Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has described the Obama administration’s grab at a new state church that “requires a ‘license’ of embracing sexual liberation in all its forms”, that is, before you can do just about anything in a public way.
    Notably absent from his comments is any criticism of Giglio’s emerging “evolved” theology, failure to reiterate the true Christian position against homosexuality and other deviant behavior as described in the Bible as he did 15+ years ago, failure to explain why he has avoided preaching on this subject for the last 15+ years, and why it “hasn’t been in the range of my (his) priorities” for this time period.
    Why doesn’t Moore press these issues with Giglio publicly when the time is ripe? Is it that pastors like this are used to being exempt from public accountability because they are now the new leaders (not shepherds or ministers) of the flock who are above and beyond reproach? Or is this just another example of pastoral timidity or cowardice too? We would venture to say both, i.e., when faced with an opportunity to clearly define boundaries they won’t broach the subject for political correctness, leaving God’s Word maligned by failure to act when appropriate. As Chris Rosebrough said, it is like a soldier being AWOL from the battlefield.
    Clearly, when there are so many pastors behaving like this for all the world to see (in name only, who only see themselves as lords over people), there is fertile ground for fascism in both church and state now. They are nothing less than complicit with an evil, corrupt, anti-Christian state. Shades of Hitler’s Germany once again. A public rebuke is in order for these types.
    Here is Moore’s article:
    David Cloud of Way of Life has a lengthy article citing 12 categories of what will be illegal when homosexuality is legal: