revised Rule 41 lets the feds do two new things:
1. if the government wants to hack a computer using this software, federal agents can shop around for judges until they find one who will rubber stamp their requests. (Previously, they were limited to judges with direct geographic jurisdiction.)
2. The second part of the rule change is arguably even worse. It’s about investigating botnets, which are virtual networks created when a hacker infects thousands or even millions of computers with malware, allowing him to remotely control them. Compromised computers in botnets can be used for illegal activities without their owners’ knowledge. With the new Rule 41, if the FBI is investigating a botnet, it can get a judge (again, this could be just about any federal magistrate judge) to issue a single warrant letting the agency hack any computer they suspect might be infected. For a really big botnet, that means the feds would be allowed to secretly poke around literally millions of Americans’ computers under just one warrant.
It is likely that the impetus for this increased pressure to pry into the electronic “papers and effects” of suspected criminals was the move by tech giants — particularly Google and Apple — to protect the data stored on customers’ devices from the prying eyes of the agents of the federal surveillance state.
“In one way or another, our entire lives — our social lives, our work lives — reside online and on these devices,” FBI director Comey said during a White House conference a year ago when the rules were announced. 
“And that’s a great thing. But that’s also where the bad guys are,” he added.
Again, what the federal government fails to understand is that their word is not the law. 
The Constitution is the law, and the Fourth Amendment to that document requires that a warrant be issued, and that such a warrant be “supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Furthermore, “bad guys” are not “bad guys” until the due process of law has determined them to be such. Until that time, they are just citizens whose rights must be protected if we are to remain a free Republic ruled by law rather than the edicts of would-be despots.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Aliens Crossing
 There was bad news today from the border. Various media outlets reported that in the 2016 fiscal year, more than 408,000 illegal aliens crossed the southern border–that we know of! Only God and maybe George Soros know how many slipped in undetected. And many of the illegal aliens were from Cuba, Haiti and the Muslim nations in the Middle East.
President-elect Trump is on the spot by promising to handle the immigration problem. We will see if he has the character and determination to lead the Congress to keep his promise. He sure has a mandate to get the job done.
As the population expands, the cost of services must expand. More police, firefighters, health inspectors, schools, and teachers. If immigrants don’t pay their share, then legitimate taxpayers must pay the bill. Of course, adding new non-producing families does not always add cost to all government programs such as national defense, scientific research, spending on veterans, etc. Such costs are not impacted by any number of illegal immigrants; however, that would not be the case for fire and police protection and school teachers, and road repair.
If a citizen receives a benefit which he or she has not financed through taxes then someone else has had to pay that share. I caused a stir on national television when I stated, “If I get money I did not earn then someone earned money they did not receive. That’s thievery.” I added fuel to the fire by adding, “This nation of producers has become a nation of parasites.” Amazingly, the whole crowd stood to their feet and cheered! (And it wasn’t a Christian or conservative or political crowd.) Most people expect to pay their own way and consider it poor character if they don’t.
A few years ago, I was told by a post office official in San Luis, Arizona that their office has 11,200 post office boxes in a town of about 3,000 people because people living across the border in Mexico use them as a permanent American address to collect public benefits. Courtesy of YOU. Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy knowing that you go to work each day to support parasites across the border? …But what if we actually followed this impractical, difficult, life-changing teaching of Jesus? What if we showed love and forgiveness for those who tried to hurt us? What if we served those who slander our names? What if we gave selflessly to refugees instead of debating their worthiness? What if we urged our governors to open their doors in the face of fear? What if we offered compassion in the face of cruelty? What if we took the time to recognize that a hate group does not represent the entire Muslim population? What if we prayed for ISIS?”
Since people migrating from Middle East nations, Mexico, and South America often have lower skills, they are more likely to request public assistance, gorge the public school system, overwhelm the health care industry, and spike the crime reports. Bigotry? Not at all. Just the facts. Did you know that 15% of California students are illegal aliens and they cost California citizens over 11 billion dollars per year for health, education, and incarceration!
Moreover, 25% of inmates in federal prisons are criminal aliens and are not in prison for being gatecrashers but for committing crimes in the U.S.! Furthermore, about 300,000 of all state and local prisoners are illegal aliens! You are funding them! Additionally, 75% of those on the most wanted list in L.A. are illegals. The following stats from  the Foreign National Crime Information Center should sober any pro-immigration zealot:
  • 83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
  • 75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles , Phoenix, and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
  • 24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals.
  • 40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals.
  • 48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals.
  • According to the Government Accountability Office, 25% of prisoners in Federal prisons are illegal aliens who have been arrested an average of seven times!
  • 53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California , New Mexico , Nevada , Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
  • 50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
  • 71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or ”transport coyotes .”
  • 47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance, and no registration for the vehicle and 92% of that 47% are illegal aliens.
  • 63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance, and no registration for the vehicle and 97% of that 63% are illegal aliens.
  • 66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance, and no registration for the vehicle and   98% of that 66% are illegal aliens.
Furthermore, information in the FBI’s 79-page National Gang Report published in 2013, proves to any reasonable person that illegal immigrants are a major threat to all Americans especially, but not exclusively, along the southern border.
FoxNews.com reported that federal statistics reveal, “The estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. account for 13.6 percent of all offenders sentenced for crimes committed in the U.S. Twelve percent of murder sentences, 20 percent of kidnapping sentences and 16 percent of drug trafficking sentences are meted out to illegal immigrants.” Those numbers even shock me!
But it gets worse! Foxnews.com continued to report that there are about 2.1 million “legal or illegal immigrants with criminal convictions living free or behind bars in the U.S., according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Secure Communities office! Each year, about 900,000 legal and illegal immigrants are arrested, and 700,000 are released from jail, prison, or probation. ICE estimates that there are more than 1.2 million criminal aliens at large in the U.S.” Sleep well tonight, friends.
According to the FBI, criminal gangs are wreaking havoc in the U.S., with 65 jurisdictions nationwide reporting gang-related offenses committed with firearms account for at least 95 percent of crime in those areas. Gangs are responsible for an average of 48 percent of violent crime in most jurisdictions and up to 90 percent in several others, according to National Gang Intelligence Center analysis.
The report further documented gangs in Southwestern border regions consisting of up to 80 percent illegal aliens were committing a multitude of crimes in America, “including drug-related crimes, weapons trafficking, alien smuggling, human trafficking, prostitution, extortion, robbery, auto theft, assault, homicide, racketeering, and money laundering.”
  1. S. gangs consist of several types of groups, including street gangs ,prison gangs , motorcycle gangs , and ethnic and organized crime gangs. Approximately 1.4 million people were part of gangs as of 2011, and more than 33,000 gangs were active in the United States.
Furthermore, criminal street gangs—mostly comprised of illegal immigrants—are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the United States and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.
Now, build your case for immigration!
Boys’ new book  Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; t o get your copy, click here . An eBook edition is also available.
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives; ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis, wrote columns for USA Today for eight years; authored 15 books and hundreds of columns and articles for Internet and print media publications; defended his beliefs on hundreds of talk shows. These columns go to newspapers, magazines, television, and radio stations and may be used without change from title through the end tag. His web sites are www.cstnews.com and www.Muslimfact.com and www.thegodhaters.com . Contact Don for an interview or talk show.)
Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at CSTNews and TheGodHaters , Twitter , and visit his blog .
Obama administration 
against FBI databases, approves citizenship
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

President Obama’s days in the White House are short now, but that hasn’t slowed his traitorous acts of sabotage. He means for us to suffer his presidency long after he’s gone.
The Obama administration announced that 175 immigrants were approved for citizenship even though their names were not being run through a basic FBI name-check database.


Homeland Security officials blamed “computer code” for the problem, which affected about 15,000 applications. These left-wing clowns are responsible for our safety?


By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times – Sunday, December 4, 2016 (thanks to Todd):
 WASHINGTON – MARCH 09: The seal of the F.B.I. hangs in the Flag Room at the bureau’s headquarters March 9, 2007 in Washington, DC. F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller was responding to a report by the Justice Department inspector general that concluded the FBI had committed 22 violations in its collection of information through the use of national security letters. The letters, which the audit numbered at 47,000 in 2005, allow the agency to collect information like telephone, banking and e-mail records without a judicially approved subpoena. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Some 175 immigrants were approved for citizenship even though their names weren’t properly run through the FBI’s name-check databases, potentially missing red flags that may have disqualified them from naturalization, the Obama administration admitted this weekend.
Homeland Security officials blamed computer code for the problem, which affected about 15,000 applications in total.
The problem was significant enough that the government halted all naturalization ceremonies already in the pipeline and banned U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officers from approving new citizenship applications beginning on Nov. 29, when officials acknowledged the problem in an internal email that was later obtained by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte.
In the internal email, Daniel M. Renaud, associate director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, ordered all officers “not to approve or oath any naturalization cases in ELIS,” referring to the Electronic Immigration System that serves as the case management system for processing applications.
“At this point we are not confident that proper FBI Name Checks have been run on certain ELIS cases. At this point we are uncertain of the scope of the problem,” he wrote.
It was another embarrassing black eye for USCIS, which earlier this year admitted it had granted citizenship to hundreds of criminals who should have been barred but who escaped notice because the agency wasn’t properly checking their fingerprints. Tens of thousands of fingerprints remain in paper files, and the agency was only checking electronic records, an internal audit said.
Mr. Goodlatte said he was stunned that USCIS didn’t notify him, as the chairman of the committee that oversees the agency, of the new problem. He only learned about it after a source provided him with Mr. Renaud’s internal email.
Homeland Security said the problem arose as part of the ongoing push to digital processing of citizenship applications.
Some 15,000 applications were affected, including about 175 people who had their applications approved despite not having an accurate name check, the department said. Those persons have all had their names resubmitted to the FBI for an update.
FBI name checks are a critical part of the application process, giving immigration officers a look at potential criminal histories or other national security red flags that would make someone ineligible for citizenship.
Mr. Goodlatte demanded USCIS detail when it discovered the problem and how many cases were affected, and said the agency should take steps to strip citizenship from anyone who shouldn’t have been approved.
Homeland Security spokesman Aaron Rodriguez said the department will respond directly to Mr. Goodlatte, but insisted officials take the background process seriously.
The spokesman said FBI name checks are one of a number of steps in the process, each aimed at weeding out bad citizenship applications. But Mr. Rodriguez said the name checks are a critical part of the process, and must be completed before someone is cleared to come in for a naturalization interview.
“Naturalization applications represent a significant portion of USCIS’ caseload, and as with any major system change, some challenges were expected as we moved to electronic processing of the N-400. We will continue to employ multiple quality controls to ensure the integrity of the naturalization process,” the spokesman said.
In his email to employees, Mr. Renaud said officers were allowed to continue conducting citizenship interviews but could not issue a final approval. In emergency cases where the case must be decided or an oath administered, he said, officers needed to get written confirmation from a regional office that the FBI information in the system was correct. In the internal email, Daniel M. Renaud, associate director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, ordered all officers “not to approve or oath any naturalization cases in ELIS,” referring to the Electronic Immigration System that serves as the case management system for processing applications.
“At this point we are not confident that proper FBI Name Checks have been run on certain ELIS cases. At this point we are uncertain of the scope of the problem,” he wrote.
It was another embarrassing black eye for USCIS, which earlier this year admitted it had granted citizenship to hundreds of criminals who should have been barred but who escaped notice because the agency wasn’t properly checking their fingerprints. Tens of thousands of fingerprints remain in paper files, and the agency was only checking electronic records, an internal audit said.
Mr. Goodlatte said he was stunned that USCIS didn’t notify him, as the chairman of the committee that oversees the agency, of the new problem. He only learned about it after a source provided him with Mr. Renaud’s internal email.
Homeland Security said the problem arose as part of the ongoing push to digital processing of citizenship applications.
Some 15,000 applications were affected, including about 175 people who had their applications approved despite not having an accurate name check, the department said. Those persons have all had their names resubmitted to the FBI for an update.
FBI name checks are a critical part of the application process, giving immigration officers a look at potential criminal histories or other national security red flags that would make someone ineligible for citizenship.
Mr. Goodlatte demanded USCIS detail when it discovered the problem and how many cases were affected, and said the agency should take steps to strip citizenship from anyone who shouldn’t have been approved.
Homeland Security spokesman Aaron Rodriguez said the department will respond directly to Mr. Goodlatte, but insisted officials take the background process seriously.
The spokesman said FBI name checks are one of a number of steps in the process, each aimed at weeding out bad citizenship applications. But Mr. Rodriguez said the name checks are a critical part of the process, and must be completed before someone is cleared to come in for a naturalization interview.
“Naturalization applications represent a significant portion of USCIS’ caseload, and as with any major system change, some challenges were expected as we moved to electronic processing of the N-400. We will continue to employ multiple quality controls to ensure the integrity of the naturalization process,” the spokesman said.
In his email to employees, Mr. Renaud said officers were allowed to continue conducting citizenship interviews but could not issue a final approval. In emergency cases where the case must be decided or an oath administered, he said, officers needed to get written confirmation from a regional office that the FBI information in the system was correct.








Daughter of top EU official RAPED, MURDERED by Muslim Migrant

SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/12/daughter-top-eu-official-raped-murdered-muslim-migrant.html/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Yesterday I reported that a Muslim migrant had brutally raped and murdered a young woman in Germany who was a member of an organization that helped refugees. Today there is more. Maria Ladenburger was the daughter of a high-ranking EU official.
They are saying the Muslim migrant is 17 years old. That is a lie. If tried as an adult, he would surely get a stiffer sentence.
The dead girl’s father is Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer who works as the right hand man to the legal director of the European Commission. This is the poison fruit of the EU’s pro-invasion polices. Is Maria’s father still an ardent supporter of the Muslim invasion of Europe?


By Rob Virtue, Allan Hall and Monika Pallenberg, The Express, December 4, 2016 (thanks to Dr. Andrew Bostom):
AN Afghan migrant has admitted the rape and murder of a medical student, who also worked voluntarily at a refugee centre.

Maria Ladenburger, the daughter of a high-ranking EU official, was returning from a party in the university city of Freiburg in Germany when she was assaulted on a cycle path. She was raped and then drowned before her body was found in the River Dreisam. The shocking incident happened on October 16 but details have only been released after an arrest on Friday.The suspect, an Afghan migrant, was caught after police found DNA on a scarf near the path.

The scarf reportedly belonged to Maria.
They also found a strand of hair on a nearby blackberry bush.
Officers then trawled CCTV to see find people with a similar hairstyle, which led them to the suspect.
Following his arrest the suspect, aged 17, pleaded guilty to the attack and will be sentenced next year.
The unnamed migrant arrived in Germany last year as an unaccompanied minor and lived with a local family in the city.
Maria Ladenburger murder - EU official daughter killed by refugee
Maria Ladenburger, daughter of an EU official daughter, was murdered

Ms Ladenburger reportedly worked in her spare time helping out in refugee homes in Freiburg.But it is unclear whether she ever met her murderer before he took her life.The dead girl’s father is Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer who works as the right hand man to the legal director of the European Commission.

On October 26 he and his wife Frederika placed a memorial notice for Maria in the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper.
The teen worked voluntarily at a migrant centre
The teen worked voluntarily at a migrant centre
Maria's father works at the European CommissionFACEBOOK
Maria’s father works at the European Commission

It read: “Maria was for 19 years a singular ray of sunshine for our family, and that she will remain.”We thank God for this gift, that he made you with us.  We are sure that she is safe with him.”A funeral requiem was held for Maria on October in Notre Dame des Graces Church in Brussels.

On December 6 this year Maria would have been 20.
David Müller, head of the police’s Special Commission, said: “Through interviews and a web-based survey, we were able to reconstruct Maria’s final hours.

“The 19-year-old student had been at a party. By 2.37am, she left the party. Maria then cycled home, as usual. The young woman had been the victim of a sexual offence and a violent crime.”The horror killing piles more pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel who opened the nation’s borders to more than one million migrants since 2015. Earlier this week she was blasted by a father-of-four who said he no longer felt safe because of the migrant inlux.

But Dieter Salomon, the mayor of Freiburg warned people not to “apply perpetrator background for sweeping judgements, but to view it as an isolated incident”. 


EU parents of daughter raped/murdered by Muslim migrant 


SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/12/eu-parents-daughter-rapedmurdered-muslim-migrant-collect-funeral-donations-migrants.html/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
What’s worse: jihad or the sanction and support of its victims?
It is depravity, a sickness of the soul or perhaps it speaks more to a moral bankruptcy.
Like the daughter of one of the victims of the San Bernardino jihad slaughter, who said, “I just kind of didn’t understand how people could be that ignorant about another religion” said Kate Bowman, recalling the day her father, Harry Bowman, was murdered. Who doesn’t understand, Ms. Bowman? The dead or the jihadis?
This is hardly unique. Maria Ladenburger, the rape/murder victim of a Muslim migrant and whose father is a senior EU official, told people to not bring flowers to the funeral but give money to a pro-migrant organization that works to stop deportation of “refugees.”
These are the acts of a conquered people. Their daughter was brutally raped and murdered by a Muslim refugee and her parents are urging donations to an organization for migrants.
Unfortunately the organization “Weitblick Freiburg” deleted the Facebook posting with the comments, but this article reports that that Facebook users were outraged because Maria’s parents used her murder to raise funds for Muslim refugees.  “Weitblick Freiburg” works to stop the deportation of “refugees.”
Thanks to Markus who sent me the death notice (above) on Facebook. Assuming it is authentic, charity appeal is in the last sentence on the bottom.
Google translate:



Mit erst 19 Jahren musste Maria qualvoll sterben. 2

With only 19 years Maria had to die very well.

It must be inconceivable for parents: Her 19-year-old daughter, Maria L., never returned from a student party. On October 18 her body was found on the river Dreisam. The autopsy revealed that Maria was brutally raped and then unconsciously thrown into the river. There she drowned.
The perpetrator is a 17-year-old Afghan asylum seeker
The search for the culprit is finally over : A 17-year-old Afghan was due to one belonging to him black scarf, its probably refugee helpers donated bicycle and a black hair, which lay in the riverbed, converted and finally arrested. Its DNA corresponds to that found in the body of the victim. The perpetrator was illegally submitted to Germany in 2015 and was one of the so-called unaccompanied minor refugees. He had already appeared in the context of a fight, but was not deported.
Mary’s parents collected at the funeral for a refugee project
At the end of October, the parents of Maria L., who came from a middle-class academic family, had a mourning display in the FAZ. In this, they wrote that they did not want to get flowers at the burial as usual, but that the mourners should donate money instead: on the one hand for the education work of the Catholic Church in Bangladesh, on the other for the association “Weitblick Freiburg eV” .
“Weitblick Freiburg eV” makes the same day advertising against deportations
The latter has been massively for the interests of asylum seekers, which with the great asylum glut have come the last two years to Germany and is cynically explicitly active in Freiburg asylum centers. Even on the day when the assassination of the 17-year-old Afghans was struck by the murder of Maria L., the club did not shrink from moving the drum for asylum seekers and for deportations. This is a behavior that is not very important for many Facebook users.
Es muss für Eltern unfassbar sein: Ihre 19 Jahre junge Tochter Maria L. kehrte nie von einer Studentenparty zurück. Am 18. Oktober wurde ihre Leiche am Fluss Dreisam gefunden. Die Autopsie ergab: Maria wurde zunächst brutal vergewaltigt und danach bewusstlos in den Fluss geworfen. Dort ertrank sie.
Der Täter ist ein 17 Jahre alter afghanischer Asylbewerber
Die Suche nach dem Täter ist nun endlich vorüber: Ein 17 Jahre alter Afghane wurde auf Grund von einem ihm gehörenden schwarzen Schal, seinem vermutlich von Flüchtlingshelfern gespendeten Fahrrad und eines schwarzen Haares, welche im Flussbett lagen, überführt und nun endlich festgenommen. Seine DNA entspricht der am Leichnam des Opfers gefundenen. Der Täter war 2015 illegal nach Deutschland eingereist und zählte zu den so genannten unbegleiteten minderjährigen Flüchtlingen. Er war bereits im Rahmen einer Schlägerei strafrechtlich in Erscheinung getreten, wurde jedoch nicht abgeschoben.
Marias Eltern sammelten auf der Beerdigung für ein Flüchtlingsprojekt


Warns citizens it will be monitoring angry Facebook posts

SEE: http://www.infowars.com/german-government-worries-about-islamophobia-after-muslim-refugee-rapes-kills-woman/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The German government has reacted to the shocking news about a Muslim migrant who raped and killed a 19-year-old woman by warning that it would be watching Facebook posts carefully for instances of Islamophobia.
A teenage Afghan asylum seeker was arrested on Friday for the alleged rape and murder of a medical student in Freiburg which took place last month.
The victim’s father is a senior EU official and a vehement supporter of the migrant policy that has seen over a million “refugees” pour into Germany over the last year.
The aftermath of the murder was made even more bizarre by the fact that the victim’s parents used her funeral to raise money for charities that are working to bring more “refugees” into Germany. The victim herself was also a “refugee activist”.
As if the story couldn’t get any more disturbing, the German government’s response was to warn German citizens who expressed anger over the incident on Facebook that it would be on the lookout for Islamophobic hate speech.
Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel asserted that the murder should not be used to stoke anti-migrant sentiment.
“Such horrible murders already happened before the first Afghan or Syrian refugee arrived here,” Gabriel told the Bild newspaper. “We will not allow incitement after such violent crimes, no matter who commits them.”
In reality, the German government’s own statistics show that violent crimes have skyrocketed since over a million migrants arrived in the country.
The only individual with a shred of common sense appears to be the chairman of the DPoIG police union, Rainer Wendt, who said that the murder could have been prevented.
“We wouldn’t have this victim, and so many others, if our country had been better prepared for the dangers that always go along with massive immigration,” he told Bild.
Those concerns are not shared by Angela Merkel’s government, which is more pre-occupied with hunting down German citizens for inflammatory Facebook posts.
After the mass molestation of women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, the German government and media conspired to cover-up the incident.
Reports of rapes, sexual assaults, crime sprees and violent attacks conducted by migrants in German cities are now commonplace and have led to a surge in popularity for the right-wing Alternative For Germany (AfD) party.
“We are shocked by this crime and at the same time we see that our warnings about the uncontrolled arrival of hundreds of thousands of young men from Islamic-patriarchal cultures are written off as populist,” said AfD co-chief Joerg Meuthen.



Obama hit by the ‘Trump effect’ as inauguration day nears

Even though he has yet to take office, Donald Trump is already convincing companies to keep jobs in the US or move manufacturing stateside. Meanwhile, Obama is bumbling around talking about magic wands.



“We have to go further as it will require much more than cyber attack to defend ourselves…”

Darknet Site Takes Donations for Trump Assassination
A website on the Darknet is collecting donations to allegedly help organize the assassination of both President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence.
Launched earlier this week, the website warns of the “political, environmental and social consequences” of a Trump presidency before urging readers to assist its cause.
“As you are all well aware, the consequences of having Donald Trump and Mike Prence as the leaders of the free world is extremely dangerous,” the webpage says. “The political, environmental and social consequences will change the United States for the worst.”
The group claims to belong to a prominent “underground organization” that is now shifting tactics from cyber attacks to physical violence.
“We are part of a well-known underground organization that always defended and protected the rights of all people against crooked governments and regimes using different cyber attacks, but now, we have to go further as it will require much more than cyber attack to defend ourselves to avoid civil war or another world war.”
Visitors are asked to donate Bitcoin in order to cover the costs of equipment and bribes, which will be paid to alleged assets throughout the federal government and even the Secret Service.
According to CSO writer Steve Ragan, the group’s Bitcoin wallet has received more than $88,000 since March 2016 – although only $119 has been collected since the assassination website went live.
A Darknet-based email address is also provided for anyone willing to provide expertise or intelligence to the group.
Despite the provocative nature of the website, investigations into crowdfunded “murder-for-hire” Darknet sites have revealed them to belikely scams or run by law enforcement.
Infowars was unable to reach the Secret Service for comment.
Related: The Assassination of Donald Trump


SEE: http://pulpitandpen.org/2016/12/01/rick-warren-forget-sola-scriptura-but-there-is-plus-scriptura/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
When the apostle Paul was writing his final letter to Timothy, he failed to include a number of things that are so frequently hurled about the Christian church today as utterly important, especially when it comes to hearing from God.
For example, the apostle did not instruct his young protégé on the importance of listening for God’s “still small voice” for personal and ministerial guidance. He didn’t remind Timothy about the importance of astutely discerning between God-sent, spiritual “impressions” for direction as opposed to those which might be of a distinctly more carnal nature.  The apostle of our Lord also forgot to advise the young minister about the importance of circumstances God may orchestrate in order to provide spiritual guardrails to guide him down the correct, providential path.
Flash forward from those 1st century apostolic epistles, that time when “the household of God was being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus being the cornerstone,”(Ephesians 2:19-20; The true church, btw, is still being built on this basis.) to the 21st century church and you’ll find spiritual hucksters galore who are eager to disregard what we have been taught in the faith that was “once for all delivered.” (Jude 3) Once, apparently, wasn’t enough, so modern charlatans and frauds are redelivering a faux faith that more favorably aligns with the modern mind, with its urges for being “spiritual but not religious,” and for self-centered comfort and divine appeasement of our wishes rather than for a faith that requires obedience to “take up your cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)

Ever wonder about the actual width of the “wide path?” Look at these follower stats for a clue, perhaps.
It is here, in the midst of an “it’s all about you,” seeker-sensitive stage, where Rick Warren stands, delivering “another” faith under the guise of “the faith.” Warren, who is known for his discern-less, ecumenical alliances, his complacency with regards to orthodoxy, and his embrace of all things mystical, contemplative, and “spiritual,” has, in his recent Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope, corrected the apostle in his instructive oversight to Timothy.
11-25-16-awesome-relationships-four-ways-god-speaks-to-youWarren, in his post, Four Ways God Speaks To You, has minimized what the apostle maximized, and elevated what the apostle didn’t even mention. He has made Scripture equal to experience, precisely the formula of so many other false teachers in the modern church.  The four-pronged answer from “Pastor Rick” is in response to an ill-framed, rhetorical question. “How do I tune in so that I can hear God’s voice?”
The premise presupposed by this query is that God wants to speak to you, but that He’s unable to unless you become sufficiently “tuned in” to His divine wavelength. Though this is popular spiritual mythology today – which Warren is all too eager to consistently exploit – nothing in Scripture indicates the inability of our Sovereign God to make Himself known. There is no esoteric, mystical, spiritual wavelength on which God is transmitting to our ill-tuned spiritual radios. It’s new age hogwash.  (You wanna hear God speak?  Start flipping pages of the Holy Writ.)
But, in Warren’s daily devotion, he gives his readers an answer to this question.
According to Warren, God speaks to you in four ways:
“1. God speaks to us through the Bible.”   If you are actually doing what Christ said would define His disciples, abiding in His word (John 8:31), you’ll recognize that this method of divine speech is THE method of divine speech. God chose to reveal Himself in the Word, the Word that became flesh and the Word that would, by sovereign providence, become Holy Scripture, fully realized, finally closed, and ultimately eternal. (Psalm 119:89) If Rick would’ve stopped at point one, and pointed his devotees to Scripture, it would’ve been right in line with the apostle’s exhortation to Timothy.
But for Warren – as with so many other slick-tongued, ear-scratching charlatans that plague the modern church – Scripture ain’t enough. Evidently, God can’t say everything He needs to say – and hasn’t said everything He intended to say – in His Word.pexels-photo-27476-large
“2. God speaks to us through teachers.”  No doubt Warren needs to include this point to perpetuate his own position but the Bible-imbibing believer will understand that God uses teachers who “preach the Word.”  (2 Timothy 4:2) To the extent that a teacher or preacher infuses his lessons and sermons with Scripture, Christ will speak through that Scripture to feed His sheep.
This is why expository preaching is so critical. Feel good stories and morally-inclined sermons, sans Scripture, have zero nutritional value for the flock, but such calorie-void fast food, if accompanied by whiz-bang Hollywood-like staged theatrics and music, can create repetitive seatings of goats in the pews who cannot, of course, be fed actual sheep food. (Survey, perhaps, any of the 25,000 or more at Saddleback for more information.)
“It means to preach the Bible in such a way, that the meaning of the Bible passage is presented entirely and exactly as it was intended by God. That’s the challenge – the divine Word coming through the preacher.” John MacArthur on expository preaching
(As to Warren himself, this article from Tim Challies summarizes with a notable point about the Saddleback pastor. “One need only read Warren’s books or listen to a few of his messages to realize how often he explains and applies passages incorrectly. I assume this is because he has not taken the time to first humble himself before the Scripture and determine what the passages really mean. So do not be confused and presume that Warren is an expository preacher.”)
“3. God speaks to us through impressions.   Impressions? The God of the universe wants to speak to me, something that obviously has to be critical – this is GOD, after all – and He has to resort to psychological, mystical, and highly subjective, New Age, subliminal effects to get His point across?   Really?  Lemme check the color of my aura cuz Rick’s point is really giving me a dark, antagonistic feeling like something’s really amiss here. Call it an impression.
This is utterly unbiblical, but this mystical nonsense sells to those who’ll quickly abandon the Word in their hands for the almost-always carnal, “still small voice” in their heads. Though we have to resort to Scripture to understand this, the Sovereign God of the universe has made it clear that, given His omnipotent nature, He can, has, and will communicate via any means He will choose.   On one singular occasion, with a bonafide prophet, He used that oft sought after “still small voice.” But you ain’t a prophet. I ain’t a prophet. And Rick Warren most certainly ain’t a prophet. Not all of Scripture is prescriptive for us.  Just because God led Israel with pillars of cloud and fire, don’t expect that sort of divine guidance today.
How does God speak today? Read and study Hebrews (and the entire New Testament) for a thorough answer, but here’s a rather perspicuous Scriptural clue.
“Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son” (Hebrews 1:1-2)
It’s important not to underestimate the impact that our “flesh” has on these “impressions.” Paul exhibited his own practical battles with the flesh in Romans 7.
For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.  Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. 17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.  (Romans 7:15-19)
Paul was not speaking merely of succumbing to sinful temptations. It was not only the act that was sin, but his fleshly-inspired thoughts too. (1 Samuel 16:7)  Just verses earlier, in Romans 7:8, Paul confessed that “sin … produced in me all kinds of covetousness.” The singular solution that Paul knew and gave is found in Romans 7:25, “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.” The “law of God” was not for Paul, nor is it for us, a subliminal transference of divine instruction. It was not an “impression.”  It was the Holy Scripture through which God had both revealed Himself and established His expectations for His chosen creatures.  You can live the rest of your entire Christian life and never have a warm fuzzy, but you’ll always have the truth, and guidance, of God in His Word.  Assurance, instruction, and guidance come from the Word.  Scripture is God’s voice.
 “The Spirit and the Word must be combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word, I lay myself open to great delusions.”   George Mueller
But for Warren, so long as you don’t go to the extreme of thinking “every impression is from God” or to the extreme that “no impression is from God,” you’ll be in the middle … right where God can speak. This is epic false teaching consistent with a “wide path” theology.
 “4. God speaks to us through our circumstances.”  Though God is entirely sovereign and though there is no single event in the universe that occurs that is not in accord either with His explicit or His permissive will, the only way in which we can identify “God speech” through providentially coordinated circumstance is by being saturated in the Word. It is this that allows one with even a superficial reading of Romans 1, for example, to identify God’s current judgment of sin in the world.
To the extent that we understand His written Word, we are capable of seeing the sovereign hand of God at work in circumstances, for there are none in which He is inactive. But the preeminence of the Word is paramount. Apart from the Truth that He has given us in Holy Scripture, we remain – at best – limited to noble conjecture and uncertain speculation about interpreting the events around us.  Yet we need not focus on or fret about circumstances,  because “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”  (Romans 8:28)
But according to Warren, “If we’re going to live a life of significance, God’s got to make constant course corrections, and one of the things he uses to do that is the circumstances that come into our lives.”
First, where, exactly, does Scripture tell us we are to live “lives of significance?” We are regularly exhorted to live “lives of obedience,” but “lives of significance” seems glaringly absent from the pages of our Holy Writ.
 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.  All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.   2 Timothy 3:14-17
In a preemptive Scriptural rebuke to the musings of false teacher Warren, here are the apostle Paul’s four points …  are all fixated on one thing … Holy Scripture.
  1. Scripture is salvific, the starting point for anyone seeking to hear from God. “The sacred writings … are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”
  2. Scripture is good for teaching and reproof. This pair of attributes speaks to the “sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1) elucidated by God’s Word. Through it, we learn what is true and, thereby, are able to identify what is false.
  3. Scripture is good for correction and training in righteousness. These two attributes speak to the power of Scripture to guide our conduct. It corrects us by the convicting aid of the Holy Spirit when we err in sin, and, when consistently digested by the sheep, it trains us to arrive, finally and ultimately, at the fruition of Christ’s ambition for all His sheep … Be holy for I am holy. (1 Peter 1:16)
  4. Scripture makes us complete or equipped (Paul used two forms of the same Greek word here). The apostle was pointing out that the man of God that Timothy was to become could rely completely on His revelation in His Holy Scriptures.  Nothing else was necessary.
Unlike Rick Warren, Paul made clear the singular priority of Scripture. Keep in mind, too, if it had been remotely important for Timothy – who was effectively being passed the non-apostolic mantle of Paul’s ministry – to know how to listen to subjectively-interpretable impressions or distinguish between the flesh vs. spirit voices in his head, or how to read the circumstances of his life in order to hear God’s voice, Paul would have made those things clear. But Paul recommended none of these things simply because these things are not necessary, or Scripturally-prescribed,  for us to know when, where, or what God is speaking.
Peter echoes Paul’s sentiments regarding the preeminence of Scripture. Though, unlike Paul, he was an “eyewitness of his majesty,” and though he heard the “voice borne by the Majestic Glory,”  Peter says we have something far more valuable than what his eyes saw or his ears heard. “We have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention.”  (2 Peter 1: 16-21)
It may not be enough for Rick Warren or for those seeking spiritual “experiences,” but Scripture was more than enough for the apostles. It is certainly enough for us.
“Whatever is to be revealed by the Spirit to any of us is in the Word of God already. He adds nothing to the Bible and never will.”  Charles Spurgeon
[Contributed by Bud Ahlheim]
See also:


SEE: http://pulpitandpen.org/2016/11/30/jan-markell-another-dangerous-wolf-in-sheeps-clothing/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. – 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Jan Markell, radio host of Understanding the Times Radio has exhibited an extraordinary lack of discernment. Once viewed as a sound discernment ministry, speaking out against the heresies of Roman Catholicism, ecumenism, and many other false teachers parading around in the church, Markell’s Olive Tree Ministries has slid deep into apostasy over the last few years.
It began when Jan Markell started promoting Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, back in 2012. The Harbinger was a book on the NY Times Best Sellers list that made arduous claims regarding the application of Scriptures to the United States and twisting them completely out of context. For example, Cahn claimed in the book that Isaiah 9:10“The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with smooth stones,” is a reference to the rebuilding of the World Trade Center in New York. The book is replete with false information, bad doctrine, and twisted Scriptures. Yet, this didn’t deter Markell, as she and Cahn were both contributors to the Christian news website, Worldnet Daily, who was also heavily promoting the book at the time.
Markell, and her partner-in-crime and co-host, Eric Barger, co-hosted a radio program in July of 2012 in which, according to the description, “continued questioning Jonathan Cahn on important issues and accusations flying around the Internet and on radio.” The radio program then spent the remaining time defending Cahn’s false teachings, twisted Scripture, and dangerous theology. Markell and Barger were confronted by multiple ministries, including Worldview Weekend, regarding their continued promotion of this dangerous book and false teacher, yet she persisted in sin and continued to ignore the Scriptural warnings given to her.
Before this debacle, Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend was a regular fill-in and supporter of Markell’s ministry. As stated before, she was apparently a strong proponent of sound biblical doctrine and a solid discerner of truth. At the time, it was baffling that she could become so caught up in this false teaching and such a staunch defender of heresy. After Howse decided he had no choice but to distance himself from Markell’s ministry, Markell’s co-host, Eric Barger put out an article repudiating the “kind” of discernment that had been perpetuated around them. I personally reached to Markell, asking her to consider the truths being presented to her by Howse and others, and to seek reconciliation. Eric Barger responded via email,
Just so you understand, my article was not about any individual but about the culture in the discernment community. It has become “push my pet peripheral theologies and call it discernment” and you dare not disagree with some of them or suddenly YOU become the target.
Worst is that some discerners have decided that rejecting pleas for dialog before going public against others is the way to go. It’s shoot first and talk later. I won’t repeat stuff from my articles here but knowing what I know from behind the scenes, I am first shocked, then saddened, and finally in a state of no confidence concerning the work and integrity of some of that I thought were the most trustworthy people in our circle. No wonder the heretics and emergents laugh at us.
Markell, herself, also responded to me via email, saying,
We’re not calling out Brannon Howse here. We’re addressing the entire discernment community who chooses to heavily bash, bash. I know he is naming me on his program and you might ask him to lay off. There is a rule in radio that you do not do that. 99% of radio networks throw off any ministry that calls other broadcasters out by name and scolds them. It is just not ever done. It is as unprofessional as you can get. We have stayed light years away from even naming the discerners we have in mind here, although they have all tried to roast this ministry, Eric Barger, etc., and many, many more.
Now, keep in mind, that Markell’s ministry was a discernment ministry that regularly engaged in public attacks against others that they deemed to be false teachers. However, when they are confronted about their public promotion and perpetuation of false teachings, all of a sudden, this kind of discernment is unacceptable.
Fast-forward four years later, another one of Jan Markell’s co-hosts reaches out to Pulpit & Pen with a complaint against us regarding our exposing of the false teachings of Anne Graham Lotz. Brandon Hines posted an article on Lotz, who was heavily promoting Pagan prayer circles and the Jewish mystic, Honi. Jill Martin Rische writes to us and threatens to expose Pulpit & Pen on her and Jan’s next radio program. She says,
Just because some people today have twisted circle making to their own ends does not make the ancient judicial practice of it pagan mysticism or witchcraft—and just because Anne Lotz quotes Honi from the Jewish legal text, the Mishnah, does not make her guilty of endorsing mysticism.
We are currently finishing a segment on polemics and internet apologetics (I co-host with Jan Markell on Understanding the Times radio), so we will add to it an examination of the Pulpit and Pen’s methodology. You are welcome to send me a statement or I can excerpt your comments here. Whatever all of you say, printing accusations against another believer based on poor historical research is bearing false witness and you should retract this article and apologize to Mrs. Lotz.
First, the extent that Jill, Jan Markell’s co-host, goes to defend this heresy is astounding. But keep in mind, Markell had already told me that “there is a rule in radio that you do not do that,” that is, publicly attack another ministry. So, Markell tells us that it’s against the rules to publicly attack another ministry on radio, while her co-host is writing to us threatening to publicly attack our ministry on their radio program. Needless to say, we told her to pound sand, and we never heard from her again.
But their promotion of false teachings and bad theology has not ended. On November 19, Markell hosted a radio program with patriotic political Scripture-twister, Michelle Bachmann, in which they compared Donald Trump’s presidential win to Elijah’s victory over the prophets of Baal. Bachmann, who said back in July, that God may be “lifting up” Donald Trump because he “might be the only one who can save America,” said on Markell’s program last week regarding Trump’s victory,
This in my mind can only be described as something analogous to Elijah and the prophets of Baal, because in the natural, never would this have happened. This only happened in the supernatural and I believe it is because believers saw that we were on a precipice.
Brannon Howse responded to this by tweeting,
“If Michele Bachmann wants republican victory over false prophets like Elijah why pray with false prophet like Lou Engle? Dems don’t do this,” Howse says.
Markell, it appears, has jumped onto the bandwagon of the New Apostolic Reformation’s false teachings regarding modern day prophets and apostles. The kind of Scripture-twisting and heresy that Markell used to fight against has now become the foundation of her ministry. She has become deeply immersed in unbiblical traditions of men. Markell was once surrounded by solid Bible teachers, yet continually refused to acknowledge the Scriptural truth the presented her with. This is a mark of a false teacher. She was easily drawn away to man-made myths. Now she has surrounded herself with false teachers, like Jonathan Cahn, Michell Bachmann, and others, to suit her own passions–prophetic patriotism. Her first passion, it seems, is not the promotion of the Gospel or the cross, but the salvation of America and Israel as a nation.  She has put herself in a position to where she will partner with any false teacher or promote any false doctrine, as long as it advances this cause. Jan Markell and Olive Tree Ministries has become a dangerous hotbed of unsound teaching and is a ministry that should be marked and avoided.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“There is no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another.” E. B. White
E.B. White’s observation of the obvious is assuredly the case when looking at the goings-on of The Salvation Army. Things get very complicated when trying to determine exactly what the Army is and exactly what truly drives them. While it cannot be argued that it isn’t zealously humanitarian in its ambitions, as we pointed out previously there is a very real sense in which adherents to Army doctrine may genuinely be motivated to perform good works – and many of them are, indeed, “good” – in order to maintain their own salvation. The “salvation” of the Army is tentative and unless one works at it, assurance of its efficacy is absent. Such is the faulty synergistic gospel to which the Army subscribes and – whenever it happens to – proclaims.
But, as White observed, things quickly become complicated when analyzing the Army. The Army is a church. It’s a denomination. It’s a charity. It’s an international relief agency. It’s a humanitarian initiative. It’s a government ally in corrections and rehabilitation services. The Army, according to its website, is engaged in the most high-profile categories of social need, from elderly services, human trafficking, hunger relief, homeless services, prison ministries to disaster relief.
Yet, fundamentally, the Army presents itself as a Christian organization and identifies itself as a church in the evangelical tradition.
Our mission: The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. (Source)
Perhaps the most astute observation about the state of the modern church, including the Salvation Army – to the extent it might be considered a “church” – comes to us from John MacArthur. The most defining characteristic of the contemporary evangelical church, he says, is “a spiraling loss of confidence in the power of Scripture.”
With the Salvation Army, evidence for its disregard of Scripture is easily seen in such things as its faulty gospel with an insufficient God and a not-fully-atoning Savior, and its refusal to duly administer the Christ-commanded ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. While its confidence in the power of Scripture is glaringly absent, the Army does seem to exhibit full confidence in one thing in particular – the power of its coffers. The Salvation Army is a mammoth money-making machine. If fund-raising were a gift of the Spirit, the Army would be a demi-god.
According to Forbes listing of The 50 Largest U.S. Charities for 2015, The Salvation Army ranks second. Only $30 million shy of The United Way in the top spot (In case you didn’t know, the United Way is itself a major donor to and strategic partner with the Army. The United Way is also, by the way, a financial supporter of Planned Parenthood.) The Salvation Army raked in over $4.1 Billion in revenue during 2015. (By comparison, consider the 2015 Great Commission Giving program of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest evangelical denomination according to Pew Research Center. That reported total came in at just over $613 million from over 46,000 contributing, cooperating churches.)
(Some variations in list tabulations of charities exists. For example, according to an October 2016 report by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, a source often cited by news media, the Salvation Army ranked 6th. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund took the top spot, bumping out United Way.)
The Army’s revenue was twice that of Feeding America, the number three charity on the Forbes list. The combined 2015 revenues of Goodwill Industries ($927 M), the American Cancer Society ($840 M), the American Red Cross ($735 M), the American Heart Association ($546 M), Samaritan’s Purse ($467 M), and Save The Children ($448 M), for example, do not match the Army’s sizable footprint in nonprofit America. The “church” of the red kettle is a behemoth.
When thinking about church and wealth, what comes to mind but the Roman Catholic Church? According to a CNN Money report from September 2015, the Vatican Bank has over $8 billion in assets. Aside from the literally priceless art, artifacts and historic relics (How can a value be placed on such things as Mary’s Holy Belt, or John The Baptist’s Head, or The Tunic of The Blessed Virgin, or, indeed, the very Chains of St. Peter?), the decadent wealth of Rome has been, from the days of Tetzel’s indulgence-selling crusades, a long time source of angst among Protestants and even some Catholics. Still, the $8B figure is certainly not indicative of the actual net worth of Rome. Two sources give a clue to this. One report, from the International Business Times, states that, in 2014, the Catholic Church in America was generating upwards of $850 million per week from parishioner donations. According to a 2012 report in The Economist, the American Catholic Church operated an annual budget of $170 billion.
But considering the nearly two millennia which Rome has had in which to enrich itself through global expansion, illicit doctrinal indoctrination, and untold civil alliances, and though it’s unlikely to topple the opaque fortune amassed by the apostate of the Tiber, the much younger upstart church of the Salvation Army – it celebrated 150 years in 2015 – hasn’t done such a bad job in accruing fabulous financials for itself.screen-shot-2016-11-26-at-5-49-24-am
In the Salvation Army’s 2015 Financial Accountability Statement, the “church” claims total assets of $58.6 Billion, of which $2.7 billion are in cash or cash equivalents. Its Canadian operation is reported (by Charity Intelligence Canada) to have nearly another $1 billion in funding reserves, bringing the Army’s North American war chest total to nearly $4 billion on hand.
Where does the Army generate this revenue? There are multiple revenue streams that are, as E.B. White suggested in the opening quote, complicated to trace. Starting at the watch-dog groups seems to produce little clarity.
While there are various charity wwatchdog groups – the major ones are GuideStarCharity NavigatorGiveWellCharityWatch, and the BBB’s give.org, it appears that the Army, because of its religious affiliation, isn’t reviewed by most of them. The site give.org does give “Accredited Charity” status to the Army, with positive marks for the “Standards For Charity Accountability” that it reviews. The Army is unreviewed by Charity Navigator, and the entry from Guidestar is less a review than a summary of the services engaged upon by the Army that seems merely gleaned from its own website.
screen-shot-2016-11-26-at-5-29-53-amBecause the Salvation Army is a non-profit religious organization, its annual reports it are not subject to scrutiny beyond its own internal oversight but they do provide information regarding the sources from which its magnificent revenue flows. According to the data from its website, the Army reports that 62% of 2015 revenue came from “Direct Public Support.”
While the iconic Christmas-time red kettle crusade may be the most visible fundraising initiative of the Army, it is merely one small marketing effort employed to fill the Army’s coffers. According to the Army’s summary of its “124th Red Kettle Campaign,” the 2015 revenue generated by generous-minded holiday shoppers totaled just over $144 million. But the holiday bell-ringers provide a well-placed, polished image of the Army to the general public and provide a “feel good” moment for the coin tossing kettle donor.  (Oh, those seasonal kettle donations are not earmarked by the Army for Christmas-time aid to the needy; the donations generated by bell-ringing attendants – often by court-ordered “beneficiaries” of the Army, by volunteers, or by low-paid employees – go into the Army’s general fund.)
The Army hires professional marketing firms to assist in its ongoing pursuit of “direct public support.” One such firm, True Sense Marketing, generated $265,814 for the Baton Rouge Army office, being paid a fee of $73,999 – or nearly 28% of the haul – for its oversight of the fundraising campaign. Apparently, True Sense has found a major client in the Army, naming its own blog “The Ringer: Straightforward thoughts and insights from fundraising professionals.” (Financial data drawn from The Salvation Army – Baton Rouge 2014 IRS Form 990 Return – Source)
In addition to individual donations, which are solicited in every conceivable way – including direct mail and television advertising – the Army has enormous support from corporate donors. Walmart, Sam’s Clubs, Kroger, Harris Teeter, Papa Johns, Hanes, JC Penney, and Big Lots are a few notable supporters during the holiday season. Other corporate donors include Target (the retailer most recently newsworthy for its support of transgender bathrooms in its stores), FedEx, UPS, Entemann’s, Sprint, Macy’s Inc., Walgreens, and Hobby Lobby.
Jerry Jones, Charlotte Jones Anderson, Commissioner David Jeffrey
The Army’s image has been bolstered during the NFL season with the aid of Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones who is a vigorous supporter of the organization. Salvation Army ads ran during the Thanksgiving Day Cowboy’s game featuring yet another corporate sponsor, 7Up/Canada Dry. (In the event the Army actually paid the$300k-700k for the airtime – the going rate for a 30 second NFL broadcast commercial – one wonders why, only back in June the Army was getting headlines for having to close a homeless shelter in Peoria, IL due to a lack of “government funding.” The funding loss that precipitated the shelter’s close? $190,000.)
The Army reports that its second major source for revenue are from sales to the public. The organization operates 1,237 thrift shops around the nation. Reselling donated goods, the stores – and the collection/warehousing/distribution operations behind them – are often manned by laborers assigned to the Army’s rehabilitation work programs, often by court order.
While revenue flows through the cash registers of the thrift stores, it’s also hauled by the truckloads from the massive recycling operation behind the scenes. Items that are not store-worthy for resale are often sold for their scrap value, particularly items with metal content. It’s reported that laborers in some Army intake warehouses dismantle unsellable electronics for the metals, even clipping power cords from appliances to strip out the copper wiring. One insider reported that such recyclables are sold to scrapyards for upwards of $7000 per truckload. No doubt, this is a savvy profit-producing maneuver – free inventory that’s tax-deductible for the donor, and that’s either sold for full profit in a thrift store or is recycled for full profit.
Complaints from employees (a few random screen grabs are shown below) about store operations, management abuses, and disrespectful managers are replete. The Army reports that it employs over 65,000 people, so complaints are to be expected perhaps. Employees who are often court-ordered “beneficiaries” of Army programs report mistreatment, disregard, and, of course, “low pay,” a complaint responded to with the retort that the “rehab program” of the court ordered participant is a “work” program, not a “therapeutic” one.
The third substantial source of church … err … Army revenue is from the government. In 2015, the Army reports taking in over $352 million in government funds. Some of these funds are for the direct benefit of the Army, such as the $30,000 it received as a “green infrastructure” incentive when building its new city headquarters in Harrisburg, PA. Other grants pass through Army coffers for social aid programs it administers on behalf of the government, such as the $46,000 given to theMissoula, MT Army for its “winter shelter program,” or the unspecified amount provided to the Army in High Point, NC to help pay “your electric bill during hot summer months.”
It’s important to note that government grants to the Army are not pure pass throughs. That is, grants allow for the administering agency – in this case, the Army – to retain administrative and overhead costs associated with the agency’s implementation of the grant. A retention of 10% or more of the grant’s total value is not uncommon.
(While government grants to the Army are not “dollar for dollar” pass-throughs to their targeted recipients, neither are the public donations and corporate contributions. CNN Money reports that “The Salvation Army typically spends 82% of donations on aid.” Other notable charities? The Red Cross is at 91%; Feeding America is at 98%; Feed The Children is at 92%. World Vision is at 85%.)
Another credit to E.B. White’s “one thing leads to another” comment is gleaned from the Army’s entanglement with the government, particularly in its extensive “correctional services” efforts. In many municipalities around the country, the Salvation Army is utilized by civil courts to administrate rehabilitation programs such as “batterers intervention, anger management, and drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs.” The fines, penalties, or dues related to the court are often due payable not to the local magistrate, but to The Salvation Army.
Source: http://www2.duvalclerk.com/departments/misdemeanor/
To further consider are complaints of abuse by court ordered “beneficiaries,” a term used by the Army to reference those ordered to participate in its programs. Stories persist of the Army’s strong-arm tactics in commandeering a substantial portion – in some cases, 75% has been claimed – of social welfare benefits to which the individual might be entitled. In return for acceptance into the “work” rehab program, the lodging “beneficiary” is provided “three-hots-and-a-cot,” required to work at zero or below minimum wage, and forfeits a portion of their social welfare benefits, such as food stamps, to the Army. It is claimed that redemption of food stamps by the Army represents a significant portion of the food with which it reports to serve over 56 million meals per year, primarily to the over 10 million “lodgings supplied” it claims.
Source: http://truthin7minutes.com/Salvation.php
Now, pause a moment and remind yourself … the Salvation Army, despite what it does or what most people think it is, considers itself a church, a Christian ministry. To quote the Army’s third-person description of itself again … “Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.”
Consider your church, or your denomination, or any other evangelical denomination that you know besides the Salvation Army. Do you know any with such vigorous fundraising priorities? There certainly aren’t any that, for the frequently gospel-void and myopic focus of relieving temporal human misery, match the Army in money making effectiveness. Did your church get any government grants this year to help those in need in your community? Or, like most churches, did it simply pray and itself fund the outreach – hopefully (unlike the Army) replete with Gospel recitations – to the needy it sought to serve?
The Army finds itself unfavorably disobedient to Scripture’s teaching to be in the world but not of it. Paul warns the church “not to be unequally yoked” (2 Corinthians 6:14) with unbelievers. How valid, then, is “yoking” with the government to solicit funds for the purposes of social justice? Perhaps, like its presumptuous claim of divine exemption to disregard the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the church of the Army has presumed to operate on the assumption of a similar divine pass to permit its unscriptural alliances with the world and its reliance on secular entanglements to perform its “God-given” eternal mission.
In fact – not to argue the validity of Christians doing “mercy-based” acts of kindness in an unbelieving world – the New Testament gives ZERO examples of such engagement with the world to achieve social justice ends, alleviate human misery, or, even, of feeding the pagan poor. We aregiven the example of the New Testament church being exhorted by Paul to aid the famine-suffering saints in Jerusalem, but we read nothing of a campaign by the church to alleviate all hunger in the city. (See Acts 11:291 Corinthians 16:1Romans 15:26, for example. In fact, 2 Corinthians 8:1 – 9:15 is a rich testimony of Christian charity, borne of the “relief of the saints” in Jerusalem.)
Noble though they may be, acts of mercy and deeds of charity are not the Gospel.
“At one time, “holistic ministry” was an expression intended to move Christians beyond proclamation to include deeds of mercy. Increasingly, however, “holistic ministry” refers to deeds of mercy without any proclamation of the gospel—and that is not holistic. It is not even halfistic, since the deeds of mercy are not the gospel: they are entailments of the gospel. …Judging by the distribution of American mission dollars, the biggest hole in our gospel is the gospel itself.”  D.A. Carson
Though the unscriptural alliance of the Salvation Army with the world is evident enough, the fact remains enormous volumes of cash flow through it. While “the ends justify the means” isn’t a Christian platitude, the Army’s intentional secular alliances seem to employ such consequentialism. There is little ground on which to argue that the Army doesn’t do some temporal good, but the Christian’s first priority is obedience to God, who then determines – and most certainly will achieve – His ends. (Paul never applied for Roman grants to feed starving Jerusalem unbelievers … or believers.)
It’s to be expected that anything remotely Christian will be attacked by a pagan world spiraling ever deeper – as God releases His restraining mercy – into wickedness and depravity. Though the world today is quick to scream for tolerance, the culture defiantly refuses to exhibit this lofty trait when it comes to Christians or Christianity. (Of course, Scripture tells us such things will happen. Take a look at 2 Timothy 3:1-9, for example.)
The Salvation Army has not been immune to such attacks. But, how does it stand when the darkness attacks? Not well.
For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.  Mark 8:38
In a legal case in which the option to stand firm for the gospel (such as the Army knows it) and the social mission to which it claims to be called of God, the Army chose to forego a firm stance on its Christian convictions and, instead, accommodate the secular demands of the prosecuting litigants against it. (Can it really be considered “persecution” when you end up giving in?)
The New York Times (and the Huffington Post and the New York Civil Liberties Union) reported on the case. “The Salvation Army on Tuesday settled a decade-old lawsuit that charged it with engaging in religious discrimination by requiring its government-funded social service employees to reveal their beliefs and to agree to act in accordance with the Christian gospel. As part of the settlement, approved by a federal judge in Manhattan, the Salvation Army will distribute to its New York employees who work in programs that receive government financing a document stating that they need not adhere to the group’s religious principles while doing their jobs, nor may they be asked about their religious beliefs.”
In addition to relinquishing their stand for their convictions, the Army also agreed to pay $450,000 to settle claims made against it for “proselytizing” by two “former employees.”
Why would the Army yield on its previously held convictions? Perhaps it was the threat of loss of nearly $188 million in grant money from New York government that persuaded them. The writer for the Huffington Post titled his article on the case, “The Salvation Army’s White-Flag Surrender to Secularism,” an apt summation perhaps, but a pathetic testimony for a supposed “Christian” mission in the world.
God may provide but the grant money was a sure thing. Besides, look at all the good we’re doing. One can just imagine the rationalizations of consequentialism going on in the Army’s HQ. The soup kitchens and homeless shelters in New York would remain open thanks to the Army’s cowering while onlookers saw what really mattered most to these “Christians.”
The Army’s Tiber-like financial statement reports over $58 billion in assets. A significant portion of these assets are its vast real estate holdings. While the Army operates many different sorts of “missions,” from homeless shelters to group homes to corrections-related half-way houses, and though the value of these facilities is substantial, so too are their vast holdings of other commercial real estate.
While the National Headquarters of the Army in Alexandria, Virginia (pictured) may be valued at $9 million (according to the Alexandria Property Appraiser’s website), other state-based headquarters are equally as expensive. In Florida, the Army’s state headquarters in Lutz (shown below) shows a market value of just over $13 million. The 100,000 SF Texas headquarters carries a value of over $5 million, itself being only one of 53 properties owned by the Army in Dallas. In California, a block southwest of the Moscone Center in San Francisco is the $11 million Golden State headquarters.
Florida State Salvation Army Headquarters
But beyond the facilities operated for social services and the corporate facilities are the Army’s holdings in single-family, residential properties. These holdings are substantial. Two news articles, one from the East Coast, one from the West, feature prominently an investigation into these holdings in their respective cities.
The first comes from the Los Angeles Times. In that article, titled “Salvation Army is a residential real estate powerhouse,” the author writes that “In Los Angeles and Orange Counties alone, the charity owns 87 homes and condominiums worth about $52 million.”
A similar journalistic review of the Army, this time from the Tampa Bay Times, found an equally impressive portfolio. The article, “Salvation Army is part church, part charity, part business,” states that, “Few donors realize the Salvation Army owns a $12 million Florida headquarters in Lutz, a $3 million office complex in New Port Richey and dozens of homes in the Tampa Bay area – all part of a largely tax-exempt local real estate portfolio worth about $75 million.”
Why the substantial residential real-estate holdings? Beyond the obvious “it makes good business and investment sense” response, these homes are for the use of Army officers. It’s a perk of officership. In the LA Times story, an officer whose day job in the Army found him overseeing a 54-bed treatment center for alcoholics and drug addicts found him living in an Army-provided $1.3 million Santa Monica home.
One of numerous Florida homes owned by Salvation Army
The Tampa Bay article reports that “Officers, who are ordained clergy, live rent free in the homes, including some that cost as much as $300,000. The organization provides them with cars, health insurance, furniture, and Internet service. It even pays the homeowners’ association dues.”
“And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”Matthew 8:20
Though Army officers are not themselves getting wealthy for the service they render to the organization – the typical salary is around $36,000 annually – the Army itself, under the auspices of helping the needy and promoting the gospel, is amassing a fortune. And when the general public discovers this, the initial shock is quickly overcome by distaste and consternation.
“I just have a problem with them standing out there with their kettles at Christmastime and people putting their hard-earned money in there when they own millions and millions and millions of dollars of real estate. … It just doesn’t look right. I don’t like it.” (Source)
Both the LA Times and The Tampa Bay Times cite Daniel Borochoff, President of CharityWatch (formerly known as the American Institute of Philanthropy) in response to the recognition of the Army’s vast real estate assets. “They want to be able to project an image that they do this dedicated work for peanuts.” (Source)
“It creates an appearance issue because John Public thinks, ‘I give the Salvation Army my hard-earned 50 bucks and it’s going to go to this fancy home I can’t afford to live in.” (Source)
(Worth noting is that The Salvation Army is not among the “Top Rated Charities” in any category ranked by Charity Watch. “Groups included on the CharityWatch Top-Rated list generally spend 75% or more of their budgets on programs, spend $25 or less to raise $100 in public support, do not hold excessive assets in reserve, have met CharityWatch’s governance benchmarks, and receive “open-book” status for disclosure of basic financial information and documents to CharityWatch.” SOURCE)
sagay1The Army & The LGBTQ Issue
In 2012, during an interview on an Australian radio broadcast, an officer (who is, don’t forget, an ordained minister) responded to a question which left the clear impression to many that the Army believes that “gays should be put to death.”
(Just for grins, compare that to this leading Southern Baptist pastor who suggested not that gays should be put to death, but that those opposed – on Biblical grounds – to his church’s gospel-void, affirming embrace of homosexuals should be put to death.)
Nevertheless, the Army officer’s comments created a whirlwind of outrage. The Army was quick to offer a clarifying apology stating that “The Salvationist Handbook of Doctrine does not state that practicing homosexuals should be put to death and, in fact, urges all Salvationists to act with acceptance, love, and respect to all people.”
(Aussie salvo apologies are nothing new, apparently. The Salvation Army, again in Australia, issued an apology in 2006 related to 500+ claims of child abuse occurring over numerous decades in its Children’s Homes throughout the continent. Though no longer on its website, the archived webpage of the Army’s “response to child abuse allegations” may be found HERE.)
But the effective headline of “Salvation Army Thinks Gays Should Die” did, itself, not die with the apologetic response. The photo-shopped graphic shown above has been extensively shared across social media.  Now, nearly five years later, the Army website continues to feature an “About Us” link which directs to “The Salvation Army and The LGBT Community” page. The pithy comments distinguish the Army’s discrimination-free position among “The People We Serve,” “The People We Hire,” and “The People Who Support Us.” All three groups find embrace of and acceptance by the LGBT community.
The Army’s comment about “The People We Hire” is – for a “church” with the self-touted mission to proclaim the gospel – particularly curious. “The Salvation Army embraces employees of many different faiths and orientations. Our hiring practices are open to all, and we adhere to all relevant employment laws, providing domestic partner benefits accordingly.”
This “church” hires people of “many different faiths?” Hmm. And it also “provides domestic partner benefits?”   If you’re in a Scripture-obedient church, you probably won’t be able to find these practices repeated at home (or touted as Biblically valid, either.)
The Army’s aggressive response to appear “pro-gay” is perhaps best seen in Australia where the contentious issue of an anti-bullying program for schools is being hotly debated. Called the Safe Schools Program, it is less an anti-bully initiative than it is an effort to indoctrinate Australian children into LGBTQ acceptance. The website for the effort, SafeSchoolsCoalition.org, features the tagline, “A Public-Private Partnership In Support of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Queer and Questioning Youth.” In complete support of this initiative, which offers such curricula resources for youngsters as “Growing Up Queer” and “OMG I’m Queer,” is none other than the Salvation Army. (More about this issue can be found HEREH/T: Dianne Snider)   The Army’s statement of support can be read HERE.
The Army & Abortion
To many, no doubt, the Salvation Army has a seemingly morally palatable statement regarding abortion. It uses such favorable phrases as “all people are created in the image of God,” “human life is sacred,” “responsibility to care for others … including unborn children,” and “life is a gift from God … we are answerable to God for the taking of life.”
But, reading further, the Army’s statement makes clear that, in certain cases, it is pro-abortion, a position that may sit well within liberal churches, but certainly not within Bible-believing ones. “The Salvation Army believes that termination can occur only when carrying the pregnancy further seriously threatens the life of the mother; or reliable diagnostic procedures have identified a foetal abnormality considered incompatible with survival for more than a very brief post natal period.”
The Army’s statement continues. “In addition, rape and incest are brutal acts of dominance violating women physically and emotionally. This situation represents a special case for the consideration of termination as the violation may be compounded by the continuation of the pregnancy.”
While the internet is replete with warnings about the Salvation Army’s support for abortion, including from Catholic-oriented websites (See HERE or HERE, for example) there is no direct evidence (that we could find) of monetary support from the Army to Planned Parenthood. Many web and news sources cite a subscription-only service, Life Decisions International, a pro-life watchdog organization, that has placed the Army on its “dishonorable mention list,” not because of its outright financial support to Planned Parenthood, but for “troubling connections” between the two.
A couple of interesting associations do exist. As previously mentioned, one of the revenue sources for the Salvation Army is United Way, which claims a neutral stance on the issue of abortion.  United Way is also a monetary donor to Planned Parenthood.
(A 2015 list of United Way chapters donating to Planned Parenthood is HERE. This 2015 article fromLifeNews.com looks at United Way’s defense of its funding for Planned Parenthood. This 2016 article from The Daily Signal also features a look at the United Way’s pro-abortion donations.)
Given the billion-dollar stature of the Army in the world of philanthropy, it’s not surprising that some of their resources go to procuring high profile fund-raising agencies to help them maximize their “help the needy” revenue appeals. It’s already been established that the Army is eager to abandon Scriptural commands for the church to avoid worldly entanglements, so retaining a high-powered secular consulting group is hardly an issue for them.
Enter The Bridgespan Group, itself a non-profit organization with its own mission: “We work to build a better world by strengthening the ability of mission-driven organizations and philanthropists to achieve breakthrough results in addressing society’s most important challenges and opportunities.”
Bridgestone’s list of clients for whom they provide “strategy consulting” includes Planned Parenthood Federation of America and The Salvation Army.  The question, perhaps, is … would your church be comfortable having its name alongside Planned Parenthood on the client list of a church-paid consulting group?  How far does “do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 6:14) actually go, one must ask.
screen-shot-2016-11-27-at-5-03-28-pmThe Army and Political Activism In America
American Christianity and politics don’t – at least from the evangelical church point of view – have a wall of separation. Particularly in the latest presidential election has the evangelical industrial complex come out in full political swing, anointing the perhaps previously un-anointable. So arguing that the church in America should stay out of politics might find one defending a lonely position. But what every evangelical would likely agree on is that, whatever your political proclivities, you should never be deceitful about them.
That simply wouldn’t be Christian. Yet that is what the Salvation Army seems to have done, at least in one statement.
In a response written on the website of the Salvation Army Northern Division clarifying the organization’s stance on the LGBTQ issue, you will find the following statement. “It is not The Salvation Army’s practice to spend funds on lobbying. The Salvation Army is apolitical and concentrates its resources on providing relief and compassionate care to those in crisis.” (Source)
Hearkening back to a Clinton-esque form of defensive rhetoric, your understanding of the Army’s statement may depend on what the definition of “apolitical” is. If you take the straightforward meaning of “apolitical” to be “not interested in or involved in politics,” then you’ll find the Army – an evangelical, self-proclaimed “church” – to be engaging in outright deception.
How can this be? Because the Salvation Army is anything but apolitical.
In the 2016 election cycle, though mere pittances compared to the sizable check writing ability it has, the Salvation Army made numerous contributions to numerous campaigns. The top recipient?Bernie Sanders. Runner up? Hillary Clinton. Ted Cruz came in a distant third. (Source)
Now, to clarify, these political donations were made by “individuals and affiliates” in the name of the Army. But, considering that officers swear an oath of allegiance to the Army that includes, among other things, the affirmation to “abstain from alcoholic drink. tobacco, the non-medical use of addictive drugs, gambling, pornography, the occult, and all else that could enslave the body or spirit,” it seems likely that if the military-like command of the Army wished to restrict such political activity in its name, it could easily do so.
For the 2016 election cycle overall, the evangelical church that (again, allegedly) is The Salvation Army gave 83% of its political contributions to Democrat candidates, who, as we know, happen to be quite “pro-LGBTQ” and “pro-choice.” Outranking Sanders and Clinton in total Army political donations was the DNC Services Corporation, the acronymic corporation of the Democratic National Committee. The Army gave 14% to Republican candidates for office.
Is God just a highly effective fundraising tool for The Salvation Army?  
When taking a broad look at The Salvation Army, there is much about which to be concerned – if you’re a Bible-informed believer.  As a church, it knowingly violates many clear commands of Scripture – no baptism, no Lord’s Supper.  As a church, it willfully entangles itself with the world in order to fulfill its “mission from God,” but is equally ready and able to relinquish its presumed faith-focused commitments when challenged with the loss of funding because of those beliefs.  Though enjoying the tax advantages of a non-profit church and the polished image of a charity that helps attract countless Christian donors,  it yields to secular demands when potential financial loss as a result of that faith-based image seems to loom.  While employing thousands, it rewards them with low pay and promises of eternal security for obedience while it rewards itself with a staggering portfolio of immense assets.  It claims the Bible as its guide but is eager to promote culturally-palatable positions on homosexuality and abortion.  Though it claims to be disengaged from politics, the Army consistently allows affiliates to align it with, most often, left wing agendas that many within evangelicalism would find worthy of anathematizing.
It certainly seems that, for all its noble claims, the modern Salvation Army has discovered that God, even in a faithless world, is a terrific marketing tool.  And when He’s not, they’ll skip the Deity and just point to their work … “Doing the most good.” For all the temporal good it may do, the success of the Army seems less a function of obedience to God than it does to a well-orchestrated marketing plan that relies on deft image management, professional consulting, and savvy profit-building business plans.
As E.B. White said, one thing does always lead to another. In the Salvation Army, it seems, it always leads to one particular place – its coffers. But the one thing that it hardly ever leads to is the gospel … and that is simply because … The Salvation Army is not a church.
[Contributed by Bud Ahlheim]


Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen
Published on Dec 3, 2016
Flouting the careful diplomatic plans that the globalists have quietly laid out for the last half century, Donald Trump spoke with the President of Taiwan. This historic phone call has signaled very powerfully that the united states will no longer stand by as the Chinese encroach upon the rest of the world. 

Republic of China (Taiwan) President Tsai Ing-wen’s Inaugural Address 05/20/16


President Tsai: Taiwan Will Not Succumb 
to China
Published on Oct 5, 2016
Taiwan’s first woman president, Tsai Ing-wen, in an exclusive interview with The Wall Street Journal, discusses the island’s fraught relations with China, tensions over territorial disputes, the upcoming U.S. election and her views on Hong Kong. Photo: Craig Ferguson for The Wall Street Journal.
New Taiwan President Calls for Dialogue 
But Not ‘One China’
Published on May 20, 2016
In her inauguration speech, Tsai Ing-Wen emphasized the need to create other trade outlets and reinforced her commitment towards democratic freedoms. 
Republic of China (Taiwan) President Tsai Ing-wen’s National Day Address 10/10/16



Video: Christine Williams On The Ignoring Of The Genocide Of Christians In The Middle East

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/12/video-christine-williams-on-the-genocide-of-christians-in-the-middle-eastrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Jihad Watch writer Christine Williams addressed the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research on November 20, 2016, on the Muslim persecution of Christians in the Middle East.



Keith Ellison’s Saudi Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Jihadi Cleric, Bank That Funds Jihad Homicide Bombings

Keith Ellison with Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah

Keith Ellison: Israel Controls U.S. Foreign Policy


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/12/keith-ellison-israel-controls-u-s-foreign-policyrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose ties to the Muslim Brotherhood are well known, has managed to climb the ranks of the Democratic Party and now seeks to be its leader, which is itself proof of the widening gap between those who value human rights and democratic freedoms and those who are willing to hand such values over to Islamic supremacists without a fight.
Ellison has “unfriendly” intentions toward the state of Israel, threatening (and promising, in essence) to reduce American friendship with Israel and enhance ties with neighboring Islamic states. He revealed these intentions some time ago at a fundraiser that was hosted by Esam Omeish, a past president of the Muslim American Society who had to resign from a Virginia state immigration panel when the Investigative Project busted him with a videotape that showed him “praising Palestinians for choosing the the jihad way …to liberate your land.” Now it’s Ellison’s turn:
Ellison lashed out at what he sees as Israel’s disproportionate influence in American foreign policy. That will change, he promised, as more Muslims gained political influence:
“The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million. Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes. Can I say that again?”
“IPT Exclusive: In Private Fundraiser, Ellison Blasted Israeli Influence Over U.S. Policy”, Steven Emerson, IPT News, November 29, 2016:
U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison’s announcement earlier this month that he wants to be the Democratic National Committee’s next chairman drew quick support from several key lawmakers, including Jewish senators Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders.
Ellison backers also have defended him against claims he may hold anti-Semitic views in addition to being anti-Israel. A column in Israel’s liberal daily Haaretz quotes two rabbis praising Ellison, D-Minn., as “the best of our constitutional democracy and the best of America” and “an extraordinary leader. Anyone who would associate him with any kind of hatred hasn’t met him and certainly hasn’t worked with him.”
A 2010 audio of Ellison speaking at a private fundraiser obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism calls such praise into question. In a fairly intimate setting, Ellison lashed out at what he sees as Israel’s disproportionate influence in American foreign policy. That will change, he promised, as more Muslims gained political influence:
“The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million. Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes. Can I say that again?”
The fundraiser for Ellison’s re-election campaign was hosted by Esam Omeish, a past president of the Muslim American Society (MAS) who was forced to resign from a Virginia state immigration panel in 2007 after an exclusive IPT videotape showed him praising Palestinians for choosing the “the jihad way … to liberate your land.” Omeish was a candidate for Virginia’s general assembly the previous year, and Ellison spoke at a fundraiser for that losing effort.
In his 2010 remarks, he described Omeish as “my beloved brother and I love you and you are the best and your family is so beautiful and again, you know, you put it out there. You ran. And I hope you run again.”
Also present at the fundraiser was Nihad Awad, a co-founder and executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and a member of a Muslim Brotherhood-created Hamas support network in America known as the Palestine Committee.
Ellison’s comments about Israeli political influence do not appear to be a poor choice of words. A year earlier, as conflict raged between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Ellison told Al Jazeera that “the people who have a strong sympathy for the Israeli position dominate the conversation. It is really not politically safe to say there have been two sides to this.”
A month later, Ellison told the BBC that outreach to Hamas was not feasible for a member of Congress – not because it is a terrorist organization with an anti-Semitic charter demanding Israel’s destruction – but because it is too politically risky.
“What I can tell you now is that the constellation of political forces in the United States at this moment would make a member of Congress who has reached out directly to Hamas spend all their time defending that decision and would not be able to deal with other critical issues that need to be focused on. So for example if I were to make a move like that I wouldn’t be able to focus my attention on the humanitarian issue. I’d have to defend myself to my colleagues why I reached out to a terrorist organization. It would absorb all of my time. I would spend a lot of time fighting off personal attack and would not be able to achieve goals that I have.”
Just after the 2009 Gaza war, Ellison was among 22 House members to vote “present” rather than take a stand on a nonbinding House resolution “recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza, reaffirming the United States’ strong support for Israel, and supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Ellison claimed he was “torn” on the issue because it “barely mentions the human suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza.”
Ellison long has demanded that Israel open its borders to Gaza, arguing that economic aid and development would help ease tensions and resulting violence. In 2010, he authored a letter signed by 53 House colleagues which called on President Obama to pressure Israel into opening the border.
Ellison described the blockade as “collective punishment” on Gaza residents.
He re-upped the argument in a 2014 Washington Post oped which was written during new conflict between Israel and Hamas. Hamas terrorists provoked the war by kidnapping and murdering three teenagers and by launching thousands of rockets at Israeli civilian areas.
But Ellison argued that peace would come with economic relief in Gaza and said an end to the blockade should be part of any ceasefire.
“The status quo for ordinary Gazans is a continuation of no jobs and no freedom,” he wrote. “This is not an attractive future. Gazans want and deserve the dignity of economic opportunity and freedom to move.”
The restrictions on imports to Gaza were aimed at curbing the flow of materials sent to Hamas to build rockets, bombs and other tools for terrorism. Israel allows humanitarian aid into the territory. But Hamas continues to divert millions of dollars in aid and supplies which could be used to improve daily life in order to dig more attack tunnels and restock its terrorist arsenal.
While he also said that “Hamas must give up its rockets and other weapons” to achieve peace, Ellison was one of only eight House members to vote against increasing funding for Israel to provide added funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense program. Even though it successfully intercepted dozens of Hamas rockets, especially those aimed at population centers, Ellison said the proposal was no good because “the US government needs to be prioritizing a ceasefire between the two sides.”
These statements and countless others should concern DNC officials before choosing a leader early next year. Any chairperson’s job will include efforts to preserve and maintain the party’s support from American Jews. Exit polling indicates an estimated 71 percent of Jewish voters supported Hillary Clinton’s candidacy.
Jewish leaders either don’t know the extent of Ellison’s relationship with Islamist groups like CAIR, or of his consistent criticism of Israeli actions, especially in response to Hamas terror, or they do not care. Jonathan Greenblatt, the Anti-Defamation League’s chief executive, issued a statement last week saying Ellison “is a man of good character” and “an important ally in the fight against anti-Semitism and for civil rights.”
As we have shown, he’s also a man who believes Jewish interests disproportionately influence American foreign policy.
During last summer’s national convention, Ellison and other delegates supporting Sanders wanted the Democratic Party platform to delete a description of Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided capital” and wanted to gut language opposing the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement targeting the Jewish state.
Those efforts were pushed back, but should have a far stronger position under an Ellison-run DNC.
In addition to seeing Israel as controlling government policy, Ellison has supported prominent Islamists targeted for their direct support for Palestinian terrorist organizations.
During a 2008 radio interview, Ellison praised Sami Al-Arian. Years earlier, evidence admitted into a federal court showed Al-Arian served on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Shura council, in essence, its board of directors. Despite that fact, Ellison said he wished “that Dr. Al-Arian and his family have peace, have justice, and are able to secure a greater quality of justice for their case,” saying he found “some things about his case that I think raise legitimate questions.”
Similarly, Ellison expressed frustration at the 2007 terrorist financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development and five former officials. The charity, shut down by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2001, funneled millions of dollars to Hamas through a network of Palestinian charities the terrorist group controlled.
But after a trial ended with a hung jury on most counts, Ellison blasted the case as “persecution” during remarks at a CAIR fundraising banquet in Anaheim. CAIR was named an un-indicted co-conspirator in the case, in part due to internal Palestine Committee documents showing CAIR was part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. network from the moment of its 1994 inception.
“And the worst of it was not that these people’s lives were disrupted, their reputations were tarnished,” Ellison said. “The worst of it was that [300] other organizations were tossed in to the mix of it all as they were listed as un-indicted co-conspirators. No evidence to be found that they had done anything. So here is what we have today. 300 reputable civil rights organizations, including CAIR, put on a list they never should have been put on in a case where they had been thoroughly exonerated. It’s time to call an end to wasting taxpayer money in this manner. There have been other prosecutions for Muslim charities and we’ve come up with nothing at all when it comes to convictions in these cases. It’s time for us to call a stop to this selective prosecution. It’s time to say that our justice system and our prosecutors and our police officers are here to investigate crime for the sake of public safety, not to pursue a political agenda.”
The Holy Land defendants were retried in 2008, with jurors convicting the defendants on all counts. Ellison did not comment.
In 2009, Ellison made the pilgrimage to Mecca known as the Hajj. His travels were financed by the Muslim American Society (MAS), which insiders have acknowledged is the Muslim Brotherhood’s overt arm in the United States….


Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Keith Ellison: Perfect for the DNC

Keith Ellison defends comments about Middle East in open letter to ADL


Published on Dec 1, 2016
Rep. Keith Ellison, a leading contender to be the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee, wrote an open letter to the Anti-Defamation League over past comments he made about American policy in the Middle East that the group says are “disqualifying.”

The first Muslim elected to Congress responded to a statement issued by ADL’s CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, who this week in a statement condemned a 2010 Ellison speech implying US policy in the region favored Israel at the expense of Muslim-majority countries — “that U.S. foreign policy is based on religiously or national origin-based special interests rather than simply on America’s best interests.”
“In a speech recorded in 2010 to a group of supporters, Rep. Ellison is heard suggesting that American foreign policy in the Middle East is driven by Israel, saying: ‘The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million. Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes,'” the statement read.
Greenblatt continued, “Rep. Ellison’s remarks are both deeply disturbing and disqualifying.”
Rep. Keith Ellison faces renewed scrutiny over past ties to Nation of Islam, defense of anti-Semitic figures
In Ellison’s open letter to the ADL, he said his 2010 comments were “selectively edited and taken out of context by an individual the Southern Poverty Law Center has called an ‘anti-Muslim extremist.'”
“I wish we could have spoken once again before your most recent statement. If given the opportunity, I could have provided a full and proper explanation,” Ellison wrote in the letter. “My memory is that I was responding to a question about how Americans with roots in the Middle East could engage in the political process in a more effective way. My advice was simply to get involved. I believe that Israel and the U.S.-Israel relationship are, and should be, key considerations in shaping U.S. policy in the Middle East.”
Ellison, who said he was “saddened” by the ADL statement, added that he wanted to meet soon with Greenblatt “to discuss our shared beliefs and commitment to fairness and justice,” and said he was “committed to building a strong relationship with you.”
Ellison added that he thought the comments were being surfaced by unnamed “right-wing interests to drive a wedge between long-standing allies in the fight for equal rights.”
“My record proves my deep and long-lasting support for Israel, and I have always fought anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, and homophobia – the same values embodied by the Anti-Defamation League.”
Ellison is also facing criticism for past ties to the Nation of Islam and his defense of its anti-Semitic leader, Louis Farrakhan — which are resurfacing as he campaigns to lead the DNC.
CNN’s KFile reviewed Ellison’s past writings and public statements during the late 1980s through the 1990s, which revealed his decade-long involvement in the Nation of Islam. However, none of the records reviewed found examples of Ellison making any anti-Semitic comments himself, and Ellison disavowed his early comments in 2006 after it became an issue during his run for Congress.
In his 2006 comments, Ellison wrote he had seen the Nation of Islam and the Million Man March as positive efforts to promote responsibility and economic development in the black community — but added that he had failed to scrutinize the views of Farrakhan and Khalid Abdul Muhammad and wrongly dismissed concerns they were anti-Semitic.
The American Jewish World endorsed Ellison in 2006, saying they were “convinced that Ellison has had a real change of heart and mind.”
And speaking to a synagogue in 2006, Ellison said he was confronting a past he wasn’t proud of.
“I wasn’t proud of my work with the Nation of Islam,” Ellison said at the time, “but I was hoping it wouldn’t come up. I have come face to face with my past.”

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